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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas News Headquarters 20240711

To you. Meanwhile, the president suggesting he is nowhere ready to concede to president elect joe biden telling foxs Sunday Morning futures he will keep fighting to overturn the Election Results but also expressing some doubt about whether the Supreme Court will take up his challenges. David spunt has more now from the white house. David. Reporter arthel, good afternoon to you. Since election day, President Trump has talked a lot about the Supreme Court, giving hope to some of his Supreme Courters his supporters, also of members of his team. He said it would be a be all, end all, the chance for the Trump Campaign to possibly change something in their favor because it has not been going in their favor from a legal sense. Today he was more pessimistic when speaking with maria about the Supreme Court. In that interview with maria, it lasted well over 40 of minutes, he doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on his claims that the election was fraudulent, though theres no indication that that is the case, when speaking to state election officials. Joe biden is the president elect. When talking about the Supreme Court, maria asked the president several times and he didnt seem as confident. Listen. Well, the problem is, its hard to get into the Supreme Court. Ive got the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers, that want to argue the case if it gets there. But they said its very hard to get a case up there. Can you imagine donald trump, president of the United States, files a case and i probably cant get a case. Reporter one of the president s attorneys, jenna ellis, told me yesterday the team will file an application to the Supreme Court, that will go to Justice Samuel alito. He could rule on the application himself, give the Trump Campaign more time the to possibly delay the electoral process. I say delay. Doesnt mean its going to overturn any results as biden won the state. He could get eight colleagues involved which could happen. They would hear what they have to say or they could nix it all together. This doesnt necessarily mean well see oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court like bush v gore in 2000. In another legal blow to the president s strategy, the pennsylvania Supreme Court, the state Supreme Court last night ruled against a small group of republicans including pennsylvania congressman mike kelly and a congressional candidate named sean parnell, they wanted to stop the certification of the states votes and overturn a Pennsylvania Law that allowed no excuse mailin voting, meaning anybody could request a mailin ballot without an excuse. The attorney general from pennsylvania, josh shapiro, preyed the pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling, says its a victory for those republicans that voted for the freedom elections. Georgia, another state that President Trump has been criticizing heavily, he says he regrets today endorsing brian kemp, arguing kemp has not gotten involved on his behalf. Arthel thanks, david. Reporter thank you. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud and it continues to be as they hide. And the problem we have, we go to judges and people dont want to get involved. Eric eric that is President Trump claiming massive voter fraud this morning, his words. They stuffed the ballot box, it was a, quote, fake election. All this despite the fact his campaign failed to prove any of his in court. Many, including trump appointed officials, say the president s claims are false and un substantiated. He promises to reveal the alleged fraud in court, including a slew of affidavits. Legal experts note affidavits are not necessarily fact and election authorities across the country vow to investigate any claim of election fraud. The president s pronouncement cause some supporters to doubt the veracity of the election. Hans nichols is here. Happens, what is your hans, what is your reaction from what we heard from the president this morning . Well, its more of the same. The president hasnt broken new grounds. The news from the president will be when he formally decides to concede. He hinted a little bit more, he seemed in his mind to get closer to that final destination if it is indeed his final destination. The biden campaigns perspective, theyre largely ignoring this. Theyre proceeding with the transition process. Theyre now going through the intelligence briefings, theyre going to make more announcements on the staff and cabinet side. From the biden side the strategy is conscious avoidance and make sure they have the legal strategy in place to meet any challenges from the trump team. Eric lets break down some of what the president claimed this morning. He said there were massive dumps of illegal votes in bidens favor, specifically pointing out detroit. Heres the president. You just take a look at just about every state that were talking about, every swing state that were talking about, and they did these massive dumps of votes and All Of A Sudden i went from winning by a lot to losing by a little. Eric Officials Say these are not illegal dumps, its just the counting of the many mailin ballots that are entered into the computer system. Are these illegal votes . Is that proof of massive voter fraud . Well, theres no evidence to substantiate that. When you talk to republicans in these states or on the election boards, very few of them are substantiating that at all. It was last week, the Secretary Of State in georgia, i had a conversation with him and he said, look, we did Everything Possible to make sure this election was full of integrity, theres Chain Of Custody in the ballots, signature matching. He said, look, it was a close election but donald trump simply lost and at least in his mind, as the Secretary Of State down there, a republican, someone who said he voted for trump, is theres scapegoating going on among Party Officials trying to blame the Voting System when the fact of the matter is, it appears that the president just didnt get the votes he needed to win. So to believe the claims of widespread fraud, eric, you have to believe that a lot of the other republican victories and it was a very good night for republicans in november, then all of those potentially are he bogus as well. So you cant have it eric they picked up seats in the house, the president says thousands of dead people voted. Heres that. There are a lot of dead people that socalled voted in this election but dead people were in some cases, in many, many cases, thousands of cases, voted. Eric officials point out that does happen sometimes, either clerical errors or maybe a husband or wife votes in the name of someone thats deceased. That is a felony. Is that enough to change the election . Statistically, likely not, when you look at the number of deaths that have been on there and transpose that onto the universe of ballots. You raise a good point. Anecdotally you will have a few examples of voter irregularity, down right fraud. It happens. You have a massive election. You have a total number of votes, getting close to 160 million range, when you have that number of votes that are out there, youre going to have a few that werent on the up and up. The question is, does that Poll Lieutenant the entire process pollute the entire process . Eric he pointed out dominion voting machines, saying the machines switched a massive number of votes from him to mr. Biden and, therefore, in his view, quote, rigged the election. We had glitches where they moved thousands of votes from my account to bidens account. And these are glitches. Theyre not glitches. Theyre theft. Theyre fraud. Absolute fraud. Eric here is what dominion says about that, quote, it is important to understand that that is not possible, not a machine by machine basis, not by alleged hacking, not by manipulating software, not by sending votes to overseas locations. If it were possible, it would have been discovered in a statewide Hand Counting of votes. Dominion says there were no glitches. Every machine is backed up by a paper ballot. When they did the hand count, it matched up what dominion did exactly. Did Dominion Machines create an unfair election. I cant adjudicate that. It seems that experts that i trust say it would be close time possible to have done. In general, we have here you have the president making allegations. It may be enough for his supporters. Many of his supporters will question the results. The broader question is, will those allegations be enough for a court of law and not a single court of law has agreed with the president on that. So while many of his supporters may feel the election is stolen, it doesnt appear that the courts feel that the election is stolen and theyre the ones that can sway the outcome. That all means that we should start preparing for an inauguration on january 20th. Whether or not the president accepts that or not, tha thatst is likely to happen. Eric it seems like a president who cant wrap his brain or mind around the fact, he cant process the fact that someone who he thinks is so inferior to him won the election. Maybe. Or maybe he is just establishing a predicate for running in 2024. I dont know what the president s overall longterm Strategic Plan is here, if there is a plan or even if its strategic. But we know at least rhetorically hes not accepting it and hes clearly laying the predicate for a run in 2024. I guess we can get used to the sequel out of him. Okay. Eric and finally, what does this do to the belief, the trust, the integrity, of our democracy, our election system, the foundation of our very republic . Tough call. Right. I mean, the peaceful transfer of power, the acceptance of results has been here for the past 225 some years. And if the president goes in a different direction on this, and doesnt even participate in the inauguration, that will be something new. And i think we should note that and mark that and explore what it means to the significance not just of his party but of the country and as you said, the foundations of democracy. Eric hans nichols, political reporter at axios, thank you for your insight and analysis. Arthel. Arthel eric, thank you. President elect joe biden moving forward in announcing three new advisors to his Coronavirus Task force. The spotlight is on janet yellen, the first woman to chair the federal reserve, now set to make history again with biden expected to task yellen as the first female treasury secretary. Jacqui heinrich is live in wilmington, delaware with the latest. Jacqui. Reporter good afternoon, arthel. President elect joe biden is expected to roll out his Economic Team this week and former fed chair janet yellen is poised to head up the treasury. If confirmed, she will be the first woman to lead the department and also will face historic set of challenges, managing economic fallout from the pandemic. Theres little time to waste filling cabinet positions after the delayed transition held things up. Biden is set to receive an intelligence briefing tomorrow, including vaccine distribution, testing and supply chain concerns later this week. Work continued over the Holiday Weekend, the Transition Team announcing three new advisors to the Coronavirus Task force and the picks reflect the president elects priorities. Officials with experience who will address inequities. Dr. Jane hopkins is an immigrant from sierra leone, specializing in mental health. Dr. Jill jim of the Navajo Nation spent her work serving tribal communities and dr. David michaels was Assistant Secretary Of Labor under president obama. They are expected to continue with diversity being a big priority of jay johnson is up for second of defense and james clyburn, who galvanized black Voter Turnout for joe biden is looking to shift the focus from Rural America to hunger initiatives, saying biden needs to give black people more representation but Asian Americans are calling for inclusion, in a letter saying record turnout helped georgia turn blue. Also, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus today urging biden to pick Michelle Grisham to head up health and human services, so a lot of picks to come, arthel. Arthel thank you very much. Eric. Eric now to coronavirus. The cases keep sweeping and surging across the country. The numbers coming out of the Holiday Weekend are not good. The ughs now has more than u. S. Now has more than 13. 