To stop this and more im joined by my guest to meet me bob its in moscow he is a political analyst and editor of you know just me internet project and in court we have Geoffrey Robertson he is americas professor of history at University College cork and a member of the Royal Irish Academy his latest book is churchill and stalin comrades in arms during the 2nd world war right gentlemen crossed out roles in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want house appreciate it or i let me 1st go to the demon here in moscow you know d. M. A. Here we go again this is almost like our tradition with our calling jeffrey we do this every single year commemorating victory in europe over fascism and for every single year that we do it we find ourselves in more and more in a revisionist mode here i mean as i understand as were sitting down doing our chat right now. Is it facebook has banned a colorized version of the of the serbian banner over europe and the very very iconic one of showing victor
Is very necessary solidarity. This and more im joined by my guest to me bob its in moscow he is a political analyst and editor of you know just me internet project and in court we have Geoffrey Robertson he is americas professor of history at University College cork and a member of the Royal Irish Academy his latest book is churchill and stalin comrades in arms during the 2nd world war right gentlemen crossed out roles in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want the house appreciate it or i let me 1st go to a demon here in moscow you know dma here we go again this is almost like our tradition with our calling jeffrey we do this every single year commemorating victory in europe over fascism and for every single year that we do it we find ourselves more and more in a revisionist mode here i mean as i understand as were sitting down doing our chat right now is that facebook has banned a colorized version of the of the soviet banner over europe and the very very iconic one of sho
A true story i mean what in the world is going on here the black and white version seems to be acceptable the color when not are there different meanings or is this a revisionist cell and why in the world would anyone want to deny that iconic photographs its like the sailor kissing the young lady on times square in victory over japan i mean what is going on here go ahead well i dont know which exactly of which were acting exactly. We mean here more likely its that i want to image or west soviet soldier which are not their advantage or rights which was basically the central issue of Central Power you know nazi germany so for gates there was no problem with a slat you know it. Emits its like that you might or american soldiers would you not a flag. In the pacific during the war with japan you would seem. Were going to cause a scandal here well basically a lot of russians are now thinking what plane or on why that discrepancy and your theory i mean general Geoffrey Robertson had just show
Mean what i was. Going to fall for is that in a lot of well obviously this pandemic here is cancel the press their bodies in russia on the 70 good banner verse 3 of the end of the 2nd world war in europe in the end. But the spirit here is still very much alive and how is that spirit changed in your mind because i think its fair to say that the big 3 in 1045 reenergize the legitimacy of communist rule in the soviet union and that in that maintained that was maintained that it was me all the way when its taken out and i think even more important residents in post soviet russia in 202070 years back and i would attribute it to you as protecting russia from a very hostile and sure you want world and thats certainly the kind of world were living in right now. Its certainly true that theres been a very strong revival of memories of the 2nd decade or so i think its close and such as the origin of the much this row people carry the pictures of their ancestors of. I think about 10 years ago mayb
This and more im joined by my guest underneath me good on the hes a professor at Moscow State Institute of International Relations and in ottawa we crossed to Paul Robinson he is a professor of history at the university of ottawa and author of numerous books and russian and history original macross up rules in effect that means you can jump i mean what i was. Going to ball 1st in a lot of well obviously this pandemic here is cancel the press their buddies in russia on the 70 good banner verse 3 of the. Second world war in europe in the end. But the spirit here is still very much alive and how is that spirit changed in your mind because i think its fair to say that the big 3 in 1045 reenergize the legitimacy of communist rule in the soviet union and that in that maintained that was. Maintained that it was me all the way when its taken out and i think even more important residents in kosovo hit russia in 202070 years. And i would attribute it to you as protecting russia from a very hosti