The night of the assassins remember it seems a lot longer than a year ago but i wont digress. Last year when i was working on a night of the assassins, i spent a lot of time reading about world war ii and tried to put myself into the shoes of the people i was reading about. I wondered if i had made the choices they made to protect the families and protect myself. But i have found the fortitude, courage. Its where i am now where i wrote my book with a few annoyances in the background and frogs croaking in the pond college hilltop in connecticut. Hopefully there wont be a thunderstorm and it will stay nice. But when i visit here i think i would spend a good deal of my time wishing i could understand what it was like to live through world war ii and find an understanding to convey on the page what its like to live with a constant sense of uncertainty and not knowing whats going to have been mac, what its like to live through a great unknown. But now it is a previously unimagined and all i