We have here two very accomplished authors who are known in part their writing about the american south. And theyre both from the american south. And the occasion is the publication Howell Raines new book a silent cavalry, which covers some interesting ideas about how the white southerners have responded more favorably to the civil rights notes to the civil war, to not to the civil war, but where supporters of opponents of succession. Thats what im trying to say. How i was born in birmingham and got a masters from birmingham, southern, a masters from the university of alabama. He worked for three southern newspapers, joined the times in 1978. As of correspondent in atlanta. He then White House Correspondent and then became deputy Washington Correspondent Bureau chief to became then London Bureau chief, then became Washington Bureau chief. As you can see, he was moving up the ladder. Then he was editor of the editorial for eight years and. Finally, in 2000, one was named executive edito
2023 American Battlefield trust annual conference here in franklin, tennessee. We really appreciate you all coming out here and being a part of this event. And our next speaker is going to talk specifically about the battle here at franklin, which is one of the most famous or infamous battles of the American Civil War, which took place in november of 1864. Many of you will be traveling out to franklin to check out that battlefield site over the next few days. Youll be out there with some great historians, including my boss, gary edelman, as well as Eric Jacobson, who is part of the battle of franklin trust. Eric runs the Historic Sites out there, places like carton, rip avila and of course, the carter house, where really was the epicenter of the battle there at franklin. So were excited to get you out to the battlefield. We know that this is some of your first times to be out here at franklin and at the American Battlefield trust annual conference. And weve done a lot of work with our
2023 American Battlefield trust annual conference here in franklin, tennessee. We really appreciate you all coming out here and being a part of this event. And our next speaker is going to talk specifically about the battle here at franklin, which is one of the most famous or infamous battles of the American Civil War, which took place in november of 1864. Many of you will be traveling out to franklin to check out that battlefield site over the next few days. Youll be out there with some great historians, including my boss, gary edelman, as well as Eric Jacobson, who is part of the battle of franklin trust. Eric runs the Historic Sites out there, places like carton, rip avila and of course, the carter house, where really was the epicenter of the battle there at franklin. So were excited to get you out to the battlefield. We know that this is some of your first times to be out here at franklin and at the American Battlefield trust annual conference. And weve done a lot of work with our
2023 American Battlefield trust annual conference here in franklin, tennessee. We really appreciate you all coming out here and being a part of this event. And our next speaker is going to talk specifically about the battle here at franklin, which is one of the most famous or infamous battles of the American Civil War, which took place in november of 1864. Many of you will be traveling out to franklin to check out that battlefield site over the next few days. Youll be out there with some great historians, including my boss, gary edelman, as well as Eric Jacobson, who is part of the battle of franklin trust. Eric runs the Historic Sites out there, places like carton, rip avila and of course, the carter house, where really was the epicenter of the battle there at franklin. So were excited to get you out to the battlefield. We know that this is some of your first times to be out here at franklin and at the American Battlefield trust annual conference. And weve done a lot of work with our
experiences serving as a marine in the pacific in a 2000 six interview conducted by the national world war ii museum. his actions as a demolition sergeant on iwo jima earned him the medal of honor. that is [applause] good morning, everyone. my name is jonathan white and i am vice chair of the lincoln forum and it is my pleasure to welcome you to this session. we are on hallowed ground and it is altogether fitting and proper we come to gettysburg every november to commemorate the life and legacy of abraham lincoln. our first speaker this morning is peter carmichael. peter is the professor of civil war studies and director of the civil war institute at gettysburg college. cwi hatsen some around, wonderful to see them. he has a phd in history from penn state university, where he had the good fortune to study under gary gallagher. he is the author or editor of five books, including last generation: young virginians in peace, war, and reunion, published in 2005. he is also one