Welcome to hannIty. TonIght, early votIng In the commonwealth of PennsylvanIa Commpennsylvy In 12 days. Now, the fIrst maIl In ballots wIll be out to voters vot thIs frIday. That would be tomorrow In north carolIna. A mere and the electIon Is a mere 60 days away. But Kamala HarrIs tIm walz, they have conducted only one LIort IntervIew combIned. They both lIterally run froM Every questIon, even Thosey Runr by frIendly reporters. Coey hav shoe held zero press conferences, no Town Halls, gaggles. None of It In the same tImean frame. Donald trump. J. D. Vance. A partIcIped thme edIted a Wells 40 IntervIews and Town Halls and press conferences, cludIn IncludIng last nIght In harrIsburg, p. A. , where the former took questIons for t more than an hour, In fact. Wellan we couldnt fIt It all I In just one show. I dIond have. Ou wIl one more questIon for the presIdent. Youll see the answer to thIs In a moment. L answer to thIsand that was abr not the presIdent wouldIdent, In fact, how would he d
That you couldnt havE Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/nEtwork-tElEvIsIEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On >NEtwork TElEvIsIEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On. PEoplElE arE Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/rEalllly-tryg >REalllly Tryg tEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/o-d >O Do Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/o-somEthIng >O SomEthIng advEnturou. [both gasp] Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/alall-channElEl >Alall ChannElEl 7, Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/shamE-E >ShamE E Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On. ThIs Is morErE a cElEbrbratIEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On of Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/c-culturE >C CulturE and opEnIng thE doors and allowIng amErIca to Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/comE-Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On >ComE On I InsIdE. ThErEs alwayEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/s-somEthIng >S SomEthIng Ef= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On tElEvIsIEf= https://vImarsana.com/nEws/on- >On, and sosomE of Ef= https://vIm
How else Couldhow Elseou Explai indictment so lame and overtly i political that its guaranteed to galvanize every trump voter like funnel cake at a stoc k race . Theres less meat on this indictment than a turkey carcases lesshis s. Enjoy backyards, trash can. Stelter hastelter s a better cht winning a wet tshirt contest. Dont bothershir reading it. I can sum it up for you. Donald trump disagreed with the electiondonald t outcome. E wo oh, you thought thered be more . Sorry, these are democrats. They dont have to work hard. When the media gives themto cover. And yes, theres this second part to forget about the huntere joe show. Make news to conceal the real news. Yes, the doj, jack smith apparently believed that trumps thought crimescrimes are insidious than the International Racketeering gang knownracketee gan as the bo instead, they chase thought crimes. And if thought crimes were b prosecutable, wed all be screwed. That would be a Death Rowaring complaining about wearing orange. But
intervening. a federal judge ruled yesterday that arkansas s ban on these horrific procedures l. thenstitutiona so now we have the state sanctioned mutilation of children because that s exactly what our founders intended. this truly unfathomable, unfathomable ruling comes as texas governor greg abbott, he signed a bill banningr abbott oriented performances and the presence of minors otherwise peo known as drag shows for kids. but the left, they are doubling downr . npr celebrated san francisco s appointment of a so-called drag laureate. when you win a nobel priz e, you become a nobel laureate. the country also has a poet laureate. many states have poet laureates, and now there is a le drag laureate. npr s chloe veltman recently joinedat the country s first drag laureate on her inaugural public appearance, unfurling a pride flag outside san francisco city hall, rancis getting d arcy drawings ready for hecor first officialpearance appearance as san francisco drag laureate is
- we re rurunning agaiainst a n who s s potentialllly gonna e the firsrst black mamayor ofof new york.k. - - democrat d david dinkiks has s defeated rerepublican r rudolph giuiul. [tenense music]] - - in city hahall, ththere was a a space inin the bowelels of thahat ancient t building that camee to be known as the lair. that s where the cigars would be smoked. and that s where giuliani s inner r circle would watch thehe godfatherer over a and over... [chuckles]s] and overer again. - godfatheher. - rudydy is famoususly obsessd withth the godfdfather. - rudy giuiuliani is a a littlet of e everybody i in that fil. one e night, he e had a showog ofof the godfdfather. and d he sits bebehind me, and duriring the entntire mov, he e explains why the lilife of polilitics is exaxactly the l life ofof the godfafather. and, of cocourse, inin the one s story wherere sonny cocomplains to the gododfather ththat they shshould be selling g drugs, and yoyou see thisis battle within t the