these words from secretary of state antony blinken we heard before, it is husband fourth visit in three months to the region, with that message always of calls for deetscalation and fear this is conflict could spread further. but this time in the context where in reality, there has been an increase in tensions around the region, we re look at what s been happening in the red sea. the houthi rebels and attacks on commercial vessels there, the inn creased attacks from iraq, but the most significantly, the assassination of a top official who was killed in a targeted bomb figure beirut, the first attack on the lebanese c capita since e the e war by i israel. thatat has led to what bewe hav seen ovever the coururse of the weekend.d. just thehe initial r response f
i am thehe originatotor. he wouould say thahat all the e. and as a a kid, i dididn t knknow what ththat meant.. it didn n t really make senense to me.. but ththen when yoyou look back at ththe history y of soe of the greats documented in history, there s such a soulful sound that is undeniably from the culture. sidndney madden:n: i think w wt comes to c copyright l lawsui, legal l decisionss don t t have anyththing to d do with eththical ones. and culturural approprpriation s undeder that umbmbrella of e e. [chuck b berry, sweweet litte sixteeeen ] natete rogers: t the chuck b y sosong, sweetet little sisix wawas essentiaially rewrititty the beach h boys by brbrian win as susurfin usa a . [t[the beach b boys, surfrfin ] (singing) they re e really rocking inin boston and pittttsburgh, papa. if everybobody had an n ocean acacross the u usa, then e ever- it s thehe same songng almost e entirely. [chuhuck berry, sweet lititte sisixteen ] (s(singing) bebee soso excited.. [the beachch
will own the master and any slave recordings. a slave isis a copy ofof the ma. the roots s of these terms obviviously gogo back to t the very bibirta nation e era of whitite suprem. lisa r respers frarance: alalmost sincece the begining ofof the musicic industry,, there e have been n the feelig thatat white artrtists havee taken frfrom black a artists and mamade it intoto somethining that thehey felt wawas more palalatable for a whitite audiencece. shirley hahalperin: anand it hahappens in e every indusus. in f fashion, inin music, hihis- you naname it. the momoney doesn n t flow. ththe attentioion doesn t t w toto the blackck creators.. it is, i in a way, h hijacked by the w white creatators. cari chahampion: litittle richchard had ofoften said,, i am thehe originatotor. he wouould say thahat all the e. and as a a kid, i dididn t knknow what ththat meant.. it didn n t really make senense to me.. but ththen when yoyou look back at ththe history y of soe
it. to be clear, i didn t write candidate books. i wrote it thoughtfunot writcani i wrote three thoughtful books. and i was honest in doing thought experiments in those bookingought exs s. but the opposition research is now, as you know well, and you didn ttr th get any. you do not support that. do you support any inheritance t tax? absolutely. do not support that. i absolutely rejecely do nt tha that s a separate question. that just to be aware, you suppore clt no low tax, no doubt fact, no death tax at no h all. no change to the status that so the st what i support on the status quo. zodiacs. the status quo 40 anything you support 40%. do you support nothing? noth i support a 12% flat tax across the board of every kind, including from inheritance to incom the boae to capital gas to you would lower $0.01 to 12. you can. on every measuremear across the board income to estate. 12 and a half percent across the board. all right. the background my swami, thank you. appreci
the reason why i did that was i wanted to show other young people that you don t have to cower to belize, we can keep doing the work and keep getting educated. you don t have to listen to the haters. the things about your background surprise me as i learned about it, including the e joined a shooting club. is this correct? in college? yes. why did you do that? and desist the prize people in their learn as it did me? this is really my first time talking in any formal context about why i did that. was after one of the many shootings but it happened this year that i was thinking to myself, i could not sleep that night. what have i not done? we have talked to counter protesters we, talk to people who support, as we ve turned out voters, and ultimately what i realized that the only thing i haven t done the haven t gone directly to people who do disagree and meet them where they re at. surely that is not for everyone in the gun violence prevention group by any means, but i grew up ar