2 million reported infections, so far 270,000, nearly that number of americans have succumbed to coronavirus. One study predicts the number of dead could hit half a million within the next three months. There is a glimmer of hope, despite all this. At least 5 million americans have recovered from it. San francisco is about to impose a Covid Curfew There and the 49ers is one of the nfl teams the pandemic has affected in a big way. Christina coleman is live in los angeles with more. Christina. Reporter hi, eric. Weve got a lot to cover here. Fortunately, a lot of people are recovering from the virus. Public Health Officials dont want people to let their guard down. Here is the u. S. Surgeon general on Fox News Sunday this morning. Its going to get worse over the next several weeks but the actions that we take in the next several days will determine how bad it is or whether or not we continue to flatten our curve. Reporter meanwhile, the virus is ravaging the National Football league. 43 players across the nfl have been added to the covid reserve list this week alone. The nfl is Going Forward with todays Denver Broncos game against the new Orleans Saints even though all of the broncos quarterbacks are on the covid19 reserve list. One quarterback tested positive for the virus and other three were deemed high risk close contact. The broncos are expected to start a Practice Squad Wide Receiver as quarterback and according to espn the broncos wanted to push the game back but Rogeroger Goodell denied the requests. Broncos tight end tweeted, you cant possibly send us into a game without a quarterback, the most important position to the offense. The pittsburgh steelers, ravens game is on for tuesday despite the ravens bad covid outbreak, one of the largest covid outbreaks on a pro u. S. Sports team right now. Two more players tested positive for the ravens on saturday, including mark andrews who also of has type one diabetes. As of now they have 20 players on the reserve covid19 list. There is a ban on contact sports, which will prevent the San Francisco 49ers from playing games at their home stadium. Theyre working with throwing for an with the league for an alternate location. Based on scheduling and the requirement that games be played in an nfl stadium, the Arizona Cardinals stadium could be an option. San francisco is enacting more covid restrictions, starting today at noon, local so in about three hours, a limited Stay Home Order will go into effect. Arthel. Arthel eric ill take it, christina. Meanwhile, the infections are spreading and the list of officials has been growing. Governors are testing positive. Who is the latest governor that has tested positive for covid19 . Reporter the latest governor is colorados governor, he announced yesterday that he and his partner both tested positive for covid19. That is a tough situation there. He is the sixth governor to test positive so far. The last one was mark gordon of wyoming. On wednesday, he tweeted he was exposed to someone who was infected with the virus and he was going to start quarantining. However, he says he is asymptomatic, hes feeling well and he is going to continue to isolate at home. Eric. Eric thats encouraging news. We wish the governor well. Christina coleman in los angeles. Thank you. Arthel new information on a top iran ne Nuclear Advisor kild in an ambush on his car. The implication for things like mideast peace and oil stretching from the United States and a israel. This is andy, my schwab financial consultant. Heres andy listening to my goals and making plans. This is us talking taxsmart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. This is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that theres no fee to work with him. Heres me learning about schwabs satisfaction guarantee. Accountability, i like it. So, yeah. Andy and i made a good plan. Find your own andy at schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Eric irans Supreme Leader is accusing israel of being behind a bold and brazen attack that assassinated the nations top nuclear scientist, long suspected of masterminding the countrys military nuclear program. He was shot and killed friday in a sudden ambush by a group of armed gunmen after the car that he was riding in was ambushed on the outskirts of tehran, that funeral will be held later actually, was held earlier today. What a story. Trey yingst following this assassination of another Iranian Nuclear scientist. Trey. Reporter good afternoon. The middle east remains on edge today after the assassination of a man largely seen as the godfather of the iranian new clear program. The funeral for the scientist got underway today. His body will pass through multiple cities before being buried in tehran on monday. The Supreme Leader and irans president are vowing to respond to the killing. The entire element of iran has to know that the iranian nation and country officials are brave and intrepid enough to respond to this criminal action at the right time, well respond to the crime. Reporter top iranian Officials Say israel is behind the ambush as one of the countrys largest newspapers called on iranian leadership to bomb an israeli port city. Soldiers are under routine orders but remain on alert about the possibility of an attack from iranian proxies in the area. In a statement it was said our message is clear, we will continue to Act Vyin Vigorouslys necessary against the iranian establishment in syria and well continue to be fully prepared against any kind of aggression against us. As for Irans Nuclear program, its current breakout period to have enough nuclear period to create a bomb is estimated to be between three and four months. Both israel and america say they will not let iran get that far. Eric. Eric all right, trey, thanks so much. Iin a few moments welllearn moe assassination and what our allies can do to rai rein in the regime. Arthel it is nearly december. Some scattered snow flakes are expected across the great lakes. Meantime, rain heading for the northeast. Chief meteorologist ric Rick Reichmuth is live with the full forecast. Its about time we start getting snowstorms and we have one of them. We had such an incredible weather this last week, getting to grandmas or moms or wherever you went for thanksgiving. We dont have any delays across the airports. We have one storm across parts of the south and thats where were watching really rainy day across east texas and parts of louisiana. Behind that storm, you get the idea that colder air is starting to get in here. 35 in denver, 32 in rapid city. Theres colder air, not incredibly cold air, what you could see this time of year. We have a storm thats a significant rain maker across parts of the south. Its going to continue to pull off towards the east. As it does, it will become a big rain maker across the midatlantic tomorrow. The west coast, complete pattern change. Weve got another 5 to 6 days of decent weather, maybe coastal rains across the pacific northwest. Aside from that, everything is looking dry. Back to the main storm, what the models think it will look like. Tonight, we have rain across a lot of tennessee, parts of georgia, into the carolinas and then overnight tonight it moves in across the midatlantic, tomorrow, areas of the northeast. A windy, rainy day from philadelphia up towards boston and some of those areas in southern new england maybe well be talking about 3 inches or so of rain, so a little bit of localized flooding and the backside of this, a lot of colder air comes in, we see 3 or 4 inches of snow fal


Transcripts For MSNBC Weekends With Alex Witt 20240711

Good day, everyone, and welcome to msnbc headquarters in new york. There is a new timeline for the distribution of covid19 vaccines once they are approved for emergency use, and some americans could be getting them before christmas. Surgeon general drum adams said its authorization will submit its request on december 10, and some will answer within 24 hours of that request. The Surgeon General will reflect on what might have gone wrong with President Trumps handling of the pandemic. There are many Different Things we could have done differently. This virus has been challenging. I wish that, again, this hadnt been superimposed on top of an election. I wish we would have been able to come together as a nation and really talked about the science instead of the politics. Hmm. Well, this comes from new warnings today from dr. Anthony fauci on what to expect after the busy thanksgiving travel weekend. There almost certainly is going to be an uptick because of what has happened with the travel. We understand the importance of families getting together, and its just something that we have to deal with that we likely will have an increase in cases as we get into the colder weeks of the winter and as we approach the christmas season. We may see a surge upon a surge. We dont want to frighten people, but thats just the reality. And just a short while ago, the president returned to the white house from camp david with his three grandchildren, but he remains fixated on overturning the election result. His Campaign Team now mulling their next move after another legal challenge fell apart in pennsylvania. Over 26 protrump legal challenges have been dismissed by courts nationwide. Lets go to carol lee in washington. Carol, welcome. Lets talk first about the nationwide Coronavirus Spread and if were Hearing Anything from the white house about it. Reporter good afternoon, alex. What were hearing is basically from dr. Fauci who was on Meet The Press today saying that were going to have a surge on top of a surge, as you just heard, but also saying there is going to be additional Travel Warnings coming for the winter holidays. And when he was asked whether or not President Trump would be one of those voices urging americans not to travel during the winter holidays, urging americans to wear masks, dr. Fauci said its possible, but he really doesnt have any power in that regard, so leaving that to be an open question. Which is a real contrast when it comes to President Elect joe biden who talks regularly about coronavirus and has really made himself the face of his transition in terms of giving warnings about a possible surge, taking precautions, Wearing Masks and things like that. Now, President Trump did talk about coronavirus briefly during an interview with fox news today, where he said that he didnt want joe biden to get credit for the distribution of the vaccine, that he feels like he deserves credit for there being a vaccine, and that he wants to make sure that he gets that credit. He talked mostly in this interview, alex, about the election, where he made, again, unsubstantiated allegations of fraud in the election and continued to vent frustrations on any host of individuals, but particularly zeroing in on judges after