The Opposition's dilemma over Presidential polls deepens with more parties vouching for support for NDA's tribal nominee Droupadi Murmu. While a key Opposition party from the Hindi belt, BSP, led by Mayawati, a prominent leader from the Dalit community, has broken ranks and already announced her support for Droupadi, Congress alliance partner JMM, led by Hemant Soren, a tribal
President election: NDA government s decision to nominate a tribal woman, Droupadi Murmu, for India s top post is a reflection of the BJP’s slogan of sabka saath, sabka vikas aur sabka vishwas.
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will chair its first coordination committee meeting in the national capital on Sunday to hold detailed discussions for the upcoming presidential election that are due on July 18 this year.
Despite their clear numerical disadvantage, opposition parties have indicated that they will field their own candidate for the presidential election scheduled for July 18 in case more than one candidate is in the fray.