Exclusive report on arms trafficking in mexico we reveal how cartels a smuggling guns from the United States fueling the countrys breck old murder rate. And then for crowd the racism odds that chelseas win a top number in the premier league and in its city ac milan suffered the heaviest league defeat in 20 years. Thousands of indians have defied a ban on demonstrations and rallied against controversial citizenship will mounting the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modis government since he took power in 2014 modi himself has health a mega rally in the capital new delhi where he did night for the excludes muslims but the on rest shows no signs of stopping at. At least 23 people have now been killed in clashes with Security Forces and protests as a saying they wont back down so we mistrust reports 7. Its the greatest challenge indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has faced since he came to power 5 years ago dozens of people have been killed during protest against a citizenship
A smuggling guns from the United States feeling the countrys record much to write. Hello welcome to the program we begin in india where thousands of people have defied a ban on demonstrations and rallied against a controversial citizenship law mounting the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modis government since he took power in 2014 modi himself has held a mega rally in the capital new delhi where he denied that the lower excludes muslims but the on rest shows no sign of stopping at least 23 people have been killed in clashes with Security Forces and protesters a saying they wont back down Sabina Shrestha hazell 7. Had a good. Run 7 its the greatest challenge indias Prime Minister noted that modi has faced. Since he came to power 5 years ago dozens of people have been killed during protest against a citizenship law which many say discriminates against muslims addressing thousands of his supporters at an election rally in new delhi blamed the opposition for stoking the prote
Putting centuries old native american sites at risk. Daggers growing against indias controversial new citizenship law but Prime Minister Narendra Modi is showing no signs of backing down hes blaming the opposition for inciting protests against his government well huge rallies were held again in the capital new delhi and several other states on sunday the demonstrations are now into their 2nd week and more likely in the coming days Rights Groups are accusing police of using disproportionate force against the for testers of sabinas trust it was at a rally in the capital. It greatest challenge indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has faced since he came to power 5 years ago dozens of people have been killed during protest against a citizenship law which many think discriminates. Against muslims addressing thousands of his supporters at an election rally in new delhi modi blamed the opposition for stoking the protests began by our. Brothers since this law has been passed some Political Part