What are the significant upsides and downsides to the growth and adoption of ChatGPT and other AI applications for streaming professionals, and how can they leverage its strengths effectively? Boston 25 News Ben Ratner, LiveX s Corey Behnke, AugX Labs Jeremy Boeman, Mobeon s Mark Alamares, and Intellivid Research s Steve Vonder Haar discuss in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.
How can streaming pros deal with all of the copyright and fact-checking pitfalls of using AI systems trained with public datasets as error-ridden and inappropriately expropriated as the internet itself? Boston 25 News Ben Ratner, IntelliVid Research s Steve Vonder Haar, AugXLabs Jeremy Toeman, and LiveX s Corey Behnke discuss how to navigate this minefield in this clip from Streaming Media Connect 2023.
Most live-streamed productions are almost entirely focused delivering a great stream to a live audience, but if you re not thinking about the flip to VOD when you re live, many producers would argue that it s one of the first things you should be thinking when the live show ends.
Most live-streamed productions are almost entirely focused delivering a great stream to a live audience, but if you re not thinking about the flip to VOD when you re live, many producers would argue that it s one of the first things you should be thinking when the live show ends.