receiving some pretty handy defeats in court, including one where a judge who the president had nominated, said that he failed to produce any evidence in that case in pennsylvania, and so the president venting his frustration about judges and saying that he wants them to listen to his evidence and that theyre somehow not. Take a listen. Well, were trying to put the evidence in, and the judges wont allow us to do it. We are trying we have so much evidence. You probably saw it wednesday of last week. We had a hearing in gettysburg, pennsylvania. It was an incredible hearing, unbelievable witnesses, highly respected people that were truly aggrieved. We have to point out that that hearing the president is referring to was not an actual official hearing, it was held in a Hotel Ballroom in gettysburg. It was just people speaking in microphones saying things that they were alleging were fraud that happened during this election. It was led by the president s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. But, again, nothing official. No evidence put forward in court so far that any judge has said shows some widespread allegations of fraud, which the president has been alleging now for several weeks. Notably, alex, in that interview with fox news, the president also said that regardless of whether states certify, his cases get thrown out of court, nobody comes by his side and this election is overturned, that he will not change his mind that there was fraud in this election. It doesnt have any bearing of the result but gives you a sense of his mindset. Thank you, carol lee, outside the white house. Appreciate that. Thousands of you are traveling home this sunday after thanksgiving. More than 960,000 people passed through u. S. Airports just yesterday according totsa, and now they are warning of a new surge in coronavirus cases. The cdc is meeting on thursday to decide which doses wipeople receive the first doses of the vaccine. The first doses are already in the country. A source tells msnbc that United Airlines flew with thousands of vaccines in dry ice from canada last night. All the Denver Broncos quarterbacks have apparently been ruled out of todays game because of close exposure to the coronavirus, so its unclear if they even can play the game against the saints. It was said that a running back will take the position. Well see. They have canceled all Team Activities tomorrow and thursday. Now lets head to chicago to talk about the travel there. Many travelers opted for a safer route by driving. Millions of people were on the road. Cori, a big hello to you. What are you hearing from travelers who decided to hit the highways for the holiday . Reporter alex, its kind of a mixed bag. Weve seen half and half. Everybody has been happy with their decision to drive of the fact that there are fewer cars on the road. There are 2 million fewer cars on the road. The lanes behind me, normally you will see them full. Not bumper to bumper stopped, but fuller. Nearly 48 Million People drove for thanksgiving, according to the aaa. They changed their trip by things like just eating outdoors with their loved ones. Many said they didnt want to change things, including going black friday shopping. Listen to what someone told me. We were supposed to go earlier this year, but we waited until thanksgiving. I would say at this point in time with all the sanitation that were doing and everything, and especially on airplanes and that, that it would be relatively safe. Reporter you know, alex, that gentleman was a bit unique in what he said in that he was comfortable with air travel, because most folks have opted not to travel. You can tell the numbers significantly down for air travel this year by about 47 . Normally about 4. 5 million folks travel in the thanksgiving week, down to about 2. 5 million. The big problem with that, alex, is as people go home, only half said they planned on quarantining or isolating. Doctors do think well start to see the effects of folks who are not staying home continuing to have that spread among their community in the next couple weeks. But one little tidbit i do want to add for you, baby boomers did reduce their travel this year by about half. Only about 50 of baby boomers hit the road for thanksgiving. Alex . Thank you, cori, well see you next hour. Lets go to staten island, new york. Thats where a Field Hospital had to open for the first time this spring as the state braces for a postseason surge. Welcome to you. How concerned are the doctors youre talking with about whats heading our way in the next few weeks in the new york city area . Reporter alex, they do not mince words. They are extremely concerned about some of the trends they are seeing right now. Here outside of the field house, they actually have a staterun testing facility. We just saw a car pull up, heres another one pulling up. They come up and you see National Guard members will greet them. Everybody is supposed to keep their windows up, and then they can go and drive through, and then we have these tents here. This is where people can drive through and get their testing. Its free, no appointments needed here in staten island. But behind the tents, you see the Brick And Mortar building, thats a Field Hospital that was never opened. Its open again. In june they treated about 250 covid patients. Opening this week, they have 14 patients and they have a lot of capacity here to accommodate more. Of course, they dont want to. But these patients they have in the Field Hospital are considered nonserious because of how theyre set up in this facility. The really urgent cases of covid will go to the main hospital. But this is really indicative of where were at in staten island. Things are worrisome here, only getting worse. The cases right now are higher than they were in the aftermath after july 4th and after labor day. And right now the local leadership is blaming peoples behavior here in staten island. Theyre not Wearing Masks enough, theyre not social distancing enough, and this is really foreboding for where we are in new york city. We have temps getting a lot cooler, and if you think you can come in and just get one of these tests and hang out with your family and be okay, the medical director here says its not foolproof. Lets listen. If you think youre going to test negative today and congregate with Family Members two days from now without a mask and without social distancing, you have a full sense of security, because you can be negative today and positive tomorrow and not feel sick tomorrow but still be able to spread the disease. Reporter so, alex, we cant stress that medical advice enough. Here this medical director says they have learned from the beginning of the pandemic, theyre not intubating as many patients, putting as many patients on ventilators so theyll have better outcomes. There are also a lot of treatments that have been approved by the fda. But here this Field Hospital up and running, its accepting patients, they can accommodate as many as 100 and they can set it up again to accommodate even more, but of course, alex, they dont want to have to do that. Of course, they dont. Thank you for the headsup on whats happening there, lindsey reiser. Doctor of the Department Of Health and a Special Pathogens Epidemiologist and director of the pathogens program. Can you walk us through this meeting set for tuesday . What exactly will be decided and what kind of timeline is there for the next steps from the cdc . Sure. So the meeting on next tuesday will look at prioritization of the available covid vaccines, and it will determine what are the two primary groups that will receive this. As it stands now, based on a number of discussions weve had in the work group of the covid vaccines and in our previous ac iteam meeting, it looks like it will be Health Care Providers and individuals living in longterm facilities. That all makes sense, doctor, but this group that gets designated is likely to be a lot larger than the Vaccine Supply that comes. And we have to remind people this is going to be distributed in two doses, two inoculations. So, dr. Romero, how do you decide where it goes . Do you look at the map of where things are the worst at the time . Do you try to shore up something that isnt suffering so badly at the time and then move . How do you decide . Right, so you are exactly right. We will not have enough vaccines to immunize everybody in the first two subtiers. The states have already identified those sites where they believe the vaccine should be sent. Thats one of the things that will be determined again as a final step on friday coming up. The states themselves will determine what groups within those highrisk groups should be immunized and where the vaccine should be distributed initially. Some of that decision will be made in part based on the characteristics of the vaccine were using. If it turns out that the Pfizer Vaccine is approved, then issues of ultra cold storage play into the ability to be able to distribute this vaccine, and that will certainly make the decision of which centers or which places will get them first. So, doctor, americans are certainly skeptical of a vaccine. You know better than anybody about the anti vaccers. How concerned are you . 71 would get the vaccine, and that dropped to 51 in september and the latest in november showing 58 , so we are seeing an increase in people wanting to take the vaccine, but its not enough. And the pandemic depends on getting people vaccinated and covered. We have a good Vaccine Buildout campaign to not only identify these people, but notice that they are part of these priority groups, giving them what they need. There is a lot of hesitancy. People are concerned about the safety, the efficacy and the side effects and all these things we have information on, so making sure we provide the information to the people in a grassroots communitybased structure. May i ask you about a local issue . Mayor Bill De Blasio Just Announced today that schools are going to reopen to inperson learning on novembdecember 7th. Is this good news from a Health Perspective . The back and forth of how to keep schools open, whether to close or not, that has been an ongoing, very loud conversation. Starting off, schools are so important for society, not just for education but so many other reasons. So prioritizing them and reopening them is certainly something we need to aim for. We want to make sure that along with Opening Schools were looking at viral transmission and we are curtailing and putting restrictions on numbers that are driving cases. That transmission is happening also not necessarily in the schools. We need to prioritize Keeping Schools open and making Sure Transmission is at a low enough level so we can go in and have hyper local response from keeping these classes from becoming fullon outbreaks. Dr. Madad and jose romero, thank you for your insights. The president s plan to overturn the election. Oh, no, look at this. This is taiwans parliament once again evolving into fist fights and then some, because this time it was all over a plan to allow u. S. Imports of pork. Protesters protested the measure, and you know what else . They were throwing pig guts. Pig guts. Think about that. Pig guts. Pig guts think about that the calming scent of lavender by downy infusions calm. Laundry isnt done until its done with downy. Before we talk about taxsaudreys expecting. New . Twins wed be closer to the twins. Change in plans. At fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. Another busy week in store for President Elect bidens admission teams. Well hear what to expect, and apparently, ali, it includes more Cabinet