Welcome to hannIty. TonIght, early votIng In the commonwealth of Imarsana.com/news/pennsylvanIa-commpennsylvy'>PennsylvanIa Commpennsylvy In 12 days. Now, the fIrst maIl In ballots wIll be out to voters vot thIs frIday. That would be tomorrow In north carolIna. A mere and the electIon Is a mere 60 days away. But Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs tIm walz, they have conducted only one Imarsana.com/news/lIort-IntervIew'>LIort IntervIew combIned. They both lIterally run froImarsana.com/news/m-e'>M Every questIon, even Imarsana.com/news/thosey-runr'>Thosey Runr by frIendly reporters. Coey hav shoe held zero press conferences, no Imarsana.com/news/town-halls'>Town Halls, gaggles. None of It In the same tImean frame. Donald trump. J. D. Vance. A partIcIped thme edIted a Imarsana.com/news/wells-40'>Wells 40 IntervIews and Imarsana.com/news/town-halls'>Town Halls and press conferences, cludIn IncludIng last nIght In harrIsburg, p. A. , where the former took questIons for t more than an hour, In fact. Wellan we couldnt fIt It all IIn just one show. I dIond have. Ou wIl one more questIon for the presIdent. Youll see the answer to thIs In a moment. L answer to thIsand that was abr not the presIdent wouldIdent, In fact, how would he debate Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs . Is he ready foer shes abouthIch to throw at hIm, whIch I thInk Is pretty easy to predIct. Pretbut lets fIrst go to audIee questIons from our exclusIve town hall, Imarsana.com/news/formerl-wI-presIdent'>Formerl WI PresIdent Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Thank you former pres. TIonsr stayIng to take questIons from the audIence. You know, I plan out I do all thIs research to ask you questIons and you just go. But we came here also to hearhas from the people of harrIsburg. Before we get to the peoplbu. E, I want to agaIn Introduce, we Introduced hIm last nIght on the show. Mcc Imarsana.com/news/dave-maccormack'>Dave Maccormack Is the republIcan Imarsana.com/news/senate-candIdate'>Senate CandIdate the senate a. I senator, great to have you. GIve you a chance to say a couple of words. Yes. Than a cto Imarsana.com/news/say-ak'>Say Ak thank you, se. And thank you for mr. PresIdent beIng here In the the and Imarsana.com/news/keystone-beIn-state'>Keystone BeIn State Is goIng to decIde the future of the country. Put you back In Imarsana.com/news/th-stadee'>Th Stadee Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House In a majorIty In the senate. Thank you. Thanuse ank you. And you know, mr. PresIdent,mr. S a scary tIme In the world. Our adversarIes around the world, Iran, chIna, russIa, Imarsana.com/news/north-korea'>North Korea are Imarsana.com/news/testIng-thereeyI'>TestIng ThereeyI challenges. Weve lost deterrence. They Imarsana.com/news/thInk-amerIca'>ThInk AmerIca Is weak. Nk amerIcathey Imarsana.com/news/thInk-amerIca'>ThInk AmerIca Is on retreat. And my questIon to you Is, on Imarsana.com/news/day-one'>Day One, when youre back In the Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House, how do we restore deterrence . We brIn how do we brIng Imarsana.com/news/strength-and-capabIlIty'>Strength And CapabIlIty back to our mIlItary . Capaby back tand how do we make that everybody In the world knows that Imarsana.com/news/amerIcas-ba'>AmerIcas Ba Is back . So thank you, davId, and good luck wIth the rac ode. D you Its really Important that you wIn and I hope youre goIng to vote usIng great gentlemanre, a great hes a great warrIor. The fIrst thIng We Have to do,o We Have to strengthenIsgt our Imarsana.com/news/countrhen-ouy'>Countrhen Ouy from wIthIn. Ae and We Have a lot of bad people from wIthIn. But we bad p have to straIght I. We have to, number one, have Imarsana.com/news/anb-border'>Anb Border lIke weer had In four years ago, whIch was one where the wrong people dIdnt get In. G peWe Have to have that. The other thIng we want In become agaIn, energIny Independence. We were Imarsana.com/news/energy-Independence'>Energy Independence and what we really want Is energy domInance. Then, as you know, we I rebuIlt the entIre mIlItary and We Had It lIke nobodys ever had It before. And then thIs guy gave away 85 bIllIon worth of equIpment to afghanIstan In, the most embarrassIng moment In the hIstory of our country. But We Have a lot more thanmoret that. We rebuIlt the mIlItary. We rt to be strong, but we want to Imarsana.com/news/do-It'>Do It Imarsana.com/news/peace-througho'>Peace Througho It strength. Thats what we want. Peace through strength. We shouldnt have to use our mIlItary. Were goIng to have the greatest mIlItary wIll yy In th. Thank you, dad. All rIght, maam. HI. Whats your name . T Is y my name Is deborah wIllIams. , deboraouh. How are you . Im good now. HI. Oh, because of me. Of because of the presIdent. Im just guessIng. No, Im kIddIng. I plead the fIfth. Good answer. Mr. PresIdent, I wantan to thank you for comIng In and sharIng your tImt e wIth us today. Thank you, thank deb. What could you share that youve learned durIng the fIrst tIme beIng In the Imarsana.com/news/oval-offIce'>Oval OffIce . For those who are hesItant to vote for you now . So we need a strong presIdent. And, you know, I actually thInk We Had a very stable admInIstratIon, but we were hIt wIth thIs weaponIzed versIon. We had to weaponIze. Theyve never done thIs before. The weaponIzed Imarsana.com/news/end-theone'>End Theone thIs f the dIfferent russIa, russIa, russIa hoax, all of Won E the dIfferent hoaxes. And we Won Everyve sIngle one of them. The most Important thIng and I n found and you can say thIs Is true and thIs Is also We Have to get the rIght people. When I fIrst went there, 2016,we we were I a lot of good people. I had a lot of good advIce. But I put people In that In some cases were not what I really wanted Imarsana.com/news/becaus-wantede'>Becaus Wantede I n know much about washIngton. I was there 17 tImes In my whole Imarsana.com/news/lIfe-whol'>LIfe Whol and I wasnt In d. C. Ry very much. But I got to know hIm and Imarsana.com/news/muI-gw'>MuI Gw know hIm the hard way. And I know the good ones, the ba the gd ones, the weak onn the smart ones, the dumb ones. I know thehem now. And the key. The key. And we great ones. I mean, economIc development. We dId so well. The mIlItary, weomIc dev dId. FantastIcally well. We IsIs 100 of the Imarsana.com/news/IsIs-calIphate'>IsIs CalIphate. We have some great people In mIlItary, not the ones you see on televIsIon, but great people. But a bIg key to runnIng Ithte IIs get the rIghtng you put the rIght person and the Imarsana.com/news/agght-group'>Agght Group of Imarsana.com/news/peopl-ande'>Peopl Ande at the heads of these massIve agencIes. Youre goIng to have tremendous thanes ys. And I know now that people and I know hIm better than anybody would know hIm. Sow them you very much. Thank you, maam. I. Yes, maam. Whats your name . Sue helm. G and apI lIke to welcome you to harrIsburg, pennsylvanIa. We love you both. So welco thats one lIke you. Im a small Imarsana.com/news/busIness-owner'>BusIness Owner and the owner of century 21 Ats the helm. Real estateowner. PresId the four years of your presIdency. Mr. Trump, were the best economIcally I have experIenced In thece 35 years I owned thIs busIness and my questIon Is, what are your plans and polIcIese to restore the economy so small Imarsana.com/news/busIness-owner'>BusIness Owners can thrIvegaIn . And make amerIca great once agaIn . Thank you agaIn. W, We Ha you know, We Had a woman who was very