The Enforcement Directorate has registered a money laundering case against Sameer Wankhede for allegedly demanding a Rs 25-crore bribe from Shah Rukh Khan. Wankhede has sought protection from the Bombay High Court. The case is filed under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act.
The Enforcement Directorate has registered a money laundering case against former Mumbai NCB zonal director Sameer Wankhede taking cognisance of a CBI FIR in an alleged Rs 25-crore bribe demand from superstar Shah Rukh Khan s family to spare his son in a drugs case, official sources said Saturday.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) seizes a gym set worth Rs 37 lakh, which was purchased with drug money. The seizure is part of the crackdown on a drug syndicate run by Surinder Kalra, who is linked to drug lord Akshay Chhabra. Stay updated with the latest news on drug busts and seizures.
Wankhade has accused Singh, a senior officer of the Indian Police Service (IPS), of harassment during the enquiry related to the Cordelia drug bust case in which actor Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan had been arrested.