Picks . Reporter it does, more Cabinet Picks expected this week, alex. Were told by the Transition Team these might be electronically related. We might hear from joanet yelle, that is President Elect bidens pick for this role, so diversity is really being prioritized here by this Transition Team. Were also hearing speculation and jockeying for roles behind the scenes, including for the department of defense. I want to show you a few names were hearing about, including the top person on this list, former top pentagon official michelle floynoy. Were told she is a likely pick here. Its a name weve been hearing for a while. But were also hearing about the secretary, one of bidens key priorities, and you can see some of the names there. We know his Congressional Spanish caucus put out a letter to the biden Transition Team today asking that they really consider governor Michelle Grisham of new mexico, but also names like karen best, when she was in the running to be bidens Vice President ial pick, and the head of his Covid Task Force right now, dr. Vivek, so a lot of speculation about these roles as we head into another week where were getting some Cabinet Picks. It is causing some people to look at this slate of names, people who were selected already and people who could be put into his cabinet. Its making people compare it to a third term of the obama administration, something the biden team has pushed back on in the past, as well as William Mcraven this morning. Listen. Ive heard this refrain a lot he here, and i dont agree with that. The facts here may be a concern in terms of a rising and aggressive russia. But this group coming in are incredibly experienced, incredibly talented. They will approach these issues differently than certainly the Trump Administration did, and i would offer, somewhat differently than the obama administration. Reporter so, alex, we are also hearing this transition come against the backdrop of President Donald Trump saying in his mind this election is not over yet. We saw him do that really 45minutelong interview which at times trended more towards being a monologue on fox this morning, the biden team not responding to that, doing as they have over the course of these last few weeks and staying out of the fray of the trumpgenerated news cycles as they transition into government. Alex . Okay, ali, thank you so much. Well see you again from delaware. Meantime the Supreme Court in pennsylvania is rejecting the lawsuit over mailin ballots. This is the first time that trumpappointed judges have defunked his election there. Lets hear what the president had to say today on fox. They dont want to take the affidavits, then they say they dont have proof. I wanted to file one suit, donald j. Trump, president of the United States, against put everything in one simple suit, and they said, sir, you dont have standing. I dont have standing . You mean, as president of the United States, i dont have standing . What kind of a court system is this . Joining me now is peter baker, msnbc political analyst, chief correspondent of the New York Times and author of obama The Call To History of which i congratulate you, peter, my friend. Give us a reaction to the president s comments. Look, hes still lashing out. Hes never going to accept that he lost, but his avenues for protest and challenging this election are basically closed. There hasnt been any lawsuit that has gained any traction, any lawsuits that he has filed have not alleged the things he says. He can Say Something on fox news, but what they present in court isnt actually what hes saying. Hes talking about ranging Conspiracy Theories that would involve republicans and democrats, observers and multiple states, and there is no proof of that whatsoever. In fact, his own lawyers dont allege that when they go to court. They allege more narrow things, they dont have any evidence for what they do talk about. So its just him lashing out, refusing to accept what everybody else basically knows to be the case, which is his presidency is coming to an end on january 20th. As we mentioned, nearly all the judges who struck down trumps lawsuit were many appointed by trump himself. How significant is that . I think its really interesting that basically the republicans in washington, the senators in congress are basically indulging the president , trying to sort of keep quiet and even encouraging, to some extent, in their cases that this is a legitimate process to pursue, while republicans at the state and local level have basically stood up and said, no, there is nothing wrong here. The election was free and fair and were not going to sit there and go along with these out landish and evidencefree claims. You see it in a city clerk in michigan who got a phone call from the Trump Campaign asking her to sign a letter that the election she oversaw in her city was somehow tainted, and she refused to go along with it. You saw in these judges, you point out,


Transcripts For FBC The Evening Edit 20240711

The vote count fight. We have more on controversies there. We have more on this story, president barack obama on 60 minutes went after President Trump said he should concede gracefully. That President Trump addressed journalists even though his administration targeted reporters and more. Stocks rocketing to record highs. The dow hitting nearly 30,000 on effective covid19 vaccine, this from moderna. That is igniting this new fight. Do we still need political power plays of politicians doing extreme lockdowns as more vaccines come in . We have got more examples of do as i say not as i do democrats breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. This one involves top democrat leaders like nancy pelosi. Also more on the democrats hey, we shrunk the party as a threat to their party now is so bad in the house that top democrat leaders like pelosi and steny hoyer are circling the wagons to stay in power. Reportedly putting pressure on House Democrats not to quit and jump ship, stay with us. We have the far left now trying to claim they did not alienate voters with defund the police push even as hbos bill maher says oh, yeah, you did. To this story from former top fbi official Andrew Mccabe. He is firing back on President Trumps threats to declassify more trump russia, maybe Michael Flynn probe documents. Andrew mccabe threatening there is secret intelligence that could really damage President Trump but he offered no proof of that. We have up dates on the john durham, general Michael Flynn and hunter biden probes. This debate, how serious is the democrat threat to take down the border wall . Guess how many miles of wall was permanently taken down over the last would decades, can you geese . Well give can you guess . Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show. Youre watching the fox business network. Joining me now, back with us is former u. S. Attorney brett tolman. Great to have you back on. People are upset and outraged about this. Why are antifa and leftwing rioters allowed rampant . Media not covered it. Joe biden condemned but not nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. 20 people arrested. One cop nearly blinded by a chemical spray sprayed in the cops face a man stabbed multiple times. Why is that allowed in our nations capitol . Why . It is bad policy making, decision making, the reason is were not using all the tools we could be using. First of all, if youre serious about getting rid of it you have to start attacking the organizers. You have to go after those who are organizing these responses. Then you have to show a significant. Of force, whether through the National Guard or police force that stops all of these incidents from occurring. It is possible. It can be done. But it is bad policy making by those in charge right now. Elizabeth why cant the left just let people vent their feelings peacefully . Why the insistence denying the right to speak . This is what is taught in americas top universities these days. This is how universities are gouging middleclass families for things like this. That speech, that speech that the leftwing dislikes is, that that speech is violence but their violence against speakers they dont agree with is somehow free expression. That in other words, the poison right now pouring through the streets of america is this, is that a dry cleaner or car dealership or a bar or restaurant or flower shop are all fascist. Theyre profacism. Ridiculous kind of ideologies right now, how do you stop that . What were seeing a double standard like never before. Were seeing an entire swath of people being accused being racist, being fascist without any evidence theyre doing any of the behavior theyre being accused of and while we watch those that are the accusers conduct themselves in a manner that remind us what violence really is. This is not peaceful protesting. Elizabeth were showing, let me cut in, sorry. I got to stop here. Were showing this is out ridge just video were showing. This man is physically disabled. He is encircled by leftwing protesters. They knocked him to the ground. This is happening in our nations capitol this is outrageous this is not america. Were not far left. Were not far right. Were moderate. How can this stop . Police say groups arrived outofstate intent on attacking from other states outofstate. How do you stop that brett once and for you will. This guy could be injured or killed. It has to stop. It has to stop. What has been the response so far is so feeble and so inappropriate, people started to take things into their own hands. You see individuals that are prying to protect fellow citizens. Theyre taking the law into their own hands. We need to utilize conspiracy statutes, rico statutes, cce statutes, go after those organizing, at the same time show significant enough force or willing to quash or quell any of these mounting or rising incidents of violence. These are innocent people that are trying to voice expression, political expression, that are being terrorized. It is upsetting as it should be. It is something we could stop if we were determined to do so. Well, we have a 26yearold now arrested. He set off and discharged commercial grade fireworks things used in 4th of july events at a p. J. Clarks restaurants blocks from the white house. Weve been tracking this, 30 people, 30 people have been killed in riots since the spring. This is not america. The media, the democrats, and you know, everybody, everybody has to stand up to stay enough. This is not who we are. We are not this. Enough already. Thats right. Elizabeth the first person to basically change the hearts and minds are people who are doing it. That is what Martin Luther king would have said. It is about the perpetrator. Your final word on that. This cant happen again. The final word, step up our policy decisions, do it in a way that stops this. At the same time if youre biden or harris, why have you not spoken out at this point asked people to stop since your mission apparently is to unify the country . It is beyond embarrassing for them. Elizabeth all right. Lets move on to the vote count. States are, they will start certifying the votes within the next few weeks. Were talking about trumps path to 270. Weve got you know, tens of thousands of votes he would have to turn around in the battlegrounds. You know, were seeing now trump backers drop voter lawsuits in four states. Were talking georgia, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. There is, there were 18 lawsuits. Two advanced not being observe the vote count other issues. This is judges appointed by republicans and democrats toting the suits. Your word on this. What is the update . None of the