The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) has mandated telecom operators to provide detailed information about base stations or mobile towers, including site location, frequency, backhaul connectivity, technology used, and commissioning time. This directive aims to enhance the quality of service (QoS) and address call drop issues.
TRAI: Currently, the telcos are not required to provide details around date of commissioning of a base station and if the site is connected by fibre or not and details of 5G base stations and cells.
Telecoms tower company IHS Nigeria, a subsidiary of IHS Towers, announced on Wednesday that Airtel Nigeria has signed a deal renewing its contract and expanding its tenancies to almost 10,000 over the next five years.
4G Mobile Towers: Noting that 5G services were launched in India on October 1, 2022, the MoS said "Within a span of 14 months, more than 4.15 lakh 5G sites are providing connectivity across 742 districts in the country."
Veon subsidiary Banglalink said on Wednesday it has completed the sale of part of its tower portfolio in Bangladesh to Summit Towers for BDT11 billion (US$100 million).