critics as biden s cowardly, feckless response to this crisis continues fec to unfold e real time.. horfoangerous is this fo our national security? we ll have a deep dove intoo that. th clear .alloon this balloon wasn t out for a joyride. china wa as collectingolutely intelligence and absolutely testing your presidenting your b us s response. now, day aftery dayand went b. and any attempt to assure any of us that they didn t collectt. intel, frankly, is not credible to me. is it not is it nott possible they had technology that maybe we don t know about or we stop them from collecting intelligence? do you kno intellince.w that fo? i don t think anybody can answer that question honestly tonight.needs answers. it s about but america needs answers. why di it s about our national security. why did joe biden fails in to respond when he became aware of thit ons incident? first on saturday, january twenty eighth, to spy balloon flew over alaska. joe biden did nothing. two days later,
station. why didn t sirens go like a tornado? off likethat could have put it ? it s safe to say it is heartbreaking. the administration s response to this derailment has been abysmal. biden s epa administratorup i finally showed up inn ohio the today. that was p only because ofub the public outcry and mounting political fallout. and today there was yet anotherr derailment of a train carrying. hazardous materials, this time just outside of detroit. is it just me or does it seem like there have been a lot of train derailment lately?sed or are we supposedas to believe this is all part of the new normalt of? i of course, this is not normal. it is totally unacceptable until we at fox and a handful of other journalists started to demand answers. the biden team seemed to beo fairly unfazed by all of this. so when they finally do speakpru out under political pressure, rethey have zero credibility.. they ve left behind suchie a trail of lies on all subjects that i wasn t surprised
it has yet to be returned to that. wow. janvi, i have great to see you tonight. thanks so much. now, afterafter the reporting e brought you last week regardinga the horrors going on at that child,rrors gender center inte missouri, the attorney general the e stepped on stepped into it to stop it.n the the hospital refused and the ag has a new plan. he s here to tell us about yu it next. abo cei m jonathan lawson here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial a program. re program. re if you re age 50 to 85 and looking to buy life insurance looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the threare p s? what are the three p s? what are the three p s? the three pillars of life insuranca e on a fixed budget ae price, price and price a pricec you can afford a price that can t increase and a price that fits your budget. i m fifty four. what s my price? what s my price? you can get coverage for nine dollarsal. ninety 95 cents a month.
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