lawsuits filed so far are in a way sufficient enough to reverse the election but i have had conversations with individual that are working closely with Sidney Powell and others and i will tell you, i know sidney. She is a very serious lawyer and she has made, she has staked her reputation on the evidence she has seen. She has indicated unequivocally they will reverse some of the Election Results in some of these states based on what they now have. I wait to see like the rest of us. Im curious to see. There were so many oddities it would be nice if we had an explanation that seemed to fit. Elizabeth you know, dominion allegations say we havent seen proof of that yet, the allegations there. Critics are saying it is easily debunked because there is voting trail and Computer System trail backing up the votes. We have to see the evidence. But you know there is a story out there more than 28 million mailin ballots went missing, went missing in the four elections between 2012 and 2018. So those are mailin ballots, from the Public Interest legal foundation. Listen, if, one thing is, there is an indication he likely will not overturn the vote count but this is about election integrity. Your final word on that . Yeah. This is something that everyone should care about and that is our confidence in our elections. We shouldnt have rumor, innuendo and suspicion of conspiracies going on. It should be hard and fast. We feel confident that what the people vote you know, is tallied in the end is something that is appropriate and it is not messed with by either outside or inside forces. Elizabeth okay. Thank you, brett tolman, good to see you. Smart mat tick put out a statement, they never owned any shares or financial stake with dominion. Never worked with dominion. Never gave it voting software. No ties to foreign governments. That is smartmatic. Lets move on to this. The spaceship is expected to dock at the International Space station at 11 00 p. M. Eastern time tonight. The first fully functional Operational Mission for space dragon capsule. Well keep you posted on all developments. Next story coming up, Trump Campaign advisor Harmeet Dhillon on the pushback of president barack obama on 60 minutes criticizing President Trump for quote suppressing journalists among other things. When president obamas own administration targeted reporters. We have details there. Stay right there. I dont know all that went into the formulation of the subpoena. This was a very serious, very serious leak that put the American People at risk, that is not hyperbole. Put the American People at risk. Trying to determine who is responsible for that i think required very aggressive action. Because our way works great for us but not for your clients. Thats why were a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. 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The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a short list of quality candidates from our resume database. Claim your seventy five dollar credit, when you post your first job at indeed. Com home. Elizabeth okay lets welcome back to the show trump tom Campaign Advisor Harmeet Dhillon. Always great to have you on. Former president barack obama went on 60 minutes. He is saying trump, President Trump you need to concede and concede gracefully. He is saying that trump is acting like a dictator who suppresses journalists but his own administration targeted and subpoenaed multiple reporters at the Associated Press and also the New York Times and also fox news. Your thoughts on that . Well, whenever you see some of these Top Democrats in the last few years talk about something in a very shrill and demagoguic tone like this you can often predict theyre engaging in projection. That is exactly what is happening here. Of all the recent United States president s in the past several decades barack obama is the one with the longest list of allegations by serious, credible journalists raging from Sharyl Attkisson to rosen at fox news, several others, to Associated Press reporters whose phones were tapped over various usually issues having to do with Foreign Policy and his droning of americans abroad and other foreign adventures. So he is not the person to talk about this but if donald trump were truly a demagogue or dictator he is a terrible one because over the last four years we had the most vicious and vial demagoguery against him, against his supporters. It has been nonstop. He has done a bad job of suppressing the media i would say. Elizabeth he has been the, the president has really attacked the media for the last four years, really going after them using very harsh rhetoric and harsh language. People have seen the tweets. He has been criticized for those tweets but you knee, former, Washington Post editor len down any, he along with other journalist watchdog groups and reporters at the Washington Post and the New York Times say the Obama Administration was more aggressive in terms of prosecuting twice as many cases using the espionage act to go after reporters and government whistleblowers than all the other administrations combined. So that is the context of what president obama has been saying. Thats right. Elizabeth he went after New York Times reporter james ricin and nearly two dozen Associated Press reporters, harmeet. That is exactly right. When you see what happened at the end of the Obama Administration spying on the president , we know looking back into history dating back to 2012 and even before that this was Second Nature at the Obama Administration, spying on their enemies and creating lists and getting, warrantless wiretaps and so forth. Obama has no credibility here and look the president has been very harsh on the media. I personally think much of the media has really deserved that. That is protected by the First Amendment. If you go back in history and look at prior campaigns and prior president s and prior relationships with the media it dates back to the founding of our country there has been antagonism between people in power and the media. They each have their role to play. Critically, most of the Mainstream Media today, if they didnt have the president to beat up i dont think anybody would read the Washington Post or watch cnn indeed cnn appears to be now on the sale block because maybe people are predicting now they cant complain about President Trump if that is how the election turns out, nobody is going to want to watch them. So the media, lovehate relationship with trump has been great for the media t has paid a lot of mortgages. It has sold a lot of papers and it is sold a lot of ads. I think it is kind of fake for anybody to say that much less barack obama. Elizabeth president obama also said you know, you know, he is talking about, quote, truth decay, a truth decay in american politics accelerated by obama, excuse me, accelerated by President Trump by i want to get back to you know, what happened under his administration. His administration set a new historic record for spending more than 36 million to defend his administrations censoring withholding government documents sought under the foia act. President obama, he compared trump to a dictator who thinks he can quote kill people. You noted this. Obama authorized more than 500 drone strikes across africa, the mideast and southcentral asia killing more than 300 civilians. So you know that went on too. So there is a context here. Your final word . Including an american was among the people droned. Our president brought people home. Our president put america first. Our president is against the wars. So you know, barack obama is simply defecting and projecting. He has no credibility in this regard. Elizabeth all right. Harmeet dhillon, good to see you. Come back soon. Thank you. Elizabeth next up, texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick on whether yet another effective covid19 vaccine, this from one moderna, it is coming in, will it mean we will not need anymore political power plays of politicians grandstanding doing extreme lockdowns . We have got more examples of the do as i say not as i do democrats breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. This one involves again top democrat leader nancy pelosi. The story next. Gyms are closed effective 8 00 p. M. Tonight. I did not for a moment think that there was anything problematic because i knew the dynamics. Again i have to stay healthy so i can make the decisions for the people of this city. children laughing music swells music fades exhales experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list sales event. Sign and drive off in a new lincoln with zero down, zero due at signing, and a complimentary first months payment. Adapting. Innovating. Lsetting the course. But new ways of working demand a new type of network. One thats more than just fast. You need flexibility to work from anywhere. And manage from everywhere. Advanced technology. With serious security. And reliable coverage, nationwide. Forwardthinking enterprises, deserve forwardthinking solutions. And thats what we deliver. So bounce forward, with comcast business. Elizabeth okay. Welcome back. Stocks rocketing higher today as moderna announced its vaccine is nearly 95 effective against covid19 without serious side efebruaries. This would be the second vaccine behind pfizers and biontech with a stunningly high success rate. Welcome back to the show. We havent seen him in a while, texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick. Governor, great to see you. Good to be back. Elizabeth do you think these vaccines, good to see you. Do you think the vaccines will undercut number of politicians trying to do draconian lockdowns . What do you think this means . Well, for the democrats seemingly want to control everything in our lives but not follow their own guidelines i dont know what it will take to restore liberty and freedom to those that live in those blue states under those governors, under those mayors. I dont know what it will take. I have great confidence in the vaccine, pfizer and moderna. Had it not been for being a businessman in the white house like donald trump, this would not happen under any democrat. They would want would not want to private sector. They want heavy hand of government. The president stepped back, i will order this. Get it done. They got it done. It is a miracle, liz, if you think about this. There are some diseases we dont have a cure for, vaccine for, they have gone on for decades. This virus comes along devastating around the world. It is very likely within the next three to four months most americans will have the opportunity to have this vaccine. It wont change the democrats minds. They have power now they never had before. They dont want to to relinquish it. Elizabeth i hear you on that. They are breaking their own rules. Nancy pelosi organizing dinner for incoming lawmakers, indoors, that would violate covid19 shutdown rules. You brought up do as i say, not as i do democrats baking their own lockdown rules. Listen to this. Lets roll the tape. Okay. I take responsibility for falling for a setup. I think that this salon owes me an apology for setting up. Gyms are closed effective 8 00 p. M. Tonight. I did not for a moment think there was anything problematic because i knew the dynamics. Again, i have to stay healthy so i can make the decisions for the people of this city. The closure of business and the identification of essential businesses will be extended through ap


Transcripts For FBC The Evening Edit 20240711

