‘save’ his family, according to the Tribune.
‘Hell, yeah, I saved them they can go up and be holy,’ Jones reportedly said, adding that he kissed the children and their mom.
Relatives say Wallace was two months
pregnant with Jones’ baby, but the charges do not mention the alleged pregnancy, according to the report.
Of note, cops turned up an hour prior to the shooting to conduct a welfare check only for the mother to re-assure police everything was all-right.
A neighbor’s security camera caught Jones peeking through the window of Wallace’s apartment Saturday afternoon, about 30 minutes before the bodies were discovered. He was seen entering the house shortly before running outside to a Jeep Compass with damage to the front bumper and no license plate.
‘When I was seeing Kilty (how, even today, the word seeing mesmerizes me), the fact of my blindness was never mentioned, referred to, or alluded to’.
When I was seeing Kilty (how, even today, the word ‘seeing’ mesmerizes me), the fact of my blindness was never mentioned, referred to, or alluded to. My recent friends cannot believe that could have been the case – indeed, from my present vantage point, I myself can scarcely believe it, especially since Kilty and I were so intimate in everything else. But in this respect my relationship with Kilty was not unusual; I was equally reticent about the subject with practically everyone else. The silence must have been a testament to the force of my will.