Released at COP28, the short integrates stop-motion animation with real smoke, immersing viewers in a world where a young girl confronts a smoke-filled environment; experience the film and take a look behind the scenes.
Created over 40 years ago by studio founders Peter Lord and David Sproxton, the iconic clay character joined the campaign drawing attention to the U.K.’s upcoming telecommunications transformation.
The spot features cheerful CG-enhanced ‘ingredients’ happily embarking on an epic journey to face their destiny in the ‘Bake Off’ tent; new season debuts in September.
Directed by BAFTA laureate Claire Norowzian, the live-action/animated commercial ‘There's a Collection in Everyone’ reignites the thrill of collecting for a new audience of international kids.
Brazilian pet food brand 374 Pets tapped the mixed media and animation studio, who working with local animation students to create ‘Universo 374,’ a 2D animated spot bringing furry, feathery, and scaly critters to life.