We have more on controversies there. We have more on this story, president barack obama on 60 minutes went after President Trump said he should concede gracefully. That President Trump addressed journalists even though his administration targeted reporters and more. Stocks rocketing to record highs. The dow hitting nearly 30,000 on effective covid19 vaccine, this from moderna. That is igniting this new fight. Do we still need political power plays of politicians doing extreme lockdowns as more vaccines come in . We have got more examples of do as i say not as i do democrats breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. This one involves top democrat leaders like nancy pelosi. Also more on the democrats hey, we shrunk the party as a threat to their party now is so bad in the house that top democrat leaders like pelosi and steny hoyer are circling the wagons to stay in power. Reportedly putting pressure on House Democrats not to quit and jump ship, stay with us. We have the far left now trying to claim they did not alienate voters with defund the police push even as hbos bill maher says oh, yeah, you did. To this story from former top fbi official Andrew Mccabe. He is firing back on President Trumps threats to declassify more trump russia, maybe Michael Flynn probe documents. Andrew mccabe threatening there is secret intelligence that could really damage President Trump but he offered no proof of that. We have up dates on the john durham, general Michael Flynn and hunter biden probes. This debate, how serious is the democrat threat to take down the border wall . Guess how many miles of wall was permanently taken down over the last would decades, can you geese . Well give can you guess . Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit starts right now. Elizabeth welcome to the show. Youre watching the fox business network. Joining me now, back with us is former u. S. Attorney brett tolman. Great to have you back on. People are upset and outraged about this. Why are antifa and leftwing rioters allowed rampant . Media not covered it. Joe biden condemned but not nancy pelosi and chuck schumer. 20 people arrested. One cop nearly blinded by a chemical spray sprayed in the cops face a man stabbed multiple times. Why is that allowed in our nations capitol . Why . It is bad policy making, decision making, the reason is were not using all the tools we could be using. First of all, if youre serious about getting rid of it you have to start attacking the organizers. You have to go after those who are organizing these responses. Then you have to show a significant. Of force, whether through the National Guard or police force that stops all of these incidents from occurring. It is possible. It can be done. But it is bad policy making by those in charge right now. Elizabeth why cant the left just let people vent their feelings peacefully . Why the insistence denying the right to speak . This is what is taught in americas top universities these days. This is how universities are gouging middleclass families for things like this. That speech, that speech that the leftwing dislikes is, that that speech is violence but their violence against speakers they dont agree with is somehow free expression. That in other words, the poison right now pouring through the streets of america is this, is that a dry cleaner or car dealership or a bar or restaurant or flower shop are all fascist. Theyre profacism. Ridiculous kind of ideologies right now, how do you stop that . What were seeing a double standard like never before. Were seeing an entire swath of people being accused being racist, being fascist without any evidence theyre doing any of the behavior theyre being accused of and while we watch those that are the accusers conduct themselves in a manner that remind us what violence really is. This is not peaceful protesting. Elizabeth were showing, let me cut in, sorry. I got to stop here. Were showing this is out ridge just video were showing. This man is physically disabled. He is encircled by leftwing protesters. They knocked him to the ground. This is happening in our nations capitol this is outrageous this is not america. Were not far left. Were not far right. Were moderate. How can this stop . Police say groups arrived outofstate intent on attacking from other states outofstate. How do you stop that brett once and for you will. This guy could be injured or killed. It has to stop. It has to stop. What has been the response so far is so feeble and so inappropriate, people started to take things into their own hands. You see individuals that are prying to protect fellow citizens. Theyre taking the law into their own hands. We need to utilize conspiracy statutes, rico statutes, cce statutes, go after those organizing, at the same time show significant enough force or willing to quash or quell any of these mounting or rising incidents of violence. These are innocent people that are trying to voice expression, political expression, that are being terrorized. It is upsetting as it should be. It is something we could stop if we were determined to do so. Well, we have a 26yearold now arrested. He set off and discharged commercial grade fireworks things used in 4th of july events at a p. J. Clarks restaurants blocks from the white house. Weve been tracking this, 30 people, 30 people have been killed in riots since the spring. This is not america. The media, the democrats, and you know, everybody, everybody has to stand up to stay enough. This is not who we are. We are not this. Enough already. Thats right. Elizabeth the first person to basically change the hearts and minds are people who are doing it. That is what Martin Luther king would have said. It is about the perpetrator. Your final word on that. This cant happen again. The final word, step up our policy decisions, do it in a way that stops this. At the same time if youre biden or harris, why have you not spoken out at this point asked people to stop since your mission apparently is to unify the country . It is beyond embarrassing for them. Elizabeth all right. Lets move on to the vote count. States are, they will start certifying the votes within the next few weeks. Were talking about trumps path to 270. Weve got you know, tens of thousands of votes he would have to turn around in the battlegrounds. You know, were seeing now trump backers drop voter lawsuits in four states. Were talking georgia, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania. There is, there were 18 lawsuits. Two advanced not being observe the vote count other issues. This is judges appointed by republicans and democrats toting the suits. Your word on this. What is the update . None of the lawsuits filed so far are in a way sufficient enough to reverse the election but i have had conversations with individual that are working closely with Sidney Powell and others and i will tell you, i know sidney. She is a very serious lawyer and she has made, she has staked her reputation on the evidence she has seen. She has indicated unequivocally they will reverse some of the Election Results in some of these states based on what they now have. I wait to see like the rest of us. Im curious to see. There were so many oddities it would be nice if we had an explanation that seemed to fit. Elizabeth you know, dominion allegations say we havent seen proof of that yet, the allegations there. Critics are saying it is easily debunked because there is voting trail and Computer System trail backing up the votes. We have to see the evidence. But you know there is a story out there more than 28 million mailin ballots went missing, went missing in the four elections between 2012 and 2018. So those are mailin ballots, from the Public Interest legal foundation. Listen, if, one thing is, there is an indication he likely will not overturn the vote count but this is about election integrity. Your final word on that . Yeah. This is something that everyone should care about and that is our confidence in our elections. We shouldnt have rumor, innuendo and suspicion of conspiracies going on. It should be hard and fast. We feel confident that what the people vote you know, is tallied in the end is something that is appropriate and it is not messed with by either outside or inside forces. Elizabeth okay. Thank you, brett tolman, good to see you. Smart mat tick put out a statement, they never owned any shares or financial stake with dominion. Never worked with dominion. Never gave it voting software. No ties to foreign governments. That is smartmatic. Lets move on to this. The spaceship is expected to dock at the International Space station at 11 00 p. M. Eastern time tonight. The first fully functional Operational Mission for space dragon capsule. Well keep you posted on all developments. Next story coming up, Trump Campaign advisor Harmeet Dhillon on the pushback of president barack obama on 60 minutes criticizing President Trump for quote suppressing journalists among other things. When president obamas own administration targeted reporters. We have details there. Stay right there. I dont know all that went into the formulation of the subpoena. This was a very serious, very serious leak that put the American People at risk, that is not hyperbole. Put the American People at risk. Trying to determine who is responsible for that i think required very aggressive action hey yeah . I switched to geico and got more more savings on Car Insurance . 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He is saying that trump is acting like a dictator who suppresses journalists but his own administration targeted and subpoenaed multiple reporters at the Associated Press and also the New York Times and also fox news. Your thoughts on that . Well, whenever you see some of these Top Democrats in the last few years talk about something in a very shrill and demagoguic tone like this you can often predict theyre engaging in projection. That is exactly what is happening here. Of all the recent United States president s in the past several decades barack obama is the one with the longest list of allegations by serious, credible journalists raging from Sharyl Attkisson to rosen at fox news, several others, to Associated Press reporters whose phones were tapped over various usually issues having to do with Foreign Policy and his droning of americans abroad and other foreign adventures. So he is not the person to talk about this but if donald trump were truly a demagogue or dictator he is a terrible one because over the last four years we had the most vicious and vial demagoguery against him, against his supporters. It has been nonstop. He has done a bad job of suppressing the media i would say. Elizabeth he has been the, the president has really attacked the media for the last four years, really going after them using very harsh rhetoric and harsh language. People have seen the tweets. He has been criticized for those tweets but you knee, former, Washington Post editor len down any, he along with other journalist watchdog groups and reporters at the Washington Post and the New York Times say the Obama Administration was more aggressive in terms of prosecuting twice as many cases using the espionage act to go after reporters and government whistleblowers than all the other administrations combined. So that is the context of what president obama has been saying. Thats right. Elizabeth he went after New York Times reporter james ricin and nearly two dozen Associated Press reporters, harmeet. That is exactly right. When you see what happened at the end of the Obama Administration spying on the president , we know looking back into history dating back to 2012 and even before that this was Second Nature at the Obama Administration, spying on their enemies and creating lists and getting, warrantless wiretaps and so forth. Obama