In the country s first Arm-wrestling Academy situated in Birla Nagar, Gwalior, along with the regular players, government employees are also practising vigorously for the national competitions to be held later in the year. The players are practising under the guidance of arm-wrestling world
Minimalism meets mixology in the packaging design for Jimmy’s Cocktails, a line of premium cocktail mixers. The brand’s glass bottles are adorned with bold, bright colors, adding a playful touch to the brand’s modern and sophisticated aesthetic. The minimalist approach to design allows the vibrant colors to truly shine, making these bottles stand out on the shelf.
Patil has appointed Suresh Godhani and Nituben Bambhaniya as Surendranagar district in-charges. In other words Patil has relieved Nitin Bhardwaj from his responsibility of Surendranagar. In the party Bhardwaj is considered the right hand man of Vijay Rupani.Bhar
Former Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani's another trustworthy aide has lost his job in the party. Party sources told IANS that it is a clear indication that state BJP chief C.R. Patil and Rupani have not yet resolved their differences.Patil .