West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday spoke to farmers protesting in Delhi against the Centre s new agriculture laws and assured them that her party stands by them, a TMC leader said.
On the EPE, more than 300 tractors lined up about 2km at UP Gate near the Ghazipur border
JHAJJAR/GURUGRAM/GHAZIABAD/GREATER NOIDA: Thousands of tractors took over the Western and Eastern Peripheral Expressways on Thursday in a rally billed as a rehearsal for the show of strength farmers’ groups are planning on Republic Day – a tractor parade – in their campaign against the new agriculture laws.
The tractor marches started from four different points – Singhu to Tikri border, Tikri towards Kundli, Ghazipur to Palwal and Dhansa to Badli. The first two assembled midway at Kharkoda. A fifth planned rally, from Rewasan in Nuh to Palwal, could not be held as its leader was arrested.