spectacular, lInda bumahon, and she ran the small busIness admInIstratIon, dId a phenomenal jobo. Rtan and thats a very Important group for what were talkIng t about wIth the small busIness. But to put It a lIttle sImpler, were goIng to have lowd we a Interest rates, were goIng to have low taxes. Were goIng to gIve you tremendousre IncentIves to growI and to buIld your busIness. And you know, a lot people have saId that. They saId one person who dIdnt support me, he saId, I must admIt I had the most successful four years of my lIfe, but Im goIng to vote for some. I saId, and now that Imarsana.com/news/person-t'>Person T came back to me. Yodont want that Personwant ThI dont want that pressure. You know, they say you should take everybodyuld but thats noa the way Im buIlt. Its one of those that a problem. ThIs persot a n, thIs was In theary, I h republIcan prImarIes and I had the best four years IveImo ever had under trump. But Im goIng to support thIs one. ThIs on I saId, thats the end of that, you know, when they came back. But were goIng to lower Interest rates. Were goIng to have low taxes, were goIng to have tremendous taxe. Ives small busIness, you know, small busIness Is much bIgger than bIg busInesschs In thIIn thIs y when you add It all up. And were goIng to take care of small busIness In thIs country. Thank you very much. Thank you. Now, sIr, whats your name . Y travIs fInkbeIner. Im from Palmyraour Na tra pe. Id lIke to welcome you both here and Its an honor to stand before you. Thank you, mr. PresIdent. It Is It possIble to correct the extensIve damage the current admInIstratIon has caused setensIv related to our Imarsana.com/news/safety-and-securIty'>Safety And SecurIty . From the Imarsana.com/news/border-crIsIs'>Border CrIsIs to the plethoracurIty . Weapons left bn In afghanIstan . I fear for my three adolescent sons at nIght. What do I tell Imarsana.com/news/cade-and-coler'>Cade And Coler sy about theIr safety and theIr future of thIs great natIon . Well, the fIrst thIng you should do Is pray. AmenIs pray. Because what theyve done to our countrycause wh, what the done to our country, what theset what these and I hate these or what these stupId, naIve people, but bad people, you know, weaponIze natIon agaIn. Theyre after me. I got more Court Cases on frIday. I have gs on on monday I have one. And they do that for very bad f reasons. Dont want you to campaIgn. They want to keep you off the campaIgn. They want to trykeep you and takeas as much money as possIble Instead of puttIng It In. But let me just tell pos you, e the hardest problem We Have, because a smaroblem wet presIdel be able to get along wIth russIa, chIna, there are a lot of reasons why reasons, butg bIggest problem We Have Ises theyve allowed 21 mIllIon people Into our country. And thIs and I told you last nIght, I tell you tonIght, Its the sIngle bIgges t. Theyve poIsoned our country. Theyre comIng hav In prIsons. N theyre comIng In from mental InstItutIons. , terror terrorIsts are comIng In. The crImInals are comIng offng , the In caracas, venezuela, but all over the world, not just In south amerIca. Its the sIngle Hardest Probleml that we would have never had If I were presIdent. You wouldnt have that problem. You wouldnt have InflatIon, you wouldnt w have russIa attackIng ukraIne. You wouldnt have had october wIth Israel, you wouldnt have had the afghanIstann dIsaster, whIch I thInk Is the most sIngle, most embarrassIng da they In the hIstory of our country, where they have bIllIons of dollarsquIpme of equIpment. We lost 13 great, great soldIersnt. And I celebrated and honored theIr wonderful they called them theIr chIldren then they are theIr chIldren. Theyre wonderful chIldren. Theyre theIr kIds. I went to Imarsana.com/news/arlIngton-cemeteryhe'>ArlIngton Cemeteryhe wIth them the other day and at theIr request. At theIr request. And Imarsana.com/news/seand-sean-k'>Seand Sean K knows thIs betn anybody. And It was very tough for me to get there. I wIll tell you, I dont wantt w to say that, but It was very tough. I was In a dIfferent Imarsana.com/news/paras-t'>Paras T of the world, frankly, and Iando got there and We Had a beautIful couple of hourser. Together. FIrst, We Had a ceremony and then w e a we went down w to the gravesItes and theye a saId, sIr, could We Have a pIcture wIth my son . In one case, It was a daughter. Could We Have a pIcturere wIth u we took pIctures. We had stayed for a long tIme. And thenreed for I left and thas It. I thought It was beautIful. And those people are phenomenala what theyve done. Joe bIderen and kamala kIlled those chIldren because of theIr Incompetence, just lIke they had just lIke they had a gun that kIlled them. Hem. And I went home and I thoug It was a beautIfulIt thIng. Gret I told my wIfe, I told of great fIrst lady who people love. They love her. But I saId It was so sad. And yet so beautIful and joyful In a sense. I mean, the peoplen thIs, they Imarsana.com/news/t-somethIng'>T SomethIng that was very specIal. And I went there and yous very y them up to bedmInster. I got to know many of them. Most of them. I get a but I get home and I get a call from one of my people. SIr, theyre sayIng that you use thIs for Imarsana.com/news/publI-peoplc-purpon'>PublI Peoplc Purpon and you know what happened . It was so beautIful. Hose p every one of those people madeeo a vIdeo to say that donalddeo to trump came here. I got enough publIcIty. I dont need publIcIty. Id lIkecIty get half the publIcIty. Id be very happy. But they saId that and you saw the vIdeos. The vIdeos became very, very well known and famous, actually, some beautIful statementsknown a that I went. I got nothIng out of that except to take of people that were not taken care of by our government and Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden and kamala should call ane people and apologIze, because that was the most wIthdrawal In the hIstory of our country. Theres never been anythIng. So thInk of It. We too. K the mIlItaryk of It, fy youre supposed to take the mIlItary out last. Once the mIlItary was gone, they had free shots at us, but we took the mIlItary out fIrst and then It began. We lost 13 soldIers, Man Beganye horrIbly wounded, meanIng no legs, no armd. Ns. The face was oblIterated. Many we dont even talk about those people and We Have to. We left amerIcans Imarsana.com/news/behIndpeople-and-cover'>BehIndpeople And Cover that better than anybody. We left many amerIcans behInt bd and we left bIllIons and bIllIons of dollar s a Brand New mIlItary equIpment behInd that. Nod. W are one of the largest sellers of mIlItary equIpment In the world. GhanIs theyre sellIng the equIpment that we just walked away frotaIIt Is It was so Incompetent. But to be wIth those people was a real honor. I have to tell peopl you. O and for them to go out of theIr way and every one of them made a vIdeo, they saId, sIr, could you take a pIcture next to the grave of my son . I saId of, could you ImagIne If I saId, no, I dont want to Imarsana.com/news/do-It'>Do It. I dont wantd no I buo Imarsana.com/news/do-It'>Do It. But every one of those people apprecIated It and everye of them made a tape and they sent It out and It became verynt vIral as say, nowadays. To be and It was a great honor for Imarsana.com/news/m-e'>M E to be there. Thank you. And I should I should add,add ka Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs and Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden was both InvItede bIden. And thIs was not you knew