Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20240713

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Exclusive report on arms trafficking in mexico we reveal how cartels a smuggling guns from the United States fueling the countrys breck old murder rate. And then for crowd the racism odds that chelseas win a top number in the premier league and in its city ac milan suffered the heaviest league defeat in 20 years. Thousands of indians have defied a ban on demonstrations and rallied against controversial citizenship will mounting the biggest challenge to Prime Minister Narendra Modis government since he took power in 2014 modi himself has health a mega rally in the capital new delhi where he did night for the excludes muslims but the on rest shows no signs of stopping at. At least 23 people have now been killed in clashes with Security Forces and protests as a saying they wont back down so we mistrust reports 7. Its the greatest challenge indias Prime Minister Narendra Modi has faced since he came to power 5 years ago dozens of people have been killed during protest against a citizenship law which many say discriminates against muslims addressing thousands of his supporters at an election rally in new delhi blamed the opposition for stoking the protests began by your. Brothers sense this law has been passed some Political Parties have been spreading rumors these people are misleading the public they are in swatting the public you look. I want to ask those who are pelting stones and sticks getting people to enjoy police trying to do the us what are you hoping to achieve the police is no ones enemy. The citizenship Amendment Act makes it easier for migrants from afghanistan bangladesh and pakistan who arent muslim to become indian citizens critics say the law could lead to many muslims losing their citizenship. Borders go im not a hog im not a writer staging protests is all right the should not be violent so i oppose that whatever the police are doing i request them not to do it they should also listen we are also indians like you we are also humans i. As protests continued on sunday in the capital and other parts of the country the government insisted that law will not be repealed i protest have been ongoing since parliament passed the law earlier in december i was but a student protests and. University in the capital a week ago turned into a movement of hundreds of thousands of students and antigovernment protesters nationwide people were angered after Government Forces fought with students and stormed the campus firing tear gas into the library and classrooms. I the worst violence has been the british for more than 5000 people have been detained at least 1500 have been arrested in other parts of india. Some muslims can get so than shipped under the citizenship Amendment Act but it is feared millions who are unable to provide proof could be rendered stateless even if their families have lived in india but generations to be after the new delhi. Sri ram charlie a is a professor and dean at the school of International Affairs he defended the Prime Minister and 2nd runner modi only used his rally to try to dispel misinformation. Assured muslims especially and mentioned a number of these policies which have actually benefited them and you also hold more gospel unity in diversity or accepting the pluralism in q. 6 and a secular result of the whole idea of equality of all produce states and he being in a lot of assurances so i think that matters and those as some of the you know seers that have been planted in the minds of indian was and in the last couple of weeks as far as the congress at the end there sympathizes go i dont think theyre going to change because for them its a matter of political survival theyve been marginalized theyve been losing elections and theyre now trying to use the citizenship act as a basis on which to cry out and galvanize of the communicant shifted in their favor for electoral gains its become a pilot if you bought and you know lets look at the district mr modi made a clear distinction between refugees who are facing persecution neighboring countries and that i would lose hope in them but at the same date he was clear that you know immigrants who are coming in for Economic Opportunities cannot be allowed whatever in such massive numbers you have to relive it and i think it was like an educational speech in many ways in the society to get the masses you know who are saying we did a lot of hearing about this a party out there in the ship to understand the real answers and now we go to pakistan where relations with india have hit a new low over the crisis and kashmir Authorities Say at least 3 people have been killed by mortars fired by indian troops into pakistani administered kashmir thousands of supporters of pakistans conservative Jamaat Islami party have been rallying in islamabad at the mounting politicians act after new delhi revoke your tummy of indian and minister kashmir in august. I also criticized the International Community for not taking action against india for alleged Human Rights Violations in kashmir eskimo hide in the courts. And strong show of the border by the right wing. Judge heard before. The board the paper local and i gave their thoughts or did being meted out by the indian Security Forces and hear their verdict or to read my article said right the purpose of the rally is to highlight the atrocities being committed by india against the kashmiris and to draw the worlds attention to their plight under islam not over yet if modi is not stopped it will become a problem for the minorities in india it will also have dangerous consequences for the world. There were good to have come from all across the country as you can. Make sure our women in very run. They did indeed a very bad should overread and of god while there may be 300 good come of the government for part of this rally after florida the people of august are yes about. Living on the other side of the line of know why. Now at least 12 people have been killed in as strikes by syrian Government Forces and the russian allies in the latest attack on province syrian troops are advancing on the countrys last rebel held areas at least 40 people have been killed in evidence since thursday. Well intense shelling and as strikes have forced thousands of displaced people to flee to refugee camps near the Turkish Border and the United Nations is warning of a humanitarian catastrophe at least 25000 civilians have left over the past 2 days according to turkish state media around 205000 people have reportedly been displaced from their homes in early november due to the russian and syrian attacks there are already about a 1000000 Syrian Refugees living near the border with turkey and the president says his country can handle a new wave of migration from it led to one is saying that hes essentially warning European Countries that they will also feel the impact if violence in syria is northwest continue as well but the mom. Moved on 80000. 