Shark Tank star
Kevin O’Leary at the 2021 Bitcoin Conference in Miami on Saturday, and took the opportunity to ask him why he’s part of the emerging class of millionaires and billionaires who insist on perpetuating an inaccuracy about bitcoin’s environmental sustainability.
O’Leary is often referenced ironically as “Mr. Wonderful”
for sharing caustic criticism with
Shark Tank guests whose business proposals fall short of his standards, and for his hard-charging efforts to make money at nearly any cost such as the time he tried to convince 12-year-old bowtie maker
Moziah Bridges to give him a $3 lifetime commission on every tie he made. (Co-hosts
Gia Peppers, Flexin in My Complexion founder
Kheris Rogers, Princess Mudd founder
Taylor Roberts, Mo’s Bow’s founder
Moziah Bridges and Jettgerale founder
Jett Montgomery each opened up about the evolution of entrepreneurship in a new era of possibilities from the perspective of the next generation of leaders.
Check out the video above to hear what these young bosses had to say and learn more about how you can support their businesses. For more of everything you missed at the second virtual 2020 ESSENCE Entrepreneur Summit, visit
TOPICS: #essenceentrepreneursummitEntrepreneurship
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