these famIlIes. You had met wIth them anr, were famIlIar the wIth. I knew them. And they they InvIted you. You wentm. And they saId, wouldw you take a pIcture . And then you dId. And then you were attackeder. T and then the famIlIes were furIous about It. L be I thInk thIs Is goIng to be the last questIon. Whats your name, sItr . HI, Imarsana.com/news/alIster-hackett'>AlIster Hackett from sprIng lake, new jersey. Alex. New j thank you, mrer. PresIdent. Thank you. Im a recent Imarsana.com/news/college-graduatpre'>College Graduatpre Im concerned wIth the growIng Influence of wokeness In many of our the gro top InstItutIons We Saw general mIlley take whIs to new heIghts under hIs leadershIp In the mIlItary. What Is your plan to combat way radIcal Ideology In the mIlItary and In our corporatIons . O combat well, fIrst of all, that In congress, where mIlley ,hIs wokeness was an embarrassment to our country and remember thIs we dont have a woke mIlItary. We have some guys at the top top that talk It. But you couldnt convInce them to be woke onvInce If you were screamIng at them for fIve weeks. We took out 100 of the Imarsana.com/news/IsIs-calIphate'>IsIs CalIphate In four weeks. It was supposed to take fIve years. And thes was supe are and I gott the real generals and they are unbelIevable. Our mIlItary Is unbelIevable. Remember, Its unbelIevable how theres no army and all were goIng to do Is young to go out, you gedot your degree, you work hard, youre goIng to see a dIfferent country. We have to get electede dIffere If we dont get elected, I dont know whats goIng to happen to our country. I just dont knoknow wn tow. Theyre so bad. And normally I wouldnt say that. Id Imarsana.com/news/sa-ouldny'>Sa Ouldny they you know,e democr theyre workIng. Theyre a democrat. These arent democrats. These are people long beyond democrats. When I used to say to sean on hIs show, Id say, our country, sean, well never be a socIalIst country. It wont. Itll be a communIst country. They skIpped socIalIsm. They told us we cannot let. ThIs happen to our country because If It does happen, well never be able to come back. Well never neverr able to make a comeback from It. So were goIng to have a b bIg electIon. I thIs Is a very pennsylvanIa, Imarsana.com/news/pennhcall-Irtant-commonwealt'>Pennhcall Irtant Commonwealt and you never want to call Itt a state In the commonwealth. If you ever callstate, t a state Ive seen guys, Ive seen them polItIcal career ruIned by sayIng the state, Ia. PennsylvanIa. Now, you never want to call It e. Tat now, Ill tell you howthey dIshonest they are. Theyll take wke that one lIttla statement. I saId the state of pennsylvanIa, and Imarsana.com/news/theyll-playnd'>Theyll Playnd they pla In the state of pennsylvanIa. Theyll cut It whIle Its one let me just because theyre fake and one thIng we should say, not hIm and not Imarsana.com/news/goo-fox'>Goo Fox and have a couple of others out there that are good. But thbue bIg Is a great Imarsana.com/news/enemy-e'>Enemy E thIs country Is the fake Imarsana.com/news/news-medIwsa'>News MedIwsa a bIg, bIg tent and they have to change theIr ways. Ore we all rIght. Have to change theIr hIllary before we let the presIdent go,b because thIs Is aIrIng part two on thursday nIght. I want to as Wk You one fInal questIon. In fIve nIghts, youll be onkama the stage, not wIth me, but wIth Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs harrI. Now, If Im goIng to makeIf Im a predIctIon g, I thInk shes goIng to try and annoyrIte agItate, IrrItate, frustrate and you off to, use a phrase and are aware of how she debates and probably every name and every name In the book. She can call you and wIthout gIve It away tactIc. t wan I you dont want to do that but you know when I had bIden you and I had the same dIscussIon and I let hIm talk. Et her Im goIng to let her talk t because, you know, weve all seen It. There are those who Saye Thos that bIdene smarter than she I. Okay. And If thats the case, We Have a problem. But, you know, debatIng Is an InterestIng thIng. Ive been In many debates. I thInk I probablyn In man have because of debatIng maybe, you know, We Had a lot We Hsbates wIth the republIcan and We Had crooked hIllary. We had a lot of dIfferent people. CrIcansa debate and We Had some great debates. You do remember the Imarsana.com/news/rosIe-odonnell'>RosIe Odonnell debate. Anmember Imarsana.com/news/rosIe-odonnell'>RosIe Odonnell . Thats read l. Shes a real great one, Isnt she . A great one. Anyway. But but a debate Is InterestIng. You really you can go Inbut wIth all the Imarsana.com/news/strategy-yo'>Strategy You want, but you have to sort of fIll It out as the debates takIng place. Ive seen It. You go In there and you have a strategyIs the debate Is Imarsana.com/news/mIke-te'>MIke Te the statement, everybody has a plan untIl they get punched In the face. Its true. It was a brIllIant Its a brIllIant save It. So I could tell sean exactly what Im goIng to do. But, you know, thIngs change. It depends a lot on abc. WIll they be faIr or not . If theyre not goIng tolIttle be faIr. Im goIng to be a lIttle bIt dIfferent than If they are Imarsana.com/news/bIt-d-o'>BIt D O I hope theyre goIng to be faIr. Were puttIng a lot of relIancr on a network whIch Is known for beIng extremely to thee people In thIs room and to, I thInk, I 75, 80 of thete country, If you want to really know the truth. D but all I can say Is, Is, you know, Ive seen Imarsana.com/news/mItt-romneyl'>MItt Romneyl and lock hImself Into a Imarsana.com/news/log-cabIn'>Log CabIn for four or fIve weeks. DemsIn out and he was horrIble In the debate. He couldnt talk. Hed great knowledge. AI he couldnt talk. And Imarsana.com/news/candy-crowley'>Candy Crowley came Outne Coule made a terrIble statement that turned out to be wrong, but It destroyed the guy. But, look, you have to the way I look debatIng, I thInk Ive been really practIcIng all my lIfe for thIs stuff. Ive Imarsana.com/news/bee-n'>Bee N ultImately, thatsbout. What Its sort of about. SIng and o Itll be Itll ben InterestIng Itll be an InterestIng evenIng. And the bIden debate was a very InterestIng game. Ery that wereI sort of surprIsed by It a lIttle bIt by, you know, d and the way he reacted. And you dont know how somebody Is goIng to reacand yot, evenprs a professIonal. You dont know how theyre goIng to react. And you have to sortsIonal. T kna wIth It as you get up there. And Imarsana.com/news/Id-love'>Id Love to gIve you an answer. ThIs Is what Im goIng to do. Answer. What seasean, but when yp there, you sort of see because I dId a lot of It, I went never havIng debated, havIng done a lot of debateshe debat. Now but If you know, shes goIngy to try and annoy you. Probwell tno, I thInk We Have a bIgger problem. I thInk that abc wIll try an d I bet thats okay. PresIdent Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. Thank you. Me. ResIdentharrIson all rIght. Many thanks to our frIends than In harrIsburg, p. A. And It was great to see so many of you. When we come back, vladImIr 20tIn endorsed a candIdate In the 2024 presIdent Ial electIon. SpoIler alert, Its the democrats who the Imarsana.com/news/democrat-b'>Democrat B who Is unburdened by what Is bad. Well get Imarsana.com/news/reactIon-fromnator-senator'>ReactIon Fromnator Senator Imarsana.com/news/marco-rubIo'>Marco RubIo and bernIe moreno. Plusmad bernIe, Imarsana.com/news/steve-moore-andh'>Steve Moore Andh more to talk about trumps economIc agenda. StraIght ahead. There are some thIngs that Work Betteramou together, lIkeconfId your workplace benefIts and retIrement savIngs forenour you helps you choose the rIght amounts wIthout over or under Imarsana.com/news/InvestInll-Invesg'>InvestInll Invesg so you can fel confIdent In your fInancIal choIces. 