has no credibility here and look the president has been very harsh on the media. I personally think much of the media has really deserved that. That is protected by the First Amendment. If you go back in history and look at prior campaigns and prior president s and prior relationships with the media it dates back to the founding of our country there has been antagonism between people in power and the media. They each have their role to play. Critically, most of the Mainstream Media today, if they didnt have the president to beat up i dont think anybody would read the Washington Post or watch cnn indeed cnn appears to be now on the sale block because maybe people are predicting now they cant complain about President Trump if that is how the election turns out, nobody is going to want to watch them. So the media, lovehate relationship with trump has been great for the media t has paid a lot of mortgages. It has sold a lot of papers and it is sold a lot of ads. I think it is kind of fake for anybody to say that much less barack obama. Elizabeth president obama also said you know, you know, he is talking about, quote, truth decay, a truth decay in american politics accelerated by obama, excuse me, accelerated by President Trump by i want to get back to you know, what happened under his administration. His administration set a new historic record for spending more than 36 million to defend his administrations censoring withholding government documents sought under the foia act. President obama, he compared trump to a dictator who thinks he can quote kill people. You noted this. Obama authorized more than 500 drone strikes across africa, the mideast and southcentral asia killing more than 300 civilians. So you know that went on too. So there is a context here. Your final word . Including an american was among the people droned. Our president brought people home. Our president put america first. Our president is against the wars. So you know, barack obama is simply defecting and projecting. He has no credibility in this regard. Elizabeth all right. Harmeet dhillon, good to see you. Come back soon. Thank you. Elizabeth next up, texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick on whether yet another effective covid19 vaccine, this from one moderna, it is coming in, will it mean we will not need anymore political power plays of politicians grandstanding doing extreme lockdowns . We have got more examples of the do as i say not as i do democrats breaking their own covid19 shutdown rules. This one involves again top democrat leader nancy pelosi. The story next. Gyms are closed effective 8 00 p. M. Tonight. I did not for a moment think that there was anything problematic because i knew the dynamics. Again i have to stay healthy so i can make the decisions for the people of this city this is andy, my schwab financial consultant. Heres andy listening to my goals and making plans. This is us talking taxsmart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest. This is andy reminding me how i can keep my investing costs low and that theres no fee to work with him. 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No, im good. Reminder for what . Oh. Ho ho, yeah need workers comp insurance . Get a quote in 3 minutes at easyaspie. Com. Elizabeth okay. Welcome back. Stocks rocketing higher today as moderna announced its vaccine is nearly 95 effective against covid19 without serious side efebruaries. This would be the second vaccine behind pfizers and biontech with a stunningly high success rate. Welcome back to the show. We havent seen him in a while, texas Lieutenant Governor dan patrick. Governor, great to see you. Good to be back. Elizabeth do you think these vaccines, good to see you. Do you think the vaccines will undercut number of politicians trying to do draconian lockdowns . What do you think this means . Well, for the democrats seemingly want to control everything in our lives but not follow their own guidelines i dont know what it will take to restore liberty and freedom to those that live in those blue states under those governors, under those mayors. I dont know what it will take. I have great confidence in the vaccine, pfizer and moderna. Had it not been for being a businessman in the white house like donald trump, this would not happen under any democrat. They would want would not want to private sector. They want heavy hand of government. The president stepped back, i will order this. Get it done. They got it done. It is a miracle, liz, if you think about this. There are some diseases we dont have a cure for, vaccine for, they have gone on for decades. This virus comes along devastating around the world. It is very likely within the next three to four months most americans will have the opportunity to have this vaccine. It wont change the democrats minds. They have power now they never had before. They dont want to to relinquish it. Elizabeth i hear you on that. They are breaking their own rules. Nancy pelosi organizing dinner for incoming lawmakers, indoors, that would violate covid19 shutdown rules. You brought up do as i say, not as i do democrats baking their own lockdown rules. Listen to this. Lets roll the tape. Okay. I take responsibility for falling for a setup. I think that this salon owes me an apology for setting up. Gyms are closed effective 8 00 p. M. Tonight. I


Transcripts For FBC The Evening Edit 20240712

Comer weighs in on President Trump firing back, bidens brand of d. C. Globalism, let companies hollow out and destroy american jobs. Representative comer will talk about niece that niece warning only President Trump can prevent another 9 11 and saying that america is not a racist country. Also with us, the hills joe concha. He will join us with even more biden flipflops and whoppers, now the media is increasingly factchecking joe biden. Kelly armstrong from house judiciary taking on former top fbi official peter strzok, fired for antitrump bias. He helped run the trump russia flynn probes. We have new statements. They are surprising ones from peter strzok. Federal lift editor Christopher Bedford, House Speaker nancy pelosi getting criticized for this. Pelosi now taking the high road, not ignoring, not listening to the outrage over her visit to a hair salon that was shut down for everyone else. We have that and more democrat double standards on covid19 shutdowns for regular americans, not for them. To the border, retired i. C. E. Acting director tom homan, a Dangerous Development. Violent drug cartels are taking advantage after the u. S. , a country distracted by chaos over covid19 shutdowns and riots. Drug cartels pouring in, sending historically high amounts of hard drugs across americas borders. We have the story and more tonight. Thanks for joining us. Im elizabeth macdonald. The evening edit joins us right now. Elizabeth thanks for joining us. Youre watching the fox business network. Just two months ago the president ial campaign entering the final stretch amid riots in the street during a shutdown due to a pandemic this could be one of the most consequential elections in generations. President trump in florida today, heading to North Carolina tonight as the race narrows in that state. Politico says the 2020 election will be won or lost in eight states. The eight states are arizona, florida, georgia, michigan, minnesota, North Carolina, pennsylvania and wisconsin but now this. Protest groups, far left groups are now warning that they will continue to riot. Those riots wont stop. They will continue for the next two months through and during the election even after the election. They targeted nearly two dozen cities across the country, hit with street action this weekend. This is also happening, news coming in, the entire command team for the Rochester Police Department Reportedly stepped down amid unrest there. Welcome former acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker back with us. Great to have you back on. Your thoughts on all of this . I know two things. One is that americans want their children to be able to play safely in the front yards and they also want to be able to dine, especially outside in this moment of the pandemic safely without being confronted on the street. And you know, were not, joe bidens america, neither one of those appear to be possible. His supporters clearly trying to disrupt, you know, sort of normal americans going about their everyday. It is concerning. I would expect that, really, candidates on both sides, really americans on all sides, would condemn this. This is, confrontation is not the american way. We settle things diplomatically. We settle things in a silvermaner. When were seeing across our cities cannot stand. We need law and order. Elizabeth now were going to have it through the election according to the protest groups. The protests morphed into violent riots. Riots leave scars that last for decades. Communities dont recover for generations. In cities like pittsburgh, rochester, smashing tables, harassing patrons, innocent people including senior sit concerns. 50 rioters arrested storming through portland throwing molotov cocktails at cops. We have 102 nights of riots in portland. How is looting, arson, attacking innocent americans and innocent businesses how does that persuade voters to their point of view . I dont think it does. What it actually does, it instills fear and i instills i guess a sense of disorganization but you know, if you look at these cities, they are run by democrats that have, you know, debilitated and handcuffed the police officers. You just mentioned Rochester Police command that is, not willing to do this anymore. Theyre not allowed to do their jobs. Police unfortunately, you know, are not going to participate in, were seeing that across cities, were seeing it in just, it cannot stand, liz. We really, americans are crying out. I hear it every day, that they want law and order, that they want their communities safe for their children and, you know, for their grandparents. Elizabeth americans, the polls show americans dont want mobs coming to their communities and destroying their towns. You know, the mayor of rochester is reportedly saying she doesnt know who is in control this is Dangerous Development in rochester after police as fixating daniel prude. This is, this is what the riots are about there. Election officials increasingly blame rioters coming from out of town. The mayor of rochester saying just that. Watch this. Our ability to serve the residents of our city on a daily basis depends on the services that our held within that building. We have to protect it. There is credible information that outside agitators want to destroy the psp. Elizabeth so, also this happened in kenosha, sir. The majority of people arrested in riots in kenosha came from 44 cities outside of the state. Is this the underlying story that needs to be reported more . That these agitators, anarchists pouring into these cities to do unrest . No, it does need to be told, liz. You saw there was a shipment of gas masks and fireworks intercepted on the way to kenosha. Outside groups, this mayor identifies in rochester, new york. Obviously the heart, the bread basket of this whole movement is in portland where weve seen 100 nights of unrest. This is a loosely organized but organized group of antifa and anarchists trying to essentially tear down our cities, to make people feel unsafe, to riot and cause complete anarchy, like you reported. Theyre going to continue through the election. Really it is time to choose. Do you want law and order . Do you want the governors and mayors to call out the National Guard . Or do you want to keep seeing in the liberal cities