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To you. Meanwhile, the president suggesting he is nowhere ready to concede to president elect joe biden telling foxs Sunday Morning futures he will keep fighting to overturn the Election Results but also expressing some doubt about whether the Supreme Court will take up his challenges. David spunt has more now from the white house. David. Reporter arthel, good afternoon to you. Since election day, President Trump has talked a lot about the Supreme Court, giving hope to some of his Supreme Courters his supporters, also of members of his team. He said it would be a be all, end all, the chance for the Trump Campaign to possibly change something in their favor because it has not been going in their favor from a legal sense. Today he was more pessimistic when speaking with maria about the Supreme Court. In that interview with maria, it lasted well over 40 of minutes, he doubled, tripled, quadrupled down on his claims that the election was fraudulent, though theres no indication that that is the case, when speaking to state election officials. Joe biden is the president elect. When talking about the Supreme Court, maria asked the president several times and he didnt seem as confident. Listen. Well, the problem is, its hard to get into the Supreme Court. Ive got the best Supreme Court advocates, lawyers, that want to argue the case if it gets there. But they said its very hard to get a case up there. Can you imagine donald trump, president of the United States, files a case and i probably cant get a case. Reporter one of the president s attorneys, jenna ellis, told me yesterday the team will file an application to the Supreme Court, that will go to Justice Samuel alito. He could rule on the application himself, give the Trump Campaign more time the to possibly delay the electoral process. I say delay. Doesnt mean its going to overturn any results as biden won the state. He could get eight colleagues involved which could happen. They would hear what they have to say or they could nix it all together. This doesnt necessarily mean well see oral arguments in front of the Supreme Court like bush v gore in 2000. In another legal blow to the president s strategy, the pennsylvania Supreme Court, the state Supreme Court last night ruled against a small group of republicans including pennsylvania congressman mike kelly and a congressional candidate named sean parnell, they wanted to stop the certification of the states votes and overturn a Pennsylvania Law that allowed no excuse mailin voting, meaning anybody could request a mailin ballot without an excuse. The attorney general from pennsylvania, josh shapiro, preyed the pennsylvania Supreme Court ruling, says its a victory for those republicans that voted for the freedom elections. Georgia, another state that President Trump has been criticizing heavily, he says he regrets today endorsing brian kemp, arguing kemp has not gotten involved on his behalf. Arthel thanks, david. Reporter thank you. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud and it continues to be as they hide. And the problem we have, we go to judges and people dont want to get involved. Eric eric that is President Trump claiming massive voter fraud this morning, his words. They stuffed the ballot box, it was a, quote, fake election. All this despite the fact his campaign failed to prove any of his in court. Many, including trump appointed officials, say the president s claims are false and un substantiated. He promises to reveal the alleged fraud in court, including a slew of affidavits. Legal experts note affidavits are not necessarily fact and election authorities across the country vow to investigate any claim of election fraud. The president s pronouncement cause some supporters to doubt the veracity of the election. Hans nichols is here. Happens, what is your hans, what is your reaction from what we heard from the president this morning . Well, its more of the same. The president hasnt broken new grounds. The news from the president will be when he formally decides to concede. He hinted a little bit more, he seemed in his mind to get closer to that final destination if it is indeed his final destination. The biden campaigns perspective, theyre largely ignoring this. Theyre proceeding with the transition process. Theyre now going through the intelligence briefings, theyre going to make more announcements on the staff and cabinet side. From the biden side the strategy is conscious avoidance and make sure they have the legal strategy in place to meet any challenges from the trump team. Eric lets break down some of what the president claimed this morning. He said there were massive dumps of illegal votes in bidens favor, specifically pointing out detroit. Heres the president. You just take a look at just about every state that were talking about, every swing state that were talking about, and they did these massive dumps of votes and All Of A Sudden i went from winning by a lot to losing by a little. Eric Officials Say these are not illegal dumps, its just the counting of the many mailin ballots that are entered