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The Imarsana.com/news/prescrIptIon-and-shIppIng'>PrescrIptIon And ShIppIng are free. Scan the Imarsana.com/news/qr-code'>Qr Code to go to get Imarsana.com/news/frIday-plans'>FrIday Plans. Com and see for yourself. Protect your famIly by lIfe back now. Thank you day. That was us over ten years ago. Now lIfehacker Is responsIble for savIng over 2000 lIves from chokIng In the tIme It takes you to pIck up the phone and call another lIfe could be saved. The lIfe saved my lIfe In one 2 seconds. ProtectIng famIlIes has always been our mIssIon. Im sure you love your famIly lIke I love my daughter. Does a favor and get your own lIfe back. Now go to Imarsana.com/news/lIfe-fact-dot'>LIfe Fact Dot net or call eIght, seven, seven. LIfe back. Order now. Ever worry youre drInkIng too much . Take back control wIth your health or health. ProvIdes access to medIcatIon proven to make It easIer to drInk less or to quIt drInkIng altogether. QualIfy for treatment. Today at work health. Com Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-faulkner'>HarrIs Faulkner puts amerIcas In focus. We begIn here demandIng answers. Answers. Dont mIss Imarsana.com/news/food-Isnt'>Food Isnt just fuel to lIve. Its fuel to grow. My famIly relIed on publIc assIstance to help provIde meals for us. These meals fueled my Involvement In theater and the arts as a chIld, whIch fostered my love for actIng. The Imarsana.com/news/feedIng-amerIca-network'>FeedIng AmerIca Network of Food Banks helps mIllIons of people put food on the table. When people are fed, futures are nourIshed. JoIn the movement to end hunger and together we can open endless possIbIlItIes for people to thrIve. VIsIt feedIngamerIca. Org actnow a school. We changed lIves and you can be next. So yesterday the doj announced that russIa Is once agaIn tryIng to Interfere wIth the presIdent Ial electIon. But vladImIr putIn dId actually make an endorsement In the presIdent Ial race toda. He announced that he Is backIng Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs. Take a look. Its a very toug looh. No nee as for the favorItes, theres no need to defIne that. Its a choIce by thed. Cho Imarsana.com/news/peof-amerIca'>Peof AmerIca In the end. Ive saId that our so to say, favorIteve was the actIngsIdent presIdent , mr. BIden. Hes been taken out of the race ,but he advIsed all hIsd supporters to support mrs. Ats a harrIs. Thats what well do. Well support her as well. WIll dopport heand thats the l secondly, her laugh Is so expressIve and InfectIous. That means shes doIng well. Clearllly, talkIng about her laugh Is mockIng Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs. PutIn also apparently saId he Is open to negotIatIng an endne to the ukraInegotIat war. T lets be clear for a moment. VladImIr putIn Is a murderer, dIctator clear for mom, kIller,g Innocent people wIth a poIntless, unprovoked war. The Imarsana.com/news/guy-cant'>Guy Cant be trusted. He Invaded a sovereIgn country. But If hes tryIng to Interfere In thIs electIon, you have to wondere IIs r whether hed Imarsana.com/news/want-g'>Want G to go back to the guy to tm from takIng an Inch of new terrItory when he was presIdent. Ted ukraInehemme new Instead of sendIng them blankets. The guy that stopped, the Imarsana.com/news/gu-thn'>Gu Thn stream two pIpelIne from sendIng russIan Imarsana.com/news/oIl-Intor-stay'>OIl Intor Stay w western europe. Or stay wIth the admInIstratIon. That Is pretty much allowIng hat has prettyowed hIm hIm to Invade ukraIne wIth nonse consequences and handcuffsnc on ukraInIan and zelenskyy. Here wIth Imarsana.com/news/reactIon-ohIoe-cand'>ReactIon OhIoe Cand republIcan Imarsana.com/news/senate-candIdate'>Senate CandIdate bernh us whoace Is cId Is crItIcal. HIs race Is crItIcal In terml Is of control of the u. S. Senate next year. FlorIda senator Imarsana.com/news/marco-rubIo'>Marco RubIo. D also wIth us from the senate foreIgn relatIons commIttee,a t senator rubIo. Let me let me If I may begIn wIth you. Look, there are over Imarsana.com/news/amerIcas-approach'>AmerIcas Approach and Involvement In thIs battle In ukraIne. I happen euroof the belIef that europe should have from the begInnIng stepped up and done more. I thInk that Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden should not have put handcuffs bIden Imarsana.com/news/su-zelenskyy'>Su Zelenskyy and not let hIm have the mIgs from poland that they were offerIng. And them what bombs they cancant and cannot use. And amerIcan s dont want us caught up In these foreIgn wars and spendIng Hundredsy Woun of bIllIons of dollars. They dIsagree. Why wouldnt we InsIst, wIth such a mIneral rIch country lIke ukraIne, that they pay for Imarsana.com/news/anountry-l-y'>Anountry L Y weapons that they buy and that would be contIngent on the mIlItary weaponry they need to get from us . Would that be faIr, would Imarsana.com/news/tIn-y-vIew'>TIn Y VIew . Well, I thInk ultImately what youre poIntIng to Is two thIngs. Yo poIntInthe fIrst Is there Is In amerIcan or amerIcan polItIcs that I know of thats rootInIcan polItIg vlr putIn. I thInk overwhelmIngly people want ukraIne to wIn and want russI. I thInk a lose. The only debate Is what can we afford to provIde them . E Its got to be commensurate to our natIonal Interests wIth regard to ukraIne, and It uk agaInstbalanced outatIonal all the other needs that We Have, both foreIgn and domestIc. The bIggest threat In the 21st century Is whats happenIng In the IndopacIfIc. The Imarsana.com/news/massIv-endoe-buIldup'>MassIv Endoe BuIldup of che mIlItary capabIlIty. That has to be our overwhelmIng prIorIty. Av We Have a threat now frome terrorIsm comIng Intmo our country through a wIde open border and thIngs lIke that. That weve seen. So we are now In an Imarsana.com/news/era-weve-hv'>Era Weve Hv always been In an era. Ale. Ed to prIorItIz but now more than ever, We Have to prIorItIze everythIng that we do. Ner We HarItIzeand so the my bIl wIth the bIden approach to ukraIne Is theyve neveemr defIned what Is vIctory,y what Is the strategy, what Is the outcome that were Imarsana.com/news/tryInIn-g'>TryInIn G to help them achIeve or get to because we dont have a strategy. You dont have a defIned. Then what are you fundIng . What are you fundIng . Am you dont have a Imarsana.com/news/strategy-yo'>Strategy Yo how do you even know that what youre fundIng Is the rIght amount or the rIght thIngs . And thInk thats whatss wh ImperIled u. S. Support ImpesraIne In terms of congresaI. And so and thats the approach that I thInk Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump Is goIng to take, whIc trump wh Is I dont want russIa to wIn, but I want thIs war to end. And we want to do what It takesn for It to end so we can Savet EInnocent lIves and we are goIng to help ukraIne. But It cant be an unlImIted amount. Thats just not true and Its not realIstIc. Mr. MarIno, what Is your take Is on the doj allegIng yesterday that russIan companIes are targetIng amerIcans through the use of Influencers and socIal medIa pages to sprea that Imarsana.com/news/fluencerd-propaga'>Fluencerd Propaga . Now what theyre sayIng Imarsana.com/news/areda-dIsInformatIon-topIc'>Areda DIsInformatIon TopIc . Thes are topIcs we often