a feckless Political Leadership unwilling to take control of the streets and to end this anarchy . Elizabeth there, we looked at research out of princeton and harvard and stanford about facism. This is poisonous rhetoric through the rioters ideology. They believe america is a fascist country. Historians keep pointing out, these rioters dont have idea to live like a fascist regime. America is not fascist at all this poisonous ideology is warping their mentality and what is going on in the streets across the country. On top of this, sir, there is violence there, is chaos and violence happening in u. S. Cities. Hundreds more. A cop shot to death in the line of duty in st. Louis. In chicago, 8yearold girl shot dead. One of 53 shot in chicago. More chaos in chicago. More people dying a 6yearold boy shot in the leg among five people in a shooting in brooklyn. People dont want mob violence and chaos in their communities. Attorney general barr said reporting on this is flawed and wrong for the American People. The idea this is all peaceful demonstrators is a lie because the Peaceful Demonstrations are morphing into riots. That is the truth. Watch a. G. Barr. It is happening in front of people. You dont see it on any national news. You dont see it on the networks or see it on the other cable stations yet you hear about these peaceful demonstrators. So it is just, its a lie. The American People are being told a lie about it media. Elizabeth okay. So we also have doj arresting more than 2,000 yeartodate in riots. Your reaction to a. G. Barr, sir . Bill barr is absolutely right. Anytime you read the chiron which is the bottom of the scroll or identifying what the speaker is saying, cnn, fiery, mostly Peaceful Demonstrations. These are not peaceful demonstrators. Obviously they are using molotov cocktails or exploding fireworks. They are, you know, really trying to enter into confrontations with Law Enforcement. These are not peaceful protesters. Were a country obviously built on the peoples ability to speak out and to protest. Once it gets into violent mobs, anarchy, riots being declared on our nations streets, that is where weve crossed the line and i think, general barr is absolutely right. The media is not reporting that by and large across all of the outlets, mainstream newspapers and televisions especially in, i think it is doing the American People a disservice. I know everywhere i go, whether it is iowa, my home tate, whether it is florida, the nations capitol, i see firsthand, i talk to people, they want law and order. They want their children to be able to play safely in their front yards. Were not seeing that in places like chicago, rochester and portland. These mayors and governors need to get control of these communities. They need to deploy good policing. They need to put people in jail. Elizabeth Matthew Whitaker, thanks for joining us. Come back soon. Thank you, liz. I always enjoy it. Elizabeth next up, President Trump firing back, saying joe bidens brand of d. C. Establishment globalism companies hollow out and destroy American Communities and take american jobs. Weve got that. This story, a niece of al qaeda terrorist, 9 11 mastermind of osama bin laden. She now says only President Trump can prevent another 9 11. She adamantly said america is not a racist country. We have house ranking Republican House oversight james comer to weigh in on all of that and much more. Stay right there. President trump joe biden, radical socialist democrats would immediately collapse the economy. If they got in, they would crash, you have a crash the likes of which you would never seen before. Elizabeth welcome back. President trump slammed the d. C. Establishment, quote, globalism as destroying American Communities by taking away american jobs. This as joe biden told a union event that he will be the strongest labor president that Union Workers ever had. Watch President Trump here. One coldhearted globalist betrayal after another. That is what it was. Biden supported elizabeth lets welcome House Oversight reform ranking republican james comer of kentucky back to the show. Great to see you, congressman. Your reaction to this . President trumps right. Joe biden is a globalist. He proved that in the eight years of the obamabiden administration. They turned their back on American Workers. They wanted unilateral trade deals which put American Workers at aket competitive disadvantage. Over the past three years President Trump embrace ad America First trade policy and put america at the forefront and i think it made a difference. Elizabeth move on to this story a separate story. A niece of the al qaeda terrorist and 9 11 mastermind, usama bin laden, noor bin laden. She says only President Trump can prevent another 9 11. She is in switzerland, warning that another 9 11 attack is around the corner if joe biden is elected president. Your reaction to that. She is pretty strong endorsement for Donald Trumps Foreign Policy. I mean every knowledgeable person around the world knows that the obamabiden Foreign Policy platform was a disaster. You dont have to look any further than the terrible iran deal where we turned our back on our most important ally, israel. Not to mention the trade deals. China gained significant dominance of the trade market, the world trade market under the obamabiden administration. Just over the past 3 1 2 years we finally have a president who stepped up. He said enough of this globalism. Were going to put America First. He renegotiated nafta. He has been in the trade war with china to try to hold china accountable for all of the abuses they have with manipulating their currency and i think that what she said is exactly right. If you want to protect, protect america, donald trump is the best person. Elizabeth noor bin laden, she is the niece of osama bin laden. She also criticized the socalled squad of progress democrats. That Representative Ilhan Omar that some people did something, ilhan omars remarks about 9 11 were disgraceful saying quote, it is an honor to be able to go live in the u. S. And make the most out of all the opportunities. You do have a situation now in america where you have people like ilhan omar who actively hates your country and noor bin laden also said part of the reason she rejected liberal assertions that america was a racist country because of her own experience with in america, saying quote, i have had not a single bad experience with americans despite the name i carry. On the contrary i was overwhelmed by americas kindness and understanding to me. Your reaction to all of that . I agree with her on that point too. I disagree with omar. She said so many antiamerican statements, just mindboggling that nancy pelosi and democrats dont call her out more. I do believe we should be concerned about the squad. They have been winning democrat primaries. Some progressive candidates have won upset primaries. Well see the squad grow in numbers over the next election cycle. We should be concerned about them. There is big difference in what this new progressive wing of Democratic Party believe and republicans in congress and donald trump are campaigning for reelection on. Elizabeth the way to do it, congressman, is to debate, to debate in a rational, reasonable way. Dont attack personally. Just debate, correct . That is absolutely correct but they do just the opposite of that. I think that it is very important what congress was going to do every at next three weeks. Very important what well see in the next three president ial debates. Elizabeth okay. Congressman, great to have you on. Come back soon. Thank you for having me, liz. Elizabeth next up. Congressman Kelly Armstrong from house judiciary, taking on former top fbi official peter strzok, out with a new book. Peter strzok ran both the trump russia and flynn probes and much more. Strzok claims he did not set up and fbi did not set up a perjury trap for general flynn. Government documents say otherwise. Admitting in his new book, that he told special Counsel Robert Mueller early on in 2017, that he doubted that the Trump Campaign conspired with russia. Wait until you hear what strzok is saying why that is so, what his explanation is. That story next a veteran who honorably served and its made for her shes serving now we made it for all branches and all ranks whether they served one tour or made a career of it. We also made usaa for military spouses and their kids usaa is easy to work with and can save you money on auto, home and renters insurance. Become a member today. Get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote usaa. What youre made of were made for get an insurance quote at usaa. Com quote weve always put safety first. And we always will. For people. For the future. And there has never been a summer when its mattered more. Wherever you go, summer safely. Get 0 apr financing for up to five years on select models and exclusive lease offers. Im a verizon engineer. 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It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Elizabeth welcome back. Youre watching the fox business network. Were coming into the bottom of the hour. Peter strzok, fbi official fired for fbi bias. He is out with a new book. Peter strzok admits he told special Counsel Robert Mueller early on in the trumprussia probe that he doubted the Trump Campaign conspired with russia, that the president s associates, were too dumb to collude with the crem minute. Kelly armstrong from north dakota, is on house judiciary. Great to have you back, congressman. Peter strzok admitted later on there was no there there. So did James Clapper and james comey. They didnt have the goods on russia collusion. This is 2017 peter strzok said this. Mueller kept the investigation open until 2019. You saw it as the Mueller Investigation was winding down, they switched from collusion narrative, particularly in the media moved to obstruction. The problem if you have no underlying reason for an investigation, then you cant just continue a case just solely to get to obstruction which they couldnt prove either. I would say this, i know Peter Strzoks probably looking for a new job but i dont think a political consultant should he go into. I got to witness the Trump Campaign firsthand at the National Convention in 2016 and essentially at that time it was corey lewandoski, Kellyanne Conway and the trump family and they managed to win a president ial race. I dont know where he thinks they were bumbling idiots, as opposed to running one of the most successful campaigns in history. Hillary clinton and her supporters again, theyre now talking a lot about trump refusing to concede. Hillary clinton team, hillary said the same thing in 2016. That is when the clinton team helped pay for the steele dossier which clinton was stowing to use to contest to fight against the 2016 election if she lost. Somehow the antitrump Research Made it into the fbi teams with mccabe, comey and strzok. They were used to get fisa wiretaps on trumps team. Strzok downplayed all of that. He knew about the steeles credibility problems according to government declassified documents. Your reaction to peter strzok saying there was no perjury trap for general flynn . That is not true. I Read Everything involved . That. By the way, even when they originally interviewed general flynn they didnt think he was lying, even after breaking all the protocol, not telling him he was the subject of an investigation. It was only after the Mueller Investigation started which by the way was made up almost exclusively of Hillary Clinton cohorts trying to affect the 2016 electio


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