00 about probably from running from the bombs have started migrating to which all told is if the violence towards the people does not stop this number would increase even. In that case turkey would not carry such margaret burden on its own the pressure will be subjected to some european nations especially greece. The turkish president also says hell increase military support to the internationally recognized government in libya but only if necessary to un says hell evaluate ground and marine options its already raised the possibility of sending in troops if libya requests them. Back to maritime boundaries deal signed with the Libyan Government well thats im going to greece which is also exploring the Mediterranean Sea for oil and gas and the turkish government is disputing reports that forces loyal to the wall awfully 5 to have seized and searched a cargo ship off the libyan coast and gore says the cargo is checked after the ships captain requested help from libyas coast guard because of mechanical problems. Well now to iraq thousands of protesters have marched on blocked roads demanding that the appoint to ponding the appointment of an independent Prime Minister demonstrators in the capital baghdad and in the Southern City of basra say one of the nominees is too closely linked to iran the protests come ahead of the looming deadline for the naming of an interim Prime Minister demonstrators say theyre fed up with corruption Core Services and a lack of jobs hundreds of been killed since and to government ronnies began in october. There are going to argue we want to talk about the political regime we want to change the constitution these people have been destroying us to 15 use we dont want them we want to root them meanwhile more protests in lebanon as well in the capital beirut the country struggles to resolve an economic and political crisis but far fewer people compared to sundays demonstrations compared to previous rallies and there were no reports of any violence either its a sign that many seem prepared to give the new Prime Minister designate a chance to anybody who reports on that now from beirut. Well the 67th day lebanese gathered in beirut smarter square to make a stand against the economic and political crisis that on sunday was more like a carnival than a protest. The lebanese capital have witnessed some of the worst violence seen for years the Security Forces clash with supporters on either side of the political divide numbers well down and in marked contrast the anger and violence of previous gatherings is perhaps an indication that some at least are prepared to give the designated Prime Minister sunday out a chance. If they know its going to be a big problem and get but theyre not going to go out for the streets were going to make them fail in this. One for the shouting might be like they never heard of the why are we being pessimistic we should be optimistic the new Prime Minister is decent and not corrupted he seems to be the man for the job and if it doesnt work well find another solution d. L. Was nominated by a weak Majority Parliament comprising of iran backed hezbollah and its allies the shia a Mile Movement and president michel ounds Christian Free Patriotic Movement has promised to appoint a new government filled with technocrats and experts within 6 weeks tension may have reduced but for some within the Sunni Community there is still anger that their leader side hariri has not been chosen as Prime Minister and there are fears that some are seeking to cause a rift between the sunni and shia communities as they feel. It seems like some osieck be trying to incite sectarian strife and in reality we are far away from that we took to the streets because of economy not religion. That is the priority the need for a government to solve the economic crisis lebanon is running out of short term choices the country has one of the worlds biggest debt burdens and in march if you 3. 00 pay a one and a half 1000000000. 00 euro bonds load which is likely to default and that can only worsen the guy Economic Situation here. David hale the u. S. Undersecretary of state for Political Affairs is in beirut meeting with various political leaders he is key to delivering 11000000000. 00 in International Aid which is being locked until economic and political reforms are implemented. And the problem of financially i think at a certain stage within the next week or so all there will be more constraints on the backing sector. People will take to the streets. Full of the some are still singing about revolution but many are praying for a solution for now the people of lebanon can only wait and hope. Tony girty al jazeera beirut. Now at least 9 people have been killed in spain and portugal when 2 storm struck in quick succession following storm elsa midweek storm fabby and then arrived late on saturday and its blowing its way across france and into the mediterranean a city has also been affected while spains Civil Defense agency is warning of strong winds and waves of up to 9 meters high or a challenge reports. To rescue the crew the helicopter had to come down low so low it was being sprayed by huge waves crashing on the vessel. But italian coast guards managed to lift 12 people to safety after their cargo ship was to start a new rocky coastline. Across spain portugal and france more than 118000 households are without electricity