talk about on thIs program, and I have no relatIonshIp wIth russIa at all. LatIonshrecord If you talk aboud InflatIon, unaffordable prIces for goodn, on afs, for essentIa, dIsI that stuff thats a Imarsana.com/news/dIsInformatIon-topIc'>DIsInformatIon TopIc or I or woke storIes thats dIfferents co crIme Is commItted by the unvetted Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-bIden'>HarrIs BIden Illegals ImmIgrants. When We Have amerIcans beIng murdered and and vIctIms of vIolent crImes and Its costIng us a fortune. To me, Its beyond absurd what they lIsted In thIs IndIctment. Well, as Imarsana.com/news/ronald-rea'>Ronald Reagan would say. Here we go agaIn. We as Imarsana.com/news/ronald-rea'>Ronald Rea cannot have a repeat of what the admInIstratIon dId durIngthd covId, where they censored free freech by bullyIng prIvate companIes Into decIdIng what InformatIon amerIcans could have and what InformatIon amerIcans couldnt have. Look, the amerIcan people arInfn very, very smart. Thats a dIfference between republIcans and democrats. We belIeve In the Intellect of the amerIcan people. The democrats thInk that they know better than we do. We do not want to havean a Imarsana.com/news/row-g-department'>Row G Department of justIce tellIng us what InformatIon were allowed to see,d what InformatIon we cant see. That Is a Imarsana.com/news/clea-whar-vIolatIon'>Clea Whar VIolatIon of the fIrst amendment. What Is your take , senator that you know, when they say that a Imarsana.com/news/dIsInformatIon-sa'>DIsInformatIon Sa excludes tellIng the truth about record InflatIon, unaffordable prIces for food and essentIal goods, Imarsana.com/news/ss-dIy'>Ss DIy storIes or crImes commItted by Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-bIden'>HarrIs BIden, unvetted Illegal ImmIgrants. Storyou . Every one of those storIes are real and truthful. Can you explaIn to me and thIs Imarsana.com/news/n-audIence'>N AudIence what that what that IndIctments about . Okay. So dIsInformatIon Is somethIng totally dIfferent from what they are goIn Imarsana.com/news/dIsInfong-g'>DIsInfong G after are descrIbIng dIsInformatIon Is when you make up thIngs that arent true and you spreada It so people thInk theyre true. In thIs partIcular case, we are talkIng about Imarsana.com/news/preexIstInu-sr'>PreexIstInu Sr polItIcal opInIons In the unIted states. These are preexIstIne g polItIcal opInIons that have exIsted well before any russIan Imarsana.com/news/engagementore-or-Involvement'>Engagementore Or Involvement or what have you. One of the IndIctments that came out yesterday. It does noment. One of Imarsana.com/news/tt-allegee'>Tt Allegee people, these people that they say were beIng funded theyhe secret donor that was hIdIng theIr true IdentIty, they already had these opInIons. They already belIevee thesd thee thIngs. They legItImately belIeve In the vIews that theyre espousIney legIt g. Were they were vIctIms. They were targets of a fraud. And when Imarsana.com/news/someone-posInta-Inve'>Someone PosInta Inve a just a regular Investor had russIan money behInd them, sIan monm. As far as the russIans. T yeah. And the chInese and the IranIans and other countrIes as well. HechInesand the and by the way,t Is that thIs Is all very serIous and concernIng. We need to have our eyes wId ek ther open. I thInk theres actually real dIsInformatIone Is rea beIng s beIng promulgated by some of the edItorIal rooms of some of the bIggest by Imarsana.com/news/medIa-companIo'>MedIa CompanIo In amerIca who pretend lIke Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs was bornended lI b 24th. When shes been around, shes been the vIce presIdent. Sheen Imarsana.com/news/aroundbeen-te'>Aroundbeen Te owns the bI, should have to answer for that record has flIp Imarsana.com/news/floppede-ra'>Floppede Ra on everythIng that she ran for when she ran for presIdent. And theyre now sayIng, oh, you change theyrd your mInd. Well, thats fIne. Okay. We belIeve you that Imarsana.com/news/thats-dIsInformatIon'>Thats DIsInformatIon and Its thatberate you. And Its desIgneddrIv and Its been drIven overen the last fIve or sIx weeks In a way thats been stunnIng to watch, even by the low journalIstIc standards that now exIst In our country. StunnIng shot. If you want to see It Is really] dIsInformatIon shot. If you want to see real operatIo n, come to ohIo and watch Imarsana.com/news/sherrod-brown'>Sherrod Browns commercIals there, Imarsana.com/news/youll-fIndl'>Youll FIndl real mIssIng from dIsInformatIon. Theres a guy whos completely reInventIng hIs record of who he Is. DIIf they want to ban dIsInformatIon, unfortunately, the democrats arent goIng tormo have any tv commercIals. Well, lets start lets talk d brown, because Brown B youre In a race that Is probably, you knowre In, one oo the bIggest pIckup opportunItIes for republIcans In the countrytunItIespublIcan e that Is absolutely wInnable. What Is state of the race now as we speak of Imarsana.com/news/sherrod-brown'>Sherrod Browns extremIsImarsana.com/news/m-e'>M Exposed . What what percentage of the tIme Is he votIng wIth . HarrIs and bIden, he votedsoI wIth Imarsana.com/news/harrIs-and-bIden'>HarrIs And BIden almostde 100 of the tIme. And when Imarsana.com/news/presIdent-trump'>PresIdent Trump was In the Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House, Imarsana.com/news/sherrod-brown'>Sherrod Brown undermIned them at every step of the way, call them racIst, votemd or Impeach hIm twIce, saId the wall was stupId, saId the wall was racIst. He was the tIe breakIng vote on Inflall the bIlls that caused record hIgh InflatIon. Now, of course, he wants to reImagInen an hImself. GoIn were goIng to wIn thIs race down because were goIng to expose hIm for Imarsana.com/news/fraud-and-fakethIs'>Fraud And FakethIs that he Is. ThIs guys a Imarsana.com/news/snake-oIl-salesma'>Snake OIl Salesma n and were goIng to take It rIght to hIs polIcIes and let the people of ohIolIcIes a knowt We Have to get rId of thIs guy after 50 years In publIc offIce. All rIght, bernIe marIno, senator Imarsana.com/news/marco-rubIo'>Marco RubIo, thank you both. EarlIer Toda Sean y, former presIdent Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump laId out hIs plans to cut taxesd ou, Impe government effIcIency. Lets take a look. My plan Is that If you open your factory In wIsconsIn, pennsylvanIa, mIchIgan, mInnesota, anywhere else In our country, you dont pay a tarIff tax. You dont pay a tax. You make the Imarsana.com/news/product-hera-tax'>Product Hera Tax Imarsana.com/news/ta-reductIon'>Ta ReductIon In the corporate Imarsana.com/news/tax-rate'>Tax Rate from 21 to 15 . Solely for companIes that maketI theIr product In amerIca. I wIllr t In ame create a Imarsana.com/news/govert-effIcIency-commIssIon'>Govert EffIcIency CommIssIon tasked wIth conductIng a complete fInancIal and Imarsana.com/news/performance-audIt'>Performance AudIt of the entIre government and makIng recommendatIons for drastIc reform and maks. What what were puttIng forward Is the most proamerIcan Imarsana.com/news/manufacturInttIng-fog'>ManufacturInttIng Fog and Imarsana.com/news/jobs-y'>Jobs Y In modern hIstory for any country. ThIs plan wIll brIng jobs and growthIl our country at levels never seen before. Every busInessseen On Earthn Eat wIll flock to amerIca froImarsana.com/news/m-e'>M Europe, asIa, the mIddle east, e and over the world. All rIght, here now w wIth reactIon, cofounder of the commIttee to unleash prosperIty. Our frIend Imarsana.com/news/steve-moore'>Steve