into the computer system. Are these illegal votes . Is that proof of massive voter fraud . Well, theres no evidence to substantiate that. When you talk to republicans in these states or on the election boards, very few of them are substantiating that at all. It was last week, the Secretary Of State in georgia, i had a conversation with him and he said, look, we did Everything Possible to make sure this election was full of integrity, theres Chain Of Custody in the ballots, signature matching. He said, look, it was a close election but donald trump simply lost and at least in his mind, as the Secretary Of State down there, a republican, someone who said he voted for trump, is theres scapegoating going on among Party Officials trying to blame the Voting System when the fact of the matter is, it appears that the president just didnt get the votes he needed to win. So to believe the claims of widespread fraud, eric, you have to believe that a lot of the other republican victories and it was a very good night for republicans in november, then all of those potentially are he bogus as well. So you cant have it eric they picked up seats in the house, the president says thousands of dead people voted. Heres that. There are a lot of dead people that socalled voted in this election but dead people were in some cases, in many, many cases, thousands of cases, voted. Eric officials point out that does happen sometimes, either clerical errors or maybe a husband or wife votes in the name of someone thats deceased. That is a felony. Is that enough to change the election . Statistically, likely not, when you look at the number of deaths that have been on there and transpose that onto the universe of ballots. You raise a good point. Anecdotally you will have a few examples of voter irregularity, down right fraud. It happens. You have a massive election. You have a total number of votes, getting close to 160 million range, when you have that number of votes that are out there, youre going to have a few that werent on the up and up. The question is, does that Poll Lieutenant the entire process pollute the entire process . Eric he pointed out dominion voting machines, saying the machines switched a massive number of votes from him to mr. Biden and, therefore, in his view, quote, rigged the election. We had glitches where they moved thousands of votes from my account to bidens account. And these are glitches. Theyre not glitches. Theyre theft. Theyre fraud. Absolute fraud. Eric here is what dominion says about that, quote, it is important to understand that that is not possible, not a machine by machine basis, not by alleged hacking, not by manipulating software, not by sending votes to overseas locations. If it were possible, it would have been discovered in a statewide Hand Counting of votes. Dominion says there were no glitches. Every machine is backed up by a paper ballot. When they did the hand count, it matched up what dominion did exactly. Did Dominion Machines create an unfair election. I cant adjudicate that. It seems that experts that i trust say it would be close time possible to have done. In general, we have here you have the president making allegations. It may be enough for his supporters. Many of his supporters will question the results. The broader question is, will those allegations be enough for a court of law and not a single court of law has agreed with the president on that. So while many of his supporters may feel the election is stolen, it doesnt appear that the courts feel that the election is stolen and theyre the ones that can sway the outcome. That all means that we should start preparing for an inauguration on january 20th. Whether or not the president accepts that or not, tha thatst is likely to happen. Eric it seems like a president who cant wrap his brain or mind around the fact, he cant process the fact that someone who he thinks is so inferior to him won the election. Maybe. Or maybe he is just establishing a predicate for running in 2024. I dont know what the president s overall longterm Strategic Plan is here, if there is a plan or even if its strategic. But we know at least rhetorically hes not accepting it and hes clearly laying the predicate for a run in 2024. I guess we can get used to the sequel out of him. Okay. Eric and finally, what does this do to the belief, the trust, the integrity, of our democracy, our election system, the foundation of our very republic . Tough call. Right. I mean, the peaceful transfer of power, the acceptance of results has been here for the past 225 some years. And if the president goes in a different direction on this, and doesnt even participate in the inauguration, that will be something new. And i think we should note that and mark that and explore what it means to the significance not just of his party but of the country and as you said, the foundations of democracy. Eric hans nichols, political reporter at axios, thank you for your insight and analysis. Arthel. Arthel eric, thank you. President elect joe biden moving forward in announcing three new advisors to his Coronavirus Task force. The spotlight is on janet