in portugal storm surge flooding has forced the evacuation of 250 people many houses have been left on the water here except for those homes built hire up. Islanders on corsica are being warned to stay away from the seaside. This concerned were seeing the end of the crisis with regards to the wind were still in a crisis that could last a dozen or so i was 15 or so more and. It is very important to advise the population not to go to the beaches in the coastline because it can be potentially dangerous. On western spains atlantic tip is no stranger to storms but sites like this is still remarkable a coastal promise a water with seafood topped by the pounding of countless waves and blown ashore by storm fabians full force. And might just wait for my people from getting a break. Its unpredictable and its dangerous but its incredibly beautiful to. Aljazeera. It with a live from london more still ahead. In a tight president ial election. At Victoria Falls despite the rainbow the Worlds Largest waterfall is in some parts a slow trickle find out how the worst drought in a century is affecting 45000000 people across 14 nations in Southern Africa. And then in pakistan. Historic test victory. His back is done is electing a new parliament tolo observe a say theres no genuine opposition 5 parties are running but theyre all loyal to the president shove cut if its the 1st election since the death of long time needed a small caramel in 2016 rizzio of has opened up the country since taking charge with a series of reforms and ending years of isolation but human Rights Groups a critical they say thousands remain imprisoned on false charges on the up till i meet is in the capital tashkent and says the vote has brought more than just electoral reform. Well certainly there is a different atmosphere and you could really feel it each time you spoke to any one of the voters there were coming in with a lot of hope elderly people for example taken part in many previous parliamentary elections in the past but this one was completely different that to some extent because of these television dave bates that unfolded live over the past 3 months they got to know some of the candidates better they got to her to hear what each Party Represented better even though across the board there is not much difference in all these parties feel they did feel those i spoke to said they did they feel that this stance could mark the beginning of a change now certainly reform has been unfolding over the past 3 years in this country where do we talk about for example a discussion about reforming the Education System child labor and forced labor has been abolished in the cotton fields the Exchange Market has been regularized so theres been a lot of reforms and the most important of them all is what people told me across the board is that they feel they can talk freely now without any fear of repercussion but more than one told me you know your foreign journalists 3 years ago i would have never stood in the street and had a conversation read you let alone being filmed so there is a change whether this will bring a full fledged democracy it is really too early to say. On that point with an outdoor and a Chatham House says russia and Eurasia Program in london she joins us now from Saffron Walden essex so 5 parties running but theyre all loyal to the president doesnt seem to be much of much of a Competitive Landscape now much of a choice of voters in this election as. Well the elections have been presented as a milestone in the countrys plans to strengthen parliament and are taking place under the slogan newsdesk a stunning new elections but the 5 parties competing as you say are the same ones that have competed in every election since 2003 and no genuine Opposition Movement has been allowed to register indeed the o. C. E. Has noted that there are very burdensome Party Registration requirements given that an Aspiring Party needs 20000 supporters signatures in order to register for example right given the restrictions in place and the fact that no real opposition is able to register for this election does that not affect the credibility of the vote well it certainly stacks the credibility there are other irregularities having said that. The debates are much livelier than they ever were before there are large numbers of audience the population are watching them with great interest theyre allowed to discuss things that they havent been allowed to discuss before so there is this change but the system is still fundamentally ortho or terry and thats what needs to be understood and one thing is very clear there is no critics criticism of the president himself or president museo. And putting this into context for us. Has been credited with bringing reforms in place and doing the countries is back it sounds isolation but its important to remember that this has also been one of the most of far tarion countries in that region since the fall of the soviet union. And i think its very important to point out that the Economic Reforms to speculate on his undertaken are very complicated very complex they involve currency liberalization. The elimination of forced labor as well theyve abolished exit visas for the population and it made it easier for visitors to travel and these are very real theyre as i say theyre complicated theyre being. Taken in a very short period of time so for example regional trade over the past year and a half to 2 has risen by 25 percent which is not insignificant however a political forms are reburying much legging behind mere 0 it is a product of the system under his predecessor. Karim a and fact he was one of the architects career of. System having been Prime Minister for 15 years before karim if that so what hes seeking to do is to draw in Foreign Investment to lead this pakistan out of its economic stagnation and hes leaving no corner entering in order to do this however this is to his fundamentally. Relies on corruption on peter inclined to relations and with this to really change well then museo would. Probably no longer be in power himself all right well thanks very much i think were going to get. A result on this on december 23rd so thats smart thank you very much