The animated short’s creative team, part of the immersive career excel-erator program, along with Netflix and Women in Animation Vancouver, will present their film’s world premiere, including a Q&A and panel, at the festival, which runs November 13 – December 31.
Submissions now open for short films from creators in the U.S., Canada and U.K.; festival details still to be worked out, but awards will include project stipends, acquisitions, and development opportunities.
Seth Green and John Harvatine have teamed up with Macroverse and artist Patrick Williams on a new Halloween project, bringing their graphic novel direct to fans, kicking off with a stop-motion short - and tons of images - to introduce audiences to the world of some cute, talking eggs.
Created over 40 years ago by studio founders Peter Lord and David Sproxton, the iconic clay character joined the campaign drawing attention to the U.K.’s upcoming telecommunications transformation.
In the all-new special, which debuts today, October 27 on Paramount+, Cartman has disturbing dreams; will he be replaced, and will life as he knows it come to an end?