yellen, the first woman to chair the federal reserve, now set to make history again with biden expected to task yellen as the first female treasury secretary. Jacqui heinrich is live in wilmington, delaware with the latest. Jacqui. Reporter good afternoon, arthel. President elect joe biden is expected to roll out his Economic Team this week and former fed chair janet yellen is poised to head up the treasury. If confirmed, she will be the first woman to lead the department and also will face historic set of challenges, managing economic fallout from the pandemic. Theres little time to waste filling cabinet positions after the delayed transition held things up. Biden is set to receive an intelligence briefing tomorrow, including vaccine distribution, testing and supply chain concerns later this week. Work continued over the Holiday Weekend, the Transition Team announcing three new advisors to the Coronavirus Task force and the picks reflect the president elects priorities. Officials with experience who will address inequities. Dr. Jane hopkins is an immigrant from sierra leone, specializing in mental health. Dr. Jill jim of the Navajo Nation spent her work serving tribal communities and dr. David michaels was Assistant Secretary Of Labor under president obama. They are expected to continue with diversity being a big priority of jay johnson is up for second of defense and james clyburn, who galvanized black Voter Turnout for joe biden is looking to shift the focus from Rural America to hunger initiatives, saying biden needs to give black people more representation but Asian Americans are calling for inclusion, in a letter saying record turnout helped georgia turn blue. Also, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus today urging biden to pick Michelle Grisham to head up health and human services, so a lot of picks to come, arthel. Arthel thank you very much. Eric. Eric now to coronavirus. The cases keep sweeping and surging across the country. The numbers coming out of the Holiday Weekend are not good. The ughs now has more than u. S. Now has more than 13. 2 million reported infections, so far 270,000, nearly that number of americans have succumbed to coronavirus. One study predicts the number of dead could hit half a million within the next three months. There is a glimmer of hope, despite all this. At least 5 million americans have recovered from it. San francisco is about to impose a Covid Curfew There and the 49ers is one of the nfl teams the pandemic has affected in a big way. Christina coleman is live in los angeles with more. Christina. Reporter hi, eric. Weve got a lot to cover here. Fortunately, a lot of people are recovering from the virus. Public Health Officials dont want people to let their guard down. Here is the u. S. Surgeon general on Fox News Sunday this morning. Its going to get worse over the next several weeks but the actions that we take in the next several days will determine how bad it is or whether or not we continue to flatten our curve. Reporter meanwhile, the virus is ravaging the National Football league. 43 players across the nfl have been added to the covid reserve list this week alone. The nfl is Going Forward with todays Denver Broncos game against the new Orleans Saints even though all of the broncos quarterbacks are on the covid19 reserve list. One quarterback tested positive for the virus and other three were deemed high risk close contact. The broncos are expected to start a Practice Squad Wide Receiver as quarterback and according to espn the broncos wanted to push the game back but Rogeroger Goodell denied the requests. Broncos tight end tweeted, you cant possibly send us into a game without a quarterback, the most important position to the offense. The pittsburgh steelers, ravens game is on for tuesday despite the ravens bad covid outbreak, one of the largest covid outbreaks on a pro u. S. Sports team right now. Two more players tested positive for the ravens on saturday, including mark andrews who also of has type one diabetes. As of now they have 20 players on the reserve covid19 list. There is a ban on contact sports, which will prevent the San Francisco 49ers from playing games at their home stadium. Theyre working with throwing for an with the league for an alternate location. Based on scheduling and the requirement that games be played in an nfl stadium, the Arizona Cardinals stadium could be an option. San francisco is enacting more covid restrictions, starting today at noon, local so in about three hours, a limited Stay Home Order will go into effect. Arthel. Arthel eric ill take it, christina. Meanwhile, the infections are spreading and the list of officials has been growing. Governors are testing positive. Who is the latest governor that has tested positive for covid19 . Reporter the latest governor is colorados governor, he announced yesterday that he and his partner both tested positive for covid19. That is a tough situation there. He is the sixth governor to test positive so far. The last one was mark gordon of wyoming. On wednesday, he tweeted he was exposed to someone who was infected with the virus and he was going to start quarantining. However, he says he is asymptomatic, hes feeling well and he is going to continue to isolate at home. Eric. Eric thats encouraging news. We wish the governor well. Christina coleman in los angeles. Thank you. Arthel new information on a top iran ne Nuclear Advisor kild in an ambush on his car. The implication for things like mideast peace and oil stretching from the United States and a israel. 