Food addiction is the compulsive need to eat junk food that has a lot of carbohydrates, sugar, flour and other fatty substances. This can occur even when you are not hungry.
Physical symptoms of stress on the body are varied, ranging from hormonal changes to changes in the nervous system, manifesting as the flight-fight-freeze response.
How Mindfulness Saved My Life During COVID-19
By Special to the Sentinel
Published February 25, 2021
Chris Burton, the founder and director of Art Active, Inc.,
“I thought I was going to die from COVID-19,” said Chris Burton, the founder and director of Art Active, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing art and mindfulness to underserved communities of all ages in the greater Los Angeles community.
In March of 2020, Burton became very ill with COVID-19, which is caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. He had all the typical symptoms – fever, loss of smell and taste, extremely lethargic, and random pains. He battled with COVID-19 for six weeks. Of all the symptoms he experienced, he says the worst one was the virus’ effect on his mental health.