and or here now says youre welcome thank you. Were also watching the elections in croatia where early results suggest president cortland get out of it she will face her leftist rival in a runoff round barca terabit is seeking her 2nd 5 year term as croatia prepares to take over the European Unions rotating presidency for the 1st time at speak to are to want to prove binya who is in the Coronation Capital zagreb and so the preliminary results through the course of the evening have shown that there are a lot of its the former leader and leftist candidate has been in the lead but thats correct preelection polls saw that about keitaro it incumbent president as a front runner so having left leaning former Prime Minister in that position its quite surprising although hes far away from 50 percent plus one vote that means hes a going in a runoff lead to get out of it in that case preelection polls also suggest that hes going to lose simply because of the fact a dead right wing voters to be able in that case vote against him and here on the turn fleece we have a right wing pendant miroslav score having more than 20 percent of the vaults some of those votes for sure in a 2nd round will go for to get out of each how closely will his neighbors be following a selection. Well that question is very interesting because it was in her sort of in a neighboring country was one of the topics during this Election Campaign for some of the candidates was and what we know is as they say strategic issue the fact is bosnia and herzegovina is important because of 500 bosnian krotz live inside that country and 90000 of them are illegible to vote that is one of the reasons why was the inner circle is important topic during every Election Campaign inside. If you want to talk about relations with the neighbor i have to admit these relations are not quite good lately simply because it got out of her time in office song from moderate to right creating enemies on all sides her open and sorrow accusing her of stalking of right wing trends and turning blind eye to hate speech and historical revisionism while is not that is not good for relations with neighbors about at the same time it seems to be quite well when it comes to her Voting Results are due on a probe in your thank you. So that for you on this news hour from london please help us is the thats the desperate message found in a Christmas Card made in a chinese factory by foreign what has. Australias Prime Minister takes in for the holidays more than 100. 00 bush fires burn across the country but when it changes Climate Change policy. And the champions return liverpool arrive home with the kabul wild caught santa has that story. Hello again welcome back to your International Weather forecast well here across the central part in the south eastern part of europe were still watching a very intense storm system that is pushing through the Balkan Peninsula right now heading towards the east and with that were seeing quite a bit of rain as well as some very very gusty winds across much of the area we can see the winds down here across parts of turkey now on monday that is going to be quite significant those winds will be pushing in from the south bring a lot of heavy rain across much of the region were talking snow as well into the Higher Elevations that is going to continue as we go towards tuesday and also over here towards eastern med will begin to see the effects in parts of syria as well as into lebanon here in the northwest it will be the winds as we go into tuesday anywhere from the u. K. All the way up here across parts of france and into denmark those winds be quite gusty with london seeing a very windy day there at 11 degrees in paris rain and winds in your forecast at about 12 there here across the northeastern part of africa you will also be experiencing some of those winds along with that storm you wont see the rain or the clouds really but by the time we do get towards tuesday the coastal winds we quite intense across much of the area benghazi all the way over towards cairo but up towards tunis it is going to be a mostly cloudy day for you with a temperature of 90. A city defined by military occupation theres never been an arab state here at the capitol of jerusalem everyone is welcome but this depot structure that maintains the can only project thats what we refuse it was one of the founders of the settlement with this and the story of jerusalem through the eyes of its own people segregation occupation discrimination injustice this is apartheid in the 21st century jerusalem our rock and a hard place on aljazeera. Examining the impact of todays headlines you use the term misinformation ive used the term by setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions how unique aloma is this in terms of modern American History when it comes to racism you have the makings of a neo fascist Moment International filmmakers and world class journalists bringing programs to inspire you. On aljazeera. Welcome back a look at the headlines now indias Prime Minister is refusing to back down on a controversial citizenship role that to ponce discriminates against muslims around the modis accused opposition parties of distorting facts and union rest in which at least 23 people have now died at least 12 people have been killed in a strike by syrian Government Forces in that russian allies and constant bombardment as false around 25000 people to flee the area in the last 2 days alone. And that 9 people have been killed in powerful storms that have battered spain portugal and france over the past 3 days its been widespread flooding and more than 100000 homes have been left without electricity. Well now venezuelas defense minister says at least one soldier has been killed in an attack on a military outpost near the border with brazil the attackers allegedly stole weapons from the military unit and fled but they have since been detained in a tweet the defense minister of that imette adreno lopez called attackers terrorists from extremist sectors of the opposition some of the suspects are being questioned by venezuela. An internal report by the running Catholic Church says 175. 