CMAT 2022 exam Result has been released on April 29, 2022 by NTA with many changes in CMAT Score card which does not have Percentile this year and has created panic among the students and distress among the admission heads of AICTE approved management institutes accepting CMAT score.
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MUMBAI, India, April 6, 2021 /PRNewswire/ India s biggest GK Olympiad, Mind Wars, a multiplatform knowledge programme promoted by Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd. (ZEEL), the nation s largest media house, came into its culmination on 7
th February. A national level competition, the Mind Wars Olympiad, served as an impetus for children to use their time well by honing their general knowledge as well imbibing the spirit of competition and excellence. The entire Olympiad is based on the premise that Quizzing helps children understand the importance of general knowledge and imbues in them skills that not only help them ace the competition, but in life as well.