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Trey yingst following this assassination of another Iranian Nuclear scientist. Trey. Reporter good afternoon. The middle east remains on edge today after the assassination of a man largely seen as the godfather of the iranian new clear program. The funeral for the scientist got underway today. His body will pass through multiple cities before being buried in tehran on monday. The Supreme Leader and irans president are vowing to respond to the killing. The entire element of iran has to know that the iranian nation and country officials are brave and intrepid enough to respond to this criminal action at the right time, well respond to the crime. Reporter top iranian Officials Say israel is behind the ambush as one of the countrys largest newspapers called on iranian leadership to bomb an israeli port city. Soldiers are under routine orders but remain on alert about the possibility of an attack from iranian proxies in the area. In a statement it was said our message is clear, we will continue to Act Vyin Vigorouslys necessary against the iranian establishment in syria and well continue to be fully prepared against any kind of aggression against us. As for Irans Nuclear program, its current breakout period to have enough nuclear period to create a bomb is estimated to be between three and four months. Both israel and america say they will not let iran get that far. Eric. Eric all right, trey, thanks so much. Iin a few moments welllearn moe assassination and what our allies can do to rai rein in the regime. Arthel it is nearly december. Some scattered snow flakes are expected across the great lakes. Meantime, rain heading for the northeast. Chief meteorologist ric Rick Reichmuth is live with the full forecast. Its about time we start getting snowstorms and we have one of them. We had such an incredible weather this last week, getting to grandmas or moms or wherever you went for thanksgiving. We dont have any delays across the airports. We have one storm across parts of the south and thats where were watching really rainy day across east texas and parts of louisiana. Behind that storm, you get the idea that colder air is starting to get in here. 35 in denver, 32 in rapid city. Theres colder air, not incredibly cold air, what you could see this time of year. We have a storm thats a significant rain maker across parts of the south. Its going to continue to pull off towards the east. As it does, it will become a big rain maker across the midatlantic tomorrow. The west coast, complete pattern change. Weve got another 5 to 6 days of decent weather, maybe coastal rains across the pacific northwest. Aside from that, everything is looking dry. Back to the main storm, what the models think it will look like. Tonight, we have rain across a lot of tennessee, parts of georgia, into the carolinas and then overnight tonight it moves in across the midatlantic, tomorrow, areas of the northeast. A windy, rainy day from philadelphia up towards boston and some of those areas in southern new england maybe well be talking about 3 inches or so of rain, so a little bit of localized flooding and the backside of this, a lot of colder air comes in, we see 3 or 4 inches of snow falling across ohio and the central appla appa, winter on the way. Eric were told a vaccine is on the way. Hope is coming and the effort to get that to the market, to try to end the deadly pandemic that devastated so many. Straight ahead we hear from a Infectious Disease doctor o on where things stand and the key meeting this week that will determine who will get the first shots. Its an important time to save. With priceline, you can get up to 60 off amazing hotels. And when you get a big deal. You feel like a big deal. Priceline. Every trip is a big deal. Eric here are some of the head lines were following at this very moment. A startling and ceo Sobering Statistic at the u. S. , mexico border. They took in nearly 1,000 unaccompanied Migrant Children in the last week and six days last week. The agency said it hopes to suspend a Court Order Banning agents from sending children back without a court or sa asylm hearing. Amazon bucking the trend right now, the online giant hired an average of 1,400 people a day since january to handle the online Delivery Crush and amazon said the revenues are up 37 from last year. And in arizona, a three week lockdown and mask mandate for the whole state being asked for by researchers at the University Of Arizona medical system, in a letter the Health Experts say hospitals would face a crisis if the orders were not put into place. More than 4,000 new cases of the virus were reported, 36 in arizona died yesterday. Arthel as two Big