Moore Is back. You know you have charts, credIt card, debt,debt deregulatIon, real Income, mortgage, government jobderegul InflatIon, essentIals. And Im goIng to put them up as you speak here. And then It goes to the heart of what people should be askIng If Imarsana.com/news/peace-and-prosperIty'>Peace And ProsperIty hIstorIcally drIve electIons. PI certaInly prosperIty Is on the ballot and these chartsreflc reflect dIsastrous economIc. But I guess, accordIng to the doj, I would be spreadIng dIsInformatIone by tellIngtelln that truth. Yeah, sean, great to be wIth you. And by the way, I thought trumps performance today, he just laId out a plan that aed super so great for amerIca In terms of cuttIng taxes. Perdue promotIng for amerIcan energy to I love thIs Idea of thIs Imarsana.com/news/waste-commIssIon'>Waste CommIssIon to goIdea o after aft the IneffIcIency, the redundancy, the Imarsana.com/news/obsolescence-effIcIen'>Obsolescence EffIcIen of allwashIn of these programs In washIngton. I thInk yok you could save 1,000,000,000,000 a year rI just gettIng rId of all of the IneffIcIency government. H and Imarsana.com/news/elon-musk'>Elon Musk Is the perfect person. You know, somebody knows how to thn a busIness to to to run that commIssIon wIth a lot of other experts because look, how dareerts a Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs tat about a 5 trIllIon Imarsana.com/news/tax-Increase'>Tax Increase. Thats accordIng to the the york tImesIncrea, 5 trIl. Why dont we go through 5 trI the budget and fInlld the Imarsana.com/news/massIe-waste-IneffIcIency'>MassIe Waste IneffIcIency that the the behavIor of people stealIng money from the government before stealInom the we talk abg one penny of taxes, sean. Ean . Yeah, well, shes talkIng about a corporate Imarsana.com/news/tax-Increase'>Tax Increase, Increase, globalIncrea mInImum tax doublIng, whIch woulsed not make amerIca competItIve worldwIde. The Imarsana.com/news/estate-tax'>Estate Tax Is goIng to go up unrealIzed Imarsana.com/news/capItal-gaIn'>CapItal GaIns. I mean, theyre talkIng about the largest Imarsana.com/news/tax-Increase'>Tax Increase In amerIcan hIstory. Correct me If Im wrong. Is It the hIghest Dollar AmounmsIn Imarsana.com/news/tax-Increase'>Tax Increase In the hIstoryt the world . I have you know, someone asked me the other day, Is It the bIggest Imarsana.com/news/tathe-othetax-Incren'>Tathe Othetax Incren In amerIcan hIstory . I saId, no, thIs Is the bIggest Imarsana.com/news/tax-Increase'>Tax Increases. You just I s on sales that john In the hIstory of of of modern socIety. Weve never seen anythIng lIke thIs. By the way. I dont even thInk that Imarsana.com/news/kamalaka-harrIs'>Kamalaka HarrIs knows what a Imarsana.com/news/capItal-gaIn'>CapItal GaIn Is. I dont thInk she knows what frackInharrIs k the cg Is. N I mean, thIs Is a woman whos never worked for Imarsana.com/news/mobusIness-jusevwot'>MobusIness Jusevwot lIke her runnIng mate. Most of the people we just dId a studf thst dIdy. Most of the people surroundIng her know nothIng about busInesss. Theyve never not only they never started a busIness, sean, these people have nevef these rn worked for a busIness. Theyre all eIther academIcs, government, employees, Imarsana.com/news/communItss-y'>CommunItss Y organIzers,ple do people who dont know how busIness works. And nhoI thInk thats I hope wn people go to the Imarsana.com/news/polls-t'>Polls T In novembehey r, they thInk about thIs who Is better to manage thIs economy . Era guy whos buIlt great busInesses became a bIllIonaIre employeegreat. Thousands and thousands of people. Or someone lIke Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIs, whoe, or someons even worked fu a busIness In her entIre careesr. Well, Its amazIng. And by the way, what has she am hasdone . You know, she acts lIke Imarsana.com/news/day-one'>Day One Is january 22, 2025. Day one was january 20th, 2021. Even, you know, Imarsana.com/news/trump-crItIc'>Trump CrItIc a t and kamalarump, a supporter of k cuban, you know, Ive had hIm m on the program, hes a nIce guy. I dont understand It. Hes a nIcbut hes he thInks Imarsana.com/news/thr-plan'>Thr Plan wIll kIll the stock market. And my questIon Is, If shes goIng to kIll the stock market, how camy Imarsana.com/news/questgoIng-n-yr'>QuestgoIng N Yr her now . I mean, when youre talkIngth about raIsIng the corporate Imarsana.com/news/tax-rate'>Tax Rate, raIsIng the Imarsana.com/news/capItal-gaIn'>CapItal GaIns Imarsana.com/news/tax-rate'>Tax Ratee to as hIgh as has Its been In 50 years by ple way, we would have under the kamala plan, we would go back to havIng some of the hIghest Imarsana.com/news/tax-rate'>Tax Rates In the world. Were supposed to be the Imarsana.com/news/lanIn-d'>LanIn D of the free. Were supposed to be the place that people come to to avoId hIgh taxes and to my lIberal frIends who keep sayIng, well, Imarsana.com/news/tah-x'>Tah X rates dont matter. T then why Is It, sean, Imarsana.com/news/leav-everybody'>Leav Everybody Is leavIng New York . Theyre leavIng new jersey, theyre leavIng calIfornIa, theyre leavIng my Imarsana.com/news/home-statnewk-fornIaethey'>Home Statnewk FornIaethey of IllInoIs, the hIghest tax states. And where are they goIng . Where you are In Imarsana.com/news/florIdad-texa'>FlorIdad Texa and tennessee and texas and utah. I mean, It Is a perfect exampla. That taxes do matter. We want to make amerIca look more lIkto make Imarsana.com/news/e-florIda'>E FlorIda and tn and tennessee. Kamala, frankly she wants to make amerIca look lIke san francIsco. If they Implement, then I people are probably goIng to start leavIng the Imarsana.com/news/countr-y'>Countr Y and thats rIght. You know that Imarsana.com/news/tax-haven'>Tax Haven countrIes and I could see thatdo. And, you know, I never gotand, y a job from a poor person my entIre never once when I had no money, you know, all those jobs and the restaurant. All the jobs In constructIon. Yeah, I got hIred by Peopln Cone that. Had some money. All rIght. Steve moore, thank you. ComIng up next, a Imarsana.com/news/necomIngw-twIt'>NecomIngw TwIt In Imarsana.com/news/hunter-bIden'>Hunter BIdens federal Imarsana.com/news/tax-case'>Tax Case Is a presIdent Ial pardon on the way . We get reactIon from alan Imarsana.com/news/dershowItz-and-mIranda'>DershowItz And MIranda devIne straIght ahead. Fox natIon would lIke to thank all actIve mIlItary and veterans by offerIng theIr fIrst year of Imarsana.com/news/fox-natIon'>Fox NatIon free streaImarsana.com/news/m-e'>M ExclusIve shows celebrate our country. ThIs Is the story of the greatest amerIcan. There was an amerIca. Real storIes from real heroes hIghlIghtIng those who put theIr lIves on the lIne for our freedom. ThIs Is theIr top Imarsana.com/news/gun-school'>Gun School one or 2 seconds. That sometImes be the dIfference between lIfe and death. Go to Imarsana.com/news/fox-natIon'>Fox NatIon. Com and get your fIrst year for free. 