Catching up on our JUNE recaps we realized we did not completely lay out the events that could have affected this survey. This book began on MAY 25th and concluded on JUNE 22nd. That means there were two federally-mandated three-day weekends: Memorial Day and Juneteenth. What does that mean for you? Well, the possibility exists that 50% of your weekend listening was affected IF your listeners got out of Dodge for those weekends. It also means that two Mondays were compromised, though your .
APRIL is a time of hope and renewal. Baseball fans across the nation believe in the possibility of their teams’ success (sit down, ORIOLES fans). The EASTER BUNNY spreads her bounty for children of all ages to discover and devour. And radio stations soldier on with the hope that this latest survey will be the one that makes all the difference. It is a LUCY/CHARLIE BROWN/football situation that is repeated 13 times a year. Why does APRIL stand out? Frankly, it doesn’t. This is just .
As you come down from your Halloween-induced sugar high, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. are here to pick you up with some scintillating details about the October survey. We usually include our friends from XTRENDS, but they are still in a deep funk over the DODGERS playoff exit. This survey is OCTOBER-ish as it began on SEPTEMBER 16th and concluded on OCTOBER 13th. It featured a second-tier federal holiday weekend, heavy traffic, and loads o’ football. It will also .