00 miners were sexually abused by priests from ultra conservative mexican ranch the legionnaires religious order was founded by father marcial nescio he is reported to have abused at least 60 boys himself some as young as 12 assailed died in 20082 years after the vatican acknowledged the allegations against him after dismissing them for decades 33 priests are implicated in the report with cases going as far back as 1941. Now mexico is dealing with a Violent Crime epidemic with figures predicting that the murder rate will exceed last years record despite strict gun regulations cartels can easily get hold of firearms smuggling rings trafficked them in from the United States in the 1st of a 2 part investigation john homan speaks to the gun runners and the hit man using them. He joked to me its good the 17th of october 2090 the day the sylow total turned out like an army with a devastating great fire power they subjugate to the mix can really create so for them to go over the streets of coolie economy that would be good this man says he was there fighting with the koto were talking about their weapons were most of the people theyre in on the side of the cult with american guns the 2 to oh yes of course because all the arms that we use here are from the other side of the border. What they got to go hes a hit man a soldier for organized crime one of the many across mexico responsible for record murder rate how difficult would it be to do your job. If there wasnt this free flow of alms coming from the United States. It would be hard because the u. S. Is the chief supplier thats where we get the new explosive guns we need were going to support about muslims local people of the guns that have been seized in mexico and traced 70 percent come from the United States theres a reason its hard to get a gun legally in mexico what the regulations are extremely strict not so in the u. S. And cartels you straw buyers and gun shop scene shows to get glocks a k 47 off if things and even machine guns its this mans job to smuggle them across the border about truth is that its very easy to get them across we do hide them in the upholstery or where we can but the customs agents here dont really focus on that and searching it they never searched the car. We saw that for us selves when we made the journey from the u. S. Into mexico on a busy thursday night there were no possible controls we saw no border offices and just to Customs Officials checked to see of cars that were already free where internets could. A lack of vigilance which is hard to reconcile with mexicos concerns to let myself up over the last year the most worrying issue in mexico are the guns the guns that we saw on coolly akon were impressive i want to propose again but using the latest technology from both countries we can stop the arms trafficking at the border. We asked for an interview with mexicos Foreign Ministry in its Customs Agency to to discuss those Border Security plans we didnt hear back. Meanwhile quantities of weapons continue to be brought across the stashed in a multitude of safe houses on arrival the gun run is in charge of this one in a suburb of the border town. When you move a lot when we come back with guns they can stay here a day or 2 and then our people come to get them when everything is ready to take them away theyre distributed throughout the country being caught with one should mean jail time but if the government is get stopped by local police theres a simple solution called remember as they say here with money the drug dances sort it all out with cash and we each coral and way but i dont know you and you dont know me with the guns make their way to the Cartel Soldiers the same ones the battle to become its going to thirtys and the 17th of october this confrontation between because telling the government. That would never happen if the sin of. This easy access to weapons. Through a process so yes it would happen but obviously as you say it would have been hard for us without the number of weapons i mean we probably would have beaten them if it wasnt so easy to get hold of the guns. The Mexican Forces humiliation then and in direct consequence of leaving us gun regulations and this countrys insufficient Border Security but there were other consequences to more intimate ones for the thousands of victims of mexicos shootings in part to tell their stories john homan aljazeera mccully saddam has opened an investigation into crimes committed in darfur by members of the regime of ousted president tomorrow a share the u. N. Says at least 300000 people were killed in the conflict between proGovernment Forces and rebels which started in 200328 half 1000000 people the displaced a share who was ousted from power earlier this year is wanted by the International Criminal court for crimes against humanity and genocide which he denies sudans new Transitional Government has vowed to establish peace and conflict hit regions. Well now the 3 month wait for the results of the president ial election in afghanistan is finally ended with what appears to be a narrow victory for president ashraf ghani the Electoral Commission says he secured a slim majority of just over 50 percent but supporters of his main rival dollar say they dont accept the result and theyre calling for an investigation or a burden manoli as more. Afghanistans independent Election Commission announced the result which potentially puts president ashraf ghani on course for a 2nd 5 year term Mohamed Ashraf ghani the 4 its for Mohamed Ashraf ghani and 923868 and the votes for a dollar abdullah a 720990. 00. Although the results of the election in september is preliminary and may change in the final count ronnie says hes won with 51 percent of the vote now. The gretsch lead the whole Afghan Nation from the bottom of my heart on the announcement were going to wards a National Trust from division towards national unity. However voter turnout was low 1900000 ballots were counted for 9000000 registered voters in the 35000000 population. Ronnies nearest rival chief executive of Dollar Dollar came in 2nd he rejected the result was the right asked the Complaint Commission about 300000. 