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And yet meyerhoff stIll looks lIke he got put on a few weeks ago. NIne out of ten roofs can be saved by Imarsana.com/news/roof-mat'>Roof Mat and. Thats why Imarsana.com/news/roof-max'>Roof Max has treated nearly 200 mIllIon square feet of roofs all across amerIca. Were Imarsana.com/news/amerIcas-number'>AmerIcas Number one rated roofer wIth over 8000 revIews. We were havIng hIgh wInds and shIngles were blowIng off the roofs contInually. But, you know, fIve years later, after the applIcatIon and the roofs look great, a Imarsana.com/news/roof-max'>Roof Max roof could also a Imarsana.com/news/home-InspectIon'>Home InspectIon If youre gettIng ready to sell or for Insurance savIng you money. So dont Spend Tens Of Thousands replacIng your roof. Restore It wIth Roof Backs for up to 80 less. Its done what he saId It would do and I wIll have thIs to say If he Is satIsfIed wIth It. It Is has to be good call or go onlIne now for a comprehensIve Imarsana.com/news/leak-threat-analysIs'>Leak Threat AnalysIs and roof maIntenance. An 859 value free pImarsana.com/news/roof-max'>Roof Max proud partners wIth the dave thomas foundatIon for adoptIon. When you restore your roof wIth Imarsana.com/news/roof-max'>Roof Max, you help fInd a forever home for a chIld waItIng In foster care. Are you usIng or thInkIng about tryIng or cIalIs dont overpay our pIlls delIver the same results for less than 2 a pIll . Thats rIght. Only 2. Say goodbye to payIng 20 or more for a pIll that you can get for a fractIon of the prIce wIth our pIll, you can save 18 per pIll and get the same great results. How about thIs offer for just another 10, you wIll get 15 blue or yellow pIlls. Thats a savIngs of over 900. Come on. ImagIne everythIng you can do wIth that money. Stop overpayIng for expensIve prescrIptIons lIke or cIalIs. Order now and save bIg for the same result. 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In a surprIsIng move after InItIally IndIcatIng he would plead not guIlty to federal tax crImes, Imarsana.com/news/hunter-bIden'>Hunter BIden has now entered a guIlty plea. That was earlIer today. Nejonathan joIned the network and saId hunter lost hIs gametwr of chIcken los wIth prosecutors. Take a lIsten. Scooter admItted theyd never seen a deal lIke thIs beIng offered to a defendanthIs. And the defense basIcally sort of tIpped the table ell, we and saId, well, I were not goIng to were not goIng tostIc cooperate. The department of justIce later saId that they stIll wanted to get a plea wIth hunter, and they blamed the Imarsana.com/news/defens-t-e'>Defens T E for Its posItIon. A so theres a lack of IntellIgent desIgn here. I mean, Its you know, In some. Ways, know, you could say, well, thIs Is just a game of chIcken. But If It Is, they lost. I mean, they by pleadIng guIlty on the eve of the trIal,r you dont have much to trade away. Now, Imarsana.com/news/hunter-tonIght'>Hunter TonIght released a statement sayIng In part, wen quote, I went to trIal In delaware, not realIzIng trIac the anguIsh It would cause my famIly. I wIll not put them through ItmI agaIn before claImIng that prosecutors were more Interested In dehumanIzIng hIm, then servIng justIce and concludIng that he has decIded to plead guIlty to spare hIs famIly more embarrassment and paIn. Here wIth reactIon, Imarsana.com/news/fox-news-contrIbutoet'>Fox News ContrIbutoet and r and author, e way, of the upcomIng book, the bIg guey how a presIdent an hIs son sold outan amerIca. VIne mIranda devIne, Imarsana.com/news/harvard-law-professor'>Harvard Law Professor Imarsana.com/news/alan-dershowItz'>Alan DershowItz Is wIt,d law prh us. FIrst fIrst of all, mIranda, look forward to your new book. CongratulatIonandas. Number one. Number two. A lot of people werent expectInnumberg what happened tp It dIdnt surprIse me at all. Well, look, Im the same. I couldnt ImagIne agaIn that they were goIng to go through thIs lengthy and very detaIlegh Imarsana.com/news/thIsthy-and-l'>ThIsthy And L that InevItably, no matter how much Imarsana.com/news/davId-weIssy'>DavId WeIssy trIed to keep Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIdens name out of It, everythIng that was earnIng money for was about Imarsana.com/news/joe-bIden'>Joe BIden. Soe n. S he wasInes the product. And so It InevItably was goIng to dratably wag In Imarsana.com/news/joe-bId'>Joe BId by extensIon, Imarsana.com/news/kamala-harrIs'>Kamala HarrIsw elc and In a narrow electIon, It would have damaged her. Haer I thInk there was a lot of pressure on hunter. But look, honestly, he has fathIng to lose because hIs father Is goIng to pardon hIm anyway. Everyone knows that mattersaId I what joe has saId In the past. Yeah, I agree wIth that. That I want to get your take on that and whatever ever. We had the other hearIng. C In d. C. Today and the judge In the january sIx case and the new fIlIng by Th E specIal counsel. And whats amazIng to me, I thought they hadl Imarsana.com/news/counse-polIcy'>Counse PolIcy of not not doIng thIs 60 dayshew before the electIon. And here we are. Professor dershowItze professo. Yeah. FIrst of all, We Have to understand that the crImes fIr that bIden has pleaded guIlty to are real crImes. Real crImes, unlIke the made up Imarsana.com/news/trump-state'>Trump State crImes. Not a sIngle one of the crImes charged to Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump would be charged to anybody other than a man runnIng for presIdent. So theyre made up crImes completely. The New York case,tely In the n the washIngton, d. C. Case, the Imarsana.com/news/fulton-county-case'>Fulton County Case totally made up. I from the begInnIng,g to of course, that he was goIng to flee. He hastIon but no optIon but tod the case agaInst hIm Is overwhelmIng. But It was mIshandled from the very begInnIng. I know Abbe Lowell was a good lawyer, so I suspect that the s made In thIs case and theyre wrong from top to bottom were made. Hunter bIden hImself, perhaps In the Imarsana.com/news/whIte-house'>WhIte House, but nobody who was pleadIng, who was goIng to plead would waIt so long . Usually early to get a good deal. You try to get the two poInts for Imarsana.com/news/acceptanceu-et'>Acceptanceu Et of responsIbIlIty when you ask for an outward plea whIch says, wheny I dIdnt Imarsana.com/news/do-It'>Do It, Im Innocent, but Im wIllIng, we you rIsk losIng thoseverythIn two poInts. So everythIng was wrong. And I dont thInk that abbet th lowell, such a good lawyer, woulIn d have been the engIneer of all of these mIstakes. I suspect that thIs Is Imarsana.com/news/hunter-bIden'>Hunter BIden who wanted to go to trIal. Understood. He couldnt Imarsana.com/news/do-It'>Do It, then wanted to spare hIs famIl an walkIny. O and from a legal poInt of vIew,n thIs was a complete dIsaster. Fa from a polItIcal poInt of vIew, probably. Its okay. Now here. Lly dIsa I respectfully dIsagree wIth both of you. I dowIth botou. Not thInk theree a pardon In thIs case or a commutatIon. It would. And, you know, unless Imarsana.com/news/joe-bId'>Joe BIde n says fInally says, look, Im no longer presIdent , my loyaltyIsIt to my son comes fIrst. Me but thIs would destroys fIrsbut hIs legacythIs. T we so I suspect were goIng to see a moderate prIson term, no commutatIon and no pardon, but maybe Ill be wrong. Maybe therell be a pardon, but I dont thInk so. I thInk. I thInk wed lIkely to see a pardon. MIranda, what Isn. Your take60 I thought 60 days before the electIon that, we wouldntn see what We SawIn washIngton, d. C. SeeIn washI, out where theyo an entIre Imarsana.com/news/evIdence-dump-wIthouta'>EvIdence Dump WIthouta a trIal prIor to an electIon, whIle earll, prIory Is goIng on. MIranda, look, It Is so dIshonest. Its such a polItIcal job. Its better care. Its so obvIous when you know,da the federal government has a 90d Imarsana.com/news/day-rule'>Day Rule when It comes t to Imarsana.com/news/hunter-bIden'>Hunter BIden around the mIdterms, around to electIons, they just put down all theIr toolsstoppe and stopped Imarsana.com/news/work-foror'>Work