The Neighborhood Congregational Church (NCC) celebrated its 80th anniversary in the Laguna Beach community on Nov. 19 with a brunch featuring special guest Jackie Nunez, a Native American storyteller and basket weaver.
After a three-year hiatus, Laguna Real Estate Charitable Assistance Fund (LRE/CAF) brought back the popular Pet Parade and Chili Cook-off on Saturday, June 24, held outside the Neighborhood Congregational Church. Launched in 1997, the fundraiser event's primary beneficiaries are the Laguna Beach Animal Shelter and the Blue Bell Foundation for Cats.
Laguna high school students walk for water this Sunday Laguna Beach has a history of being a waterwise community, so it's not surprising 25 of Laguna's high school students have taken that motto to heart by "Walking for Water." Last year, the $100,000 they raised helped underwrite the costs of building six freshwater wells in West Africa and India. This year, organizers of the next walking event, which will be held on March 26 at the Laguna Beach High School track, hope to raise even more money.