00 disputed votes to federal votes need to be separated from the final vote count. Fraud allegations were also made in the last president ial election 5 years ago ronnie and abdullah were locked in an election stalemate with each accusing the other of fraud that led to the u. S. Intervening to negotiate a power sharing agreement. To help stamp out Election Fraud the government brought in machines to collect voters biometric data but many argue people whose biometric data wasnt recorded wont have their votes counted there could very well be strong backlash among activists supporters many of whom house from holding power. And if we look at the past couple of months the lexicon that have been used as very much featured works like for art project. Its been a very aggressive discourse the taliban increase attacks during the Election Campaign taliban leaders said the election was illegitimate and urged a boycott there were doubts about the election. Results and all that i think the commission that gets time to make sure that the concerns are equally berthe from all parties to the Afghan Government just sidelined in the year long negotiations between the u. S. And the taliban aimed at ending the 18 year will of the taliban rejects the government as a puppet for the americans. While ashraf ghani kinds victory the Election Commission hasnt announced a date for the final result nor about the man the aljazeera. Well now in the southern philippines 2 bombings have killed more than a dozen people their hand grenade was thrown into a military truck patrolling Cotabato City killing at least 8 soldiers and 4 civilians that incident was quickly followed by a blast just north of la bangun which wounded 5 people one of them seriously Philippine Armed forces said it suspects groups that were linked to i still carried out the attacks has been more violence in hong kong as Police Used Tear Gas to disperse crowds around me in support of chinas weak a minority more than a 1000 people gathered for the rally waving flags and holding we the signs Police Arrested 2 protesters who attempted to burn a chinese flag one officer drew a gun this protest as threw bottles and rocks a group saying at least a 1000000 weak is in members of other largely Muslim Minority groups have been detained in chinese camps. A 6 year old english golf found a plea for help supposedly from foreign prisoners within china inside had charity Christmas Cards the u. K. s biggest Supermarket Chain tesco is suspended production all the cards at a factory in shanghai the message said it was written by people who have been forced to work against their will it said please help us and asked whether found it to contact Peter Humphrey hes a british journalist who has him self imprisoned in the same jail 4 years ago tesco says its shocked by the report adding it would never allow prison labor in the companys supply chain i want to see cooking and forces actually at this table here just go through because mortenson friends and sure can one up and started laughing and said all moment somebody is already written in this card isnt that funny and when its called its of course said what it did which is that that so the call to come from somebody imprisoned in shanghai and was raising Human Rights Concerns and lost from the its possible to pizza humphries. So earlier i spoke to journalist you hearing about that peter and i thought of by asking him how he 1st found out about this night. Well i heard about it really out of the blue from an ordinary citizen in south london who daughter was opening this packet of Christmas Cards preparing to write them to her School Friends shes just 6 years old and she exclaims i dont know you know this ones already been written on and. Her father read the message in the card and after a bit of reflection he realized this was like the message in a bottle from prisoners in china in chink to prison where i personally have spent some time. And he said he tried to find me because it was addressed to me tesco has said that they a bowl of the use of prison neighboring would never allow for it in their supply chain but do you think that Big Companies need to do more to in terms of transparency around their supply is it do you think that there is enough of an awareness that fulfills that forced labor persists in chinese detention facilities well 1st of all i i wouldnt blame tesco in a certain sense you know i spent 15 years as a Due Diligence investigator in china before my arrest and im actually familiar with these challenges and the kind of work that needs to be done it is not possible for a company like tesco to drill down to the bottom of the supply chain to see if something in their order is being made in a prison is just simply not possible there are severe limitations to how far they can take that you diligence through the chain. Prisons themselves are inaccessible to them and contractors who they have contracted work to for example to produce Christmas Cards or to produce a pair of trousers those contractors hide from the big brand the net the nature of the subcontractors beneath them who they used to make various parts of the product or to. Egypt we dont know who wrote the message in this caught but they k. T. Took an enormous risk in doing so what do you think they were hoping to achieve why did they do this i think they hope that foreign human rights organizations and foreign governments will try to look beyond intervene and to try to bring an end to this forcing of the labor in the unit i dont think it is possible to bring an end to these kind of practices among chinese prisoners in chinese prisons. But given you know the ability of the foreign prisoners to make some contacts. With this method with foreign governments and thats probably what will be hearing about tomorrow. Hoping that this will help. Stop this practice. Well to australia now where dozens more homes have been destroyed by bush fires that are raging out of control firefighters are trying to contain more than 100 places before the expected return of dangerous weather conditions this map by researches in Western Australia shows fires burning over the past 3 days have been major fires in South Australia where at least 72 homes were destroyed there pfizer also threatening communities