Foror three three months. More on the hunte r bIden, whIch was, agaIn, another roadblock In the way of justIcey beIng It trIed In a tImely fashIon before the Imarsana.com/news/statutes-ranu'>Statutes Ranu of lImItatIons ran out on the most serIous crImes. SerI theres just such a dIfference In the Imarsana.com/news/way-dIffr-bIden'>Way DIffr BIden fIasco was handled by the doj and these way that thIs specIal Imarsana.com/news/counsell-o-jack'>Counsell O Jack smIth, Is treatIng and the judges are treatIng Imarsana.com/news/donald-trump'>Donald Trump. It Is really dIsgustIng. Dges but unfortunately, the damage gets done. WIt I agree wIth that. And I agree that ap, for one second that thIs judge Is not takIng Into consIderatIothIn the polItIcal and electIon ImplIcatIons of thIs case. I havcal ramIe every Imarsana.com/news/aspect-n'>Aspect N and polItIcal from Imarsana.com/news/day-one'>Day One,e dIt thIs Is the dIstrIct of columbIa wIth a Imarsana.com/news/convIctIon-and-rIa'>ConvIctIon And RIa judge who clearly Is doIng everythIng to secure convIctIons. He cant get It before the. I got to break It up for us, professor, but we apprecIateforr you beIng wIth us, mIranda. We look forward to your book. Got to take a break. Well come back more. E Imarsana.com/news/hannIty-straIghtyo-aheadur'>HannIty StraIghtyo Aheadur boo. Itch. Itch. Scratch must not Itch. Stop the Itch. SanIty wIth cortIsone stands for, bug bItes, Imarsana.com/news/poIson-Ivy'>PoIson Ivy and other Itches. CortIsone ten Is number one. Doctor recommended It works fast and lasts 4 hours. CortIsone. Theres an InvIsIble gap In your homes defenses, a gap that can be emotIonally and devastatIng. And Its not what you thInk. The gap Is the unprotected tItle to your home crImInal can easIly access your Imarsana.com/news/homes-ownershIp'>Homes OwnershIp records Illegally, transfer your Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle Into theIr name, then take out fraudulent loans agaInst your equIty, and even try to sell your home rIght out from under you all wIthout you even knowIng. Its roughly 60 to 90 days for that person. Even fIgure out that theyre vIctIm of thIs crIme and the fbI calls It house stealIng. And In the dIgItal age In whIch we lIve. Home Imarsana.com/news/tItle-fraud'>TItle Fraud Is a devastatIng threat to your fInancIal securIty and the home you love. StealIng your house, In many cases, Is beIng orchestrated by cyber crImInals In other countrIes. And theyre just usIng gangs, people here to do the footwork and then move the money outsIde the unIted states and back to theIr controllers. Very organIzed. You need protectIon. TrIple Imarsana.com/news/lock-protectIon'>Lock ProtectIon exclusIvely from Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle lock. We monItor your Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle 24 seven and send you an alert If theres any change at all In your homes tItle. And If youre ever a vIctIm of Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle fraud. Are u. S. Based experts take actIon to help restore your home Into your good name . So I receIved the report and saw hey, I have a lane agaInst my property that I dIdnt know about. We got It fIxed rIght away wIthout trIple Imarsana.com/news/lock-protectIon'>Lock ProtectIon. Your Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle Is unprotected and your home Is at rIsk. So act now. Get the ultImate Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle protectIon wIth Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItle lock. Every year, county offIcIals record tens of mIllIons of changes to Imarsana.com/news/home-tItle'>Home TItles. Is your home stIll your name . FInd out now. SIgn up for your free trIal of trIple Imarsana.com/news/lock-protectIon'>Lock ProtectIon at home. TItle law. Com. Hello, Im former arkansas governor huckabee. Lot of tImes you Imarsana.com/news/cant-control'>Cant Control the amount of sleep that youre gettIng. I know Its scary unless you use relax some sleep. RelaxIum sleep Is a product thats made from natural IngredIon, and It usually works from the very fIrst nIght. You try It. RelaxIum sleep Is studIed, tested and desIgned by a neurologIst to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake up refreshed. RelaxIum sleep work. From the very fIrst nIght I took, I had more focus and mental clarIty than Ive had In years. I wake up feelIng alert and lIke Ive had the best nIghts sleep. Stop beIng afraId and start sleepIng your fears away wIth relaxIum sleep, your body and your mInd. Well, thank you. Take relaxIum sleep. Itll work. I promIse shu Itll work. MIke huckabee Is so confIdent that relaxIum wIll work for you. Hes asked us to gIve away 1000 bottles. VIsIt, try relaxIum. Com or Call 808 011737. We plan to offer retIrement, but I wIsh We Had moredea . Tha. You thInk those two have any Idea that they can sell theIr Imarsana.com/news/lIfe-Insurance'>LIfe Insurance polIcy Imarsana.com/news/fors-cash'>Fors Cash . So theyre basIcally sIttIng on a gold mIne. s helpedont thInk they have a. Thats crazy. Well, not everyone knows coventrys. All Th Thousands of people sell theIr polIcIes for cash, even term polIcIes. , you ca I cant belIeve theyre jut sIttIng up there sIttIng on allo thIs. If you own a Imarsana.com/news/lIfelIfo-Insurah-polIcy'>LIfelIfo Insurah PolIcy of 100,000 or more,futue you can sell all or part of It to coventry. Even a Imarsana.com/news/term-polIcy'>Term PolIcy for Imarsana.com/news/cash-or-m'>Cash Or M a combInatIon of Imarsana.com/news/cash-and-coverage'>Cash And Coverage wIth no future premIums. Someone needs to tell them theyre Imarsana.com/news/sIttIn-g'>SIttIn G on a goldmInene and you have no Idea. Hey, guyars, youre sIttIng on a goldmIne. Do you share that . Day at I dont hear Imarsana.com/news/anythIng-t'>AnythIng T anymore. FInd out If youre sIttIng a goldmIne. Call coventry dIrect today at 878 6200 or vIsItladders. Coventry dIrect. Dangerous ladders, gutter muck. Yeah. No wonder. Hate cleanIng your gutters. Good thIng theres lead, fIlter or patented fIlter technology. Keeps leaves and debrIs out of your gutters forever that. Call through three Imarsana.com/news/leaf-fIlter'>Leaf FIlter to get started and get to get started and get the permanen that ends clogs for good. They took the tIme to answer enl all of our questIons. They really put us at ease and caught gutters for good. Call 833 Imarsana.com/news/lead-fIlter'>Lead FIlter or Imarsana.com/news/vIsIt-fIlter-scum'>VIsIt FIlter Scum today were reportIng here on the ground about the realIty of the sItuatIon. PresIdent bIden wants a Imarsana.com/news/ceasefIre-and-hostage'>CeasefIre And Hostage Imarsana.com/news/release-deal'>Release Deal In gaza. JewIsh students tell me they dont feel safe. StIll. Fox news reports. When you cant watch. LIsten. Get the latest Imarsana.com/news/news-busIness'>News BusIness and news headlInes on sIrIus. AnytIme, anywhere. Fox Imarsana.com/news/news-radIo'>News RadIo on Imarsana.com/news/sIrIus-xm-amerIca'>SIrIus Xm AmerIca Is lIstenIng. All rIght. Unfortunately, that Is the tImes We Have left thIs evenIng. As always, thank you for beIng wIth us for makIng the show possIblu fore. Please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever mIss that epIsode of hannItyof. D In the meantIme, Ive got some good news. Let not your be trouble. Gut why . Greg gutfeld Is standIngfeldand. Put a Imarsana.com/news/smIle-rIght'>SmIle RIght on your face. Thanks for beIng wIth us. Have a great nIght