in New South Wales victoria and queensland since september australias bushfire emergency has killed at least 9 people. And the Prime Minister Scott Morrison has returned to the country after taking a family holiday in hawaii he has apologized for his absence during the crisis but i will say it with calls to change his governments Climate Policy under schip alhazmi all. Hes long been criticised for failing to directly link Climate Change to the bushfires in australia but as Prime Minister Scott Morrison visited areas affected by fires on sunday that changed our government as a was and i have always acknowledged the connection between those weather events in these broader far evidence and the impacts globally of Climate Change but his critics say hes let australia fall behind and then theres his decision to take a Family Vacation in hawaii as a stray burnt morrison cut short the trip after 2 volunteer firefighters died in New South Wales the worst hit state. Or whether over the weekend has given firefighters some relief but the situation is still out of control more than a 5th of the Blue Mountains World Heritage site has been burnt by fire while some towns including balmoral have been ravaged twice in 3 days the fires have burned an area the size of belgium and destroyed more than 800 homes is devastating not knowing whether your property standing on unfortunately we have or saved bad news is not much left in. Some survivors say the sound of the fire terrified them the most as winds blew flames over mountains like a. River of oil right writing with a current you can hear the trees exploding. Thousands of firefighters many of them volunteers are also tiring as they try to contain about 60 fires that are out of control weve got fawaz spreading from north face New South Wales a Queensland Border down to the south coast of New South Wales. To go challenges transport and an accommodation challenges. Spreading and moving people right across such a broad Geographic Area all add to the challenges of for crew rotation lower temperatures have helped the fight but theres no rain forecast for the days ahead and temperatures will soon rise again into chapelle aljazeera and its not just australia suffering from a lack of rain Southern Africa is going through its own west drought in a century with 45000000 people affected in 14 countries its also taking its toll on precious wildlife as hack reports now from zimbabwe one of the west affected countries. Deep in zimbabwe is meant to belittle and people are dying of hunger margaret began then her 5 grandchildren are picking what will be their 1st and last meal of the day for the pumpkin leaves weakened by months of this diet but then they worries the worst is yet to come with decorum and i know would be. They small food in. The strength to go on sometimes they cloned underneath called cleanup in whole the United Nations says Southern Africa is experiencing the worst drought in a century 45000000 people across 14 countries are in need of urgent assistance while Food Distribution is taking place in some areas my gunday has not received any help. A 3 hour drive away there is food at the market but at a price my gunday and most cannot afford the 10. 00 a kilo from 8 or the 5. 00 pack of rice cashing in from the desperation are traders looking to make a profit this is to. Present going up for influence and so on to get the best but i was possible we are all suffering here were all trying to make ends meet. Zimbabwe needs more rainfall for food to grow in november traditional healers invoked the spirits of the mighty is an easy river to release the rains but they have yet to come and so the Worlds Largest waterfall that separates involve way from zambia doesnt quite look the same with tourists asking where has the water gone this isnt just a tourist attraction its a lifeline for millions of people beyond zimbabwes border because the water is used both for food and power but look at it now. Gone is the thunderous sound of Falling Water left below are hungry animals dying of thirst after travelling for hundreds of kilometers in search of water a hippopotamus experiences the slow painful death from hunger 200. 00 elephants have died since the summer there could be more with endangered species especially vulnerable to those alive both animals and humans are left to graze on whatever they can and so dulled by hunger margaret and a 10 day in her grandchildren share their meal today treat a portion of maize tomorrow though is uncertain Nicholas Hawke aljazeera land zimbabwe. Just an update to bring you about at least 5 people having been killed 5 others kidnapped by fighters aligned with i still in the northeast of nigeria about 35 to seize control of a highway near a sorrow a village this is under a can on which is north of the borno state capital might do gori 3 full on the herdsman are among the dead you at the news hour still ahead. Italy hope to sweep the board at the Winter Sports well kept. On coming up with sun. I thought this conviction that everyone has a deep reservoir of tonic in the military and if you can give them the opportunity wonderful things start to happen and sometimes the simplest situations author missed and packed from yeah. Yeah ok so. The main thing is that sense i was 0 apart from other news organizations is that a lot of our reporting is about real people not about ideas or politicians or what they may want to do but how policies and how events affect real people its ok its ok something. A little more complicated ill put it up and if this is not an act of creation im going to walk because of the work youre doing here is amazing there are so many fossils and it feels like this is just. What was your relationship with normal or ok. This job isnt just about whats on a script or a piece of paper its about whats happening right now. Time now from this fall with ana. Thank you very much Merriam Wallace with the English Premier League fred got the better of his old manager. But chelseas 2 nil when i told them on sunday was mobbed by allegations of crowd racism. 1st half goals a from win a one a penalty put chelsea in control of the match it got worse so for spurs one song was given a red card. For kicking out. Ridiculous after the incident stadium announcements were made warning about the racist behavior all i know is the attorney said. Some racial crises challenge him comment of course of support tony. As we support any of our prize fights any opposition plies whatever it is happens whatever stadium happens at least to be dealt with i hate racism in society i have a dressing room in football im disappointed that. Seems like like that too can happen but the referee stopped again he spoke to the players spoke to the captain spoke to the coaches. I was losing i didnt win the game to be stopped but immediately when i knew the reason why the game was stopped. Obviously and the students accepted it bad day 2 for marrying you as a former club man to see united beat into a nail by a bottom of the table what foot 7 hof goals from a smile and a troy any penalty sold them a win for only the 2nd time this season but today on this moment im very disappointed because we have to come to these stadiums and. Get more points against teams like today im sure they were low in confidence because they must be looked at when youre bottom of the table we were confident because weve done well lately but it just wasnt there was no intent to rudins the. When again. Liverpool returned to the premier league duties still with a 10 point lead in the title race and the team have arrived back from their successful trip to doha where they won the fee for Club World Cup european clubs side the flamingo one nail in the final to take the trophy for the 1st time in their history. Ac milan are going into the winter break in italy off the back of their heaviest defeat in syria for over 20 years their home to 5 nailed by atalanta on sunday al hunt obama said with a stunning individual goal and 2 from. For the home side in and find themselves in the table 21 points behind the leaders was allowed to climb to 5th place as you beat eventis 31 to win the italian super cup in saudi arabia you they also finished with 10 men as long as you suit the trophy for the 5th time german champions by a munich have awarded interior coach a handsome flick after staging a coverage from their difficult start to the season hes been put in charge of for the rest of the campaign buy and go into the winter break in the league or 4 points behind leaders in this place. Champions i. X. Head into the winter break in the dutch league in confident mood they were 610 winners over struggling then on sunday i can see it with the pick of the goals. By the suns cricket is need just 3 more wickets on the final day against sri lanka in karate 2 in their 1st test series on home soil for a decade. Both made centuries on day 4 as pakistan declares the 2nd innings on 555 for 3 that set the tourists an unlikely target to 476 a sri lankan juice to 212 for 7 at the close with. Taking 3 wickets. Australian golfer adam scott the has ended his 4 year wait for a title the former masters champion that won the australian p. G. A. Championship side throw clients on the gold coast by 2 shots on sunday scot winning this title for the 2nd time and claiming the 30th victory of his career theres opportunities for everyone who wanted to come to him and started this is a Long Time Coming but im really having to go in and out of p. G. A. Here with the cancellation of may just being events in europe due to excess snow the sport of snowboard cross a has been stepping into the spotlight this has been in the olympic sport and since 2006 and its world cup season is well on the way it was a photo finish here at the mens final on its ear and it was the home hope of lorenzos so madiba who wanted to head of another italian and not too tense in the end. The womens crosscountry world cup in slovenia went ahead despite the heavy snow has proved too much for other events swedens 2nd pairing thrived in the conditions winning this one the head of none other than swedens 1st pairing great day for sweden. And thats it for. Me back to mary and. Thanks very much well that wraps up the news out but i will be back in a moment with a full round up of the days top stories and a bulletin for you as always our web site al jazeera dot com they can get all the latest on the developments in attacks have continued and people are fleeing to the border with turkey more and take up less. Trouble began at the end of the countrys civil war when most people started returning home from refugee camps. Ammo more who are struct and killed during a demonstration in 2017 is buried right here in the middle of the street as a sign of resistance to the Mining Companies and government just said in your list time the accusations someone used displacement between the communities the Mining Companies and the government has now escalated to west africas Regional Court the community has taken its case before west africas Regional Court because they say the people have little for using the justice system. This is a boon for point people right now in technology there is so much going to help people its phenomenal thanks for calling i read this is there and what are you looking for today we get to assist the blind with their day to day tasks and give them more independence and freedom dispose architectural yep that sure is a tomato exploration process with a laser and we have that Technology Available to us techno. Legally prescribe for the pain relief of the sick but taken in life threatening doses by millions in search of a fix. Huge illegal shipments of the opioid tramadol are flawed because the. People in power goes to nigeria to investigate the devastating addiction epidemic that is even fueling the book and search. West africas Opioid Crisis on. Indias Prime Minister denies a controversial new citizenship more excludes muslims as angry protesters mount that biggest ever challenge to his rule. Hello im arianna mozzie in london you know with al jazeera also coming up at least 9 people are killed as a powerful storm smashed their way through western year 3 months after afghanistans president ial election a winner is provisionally declared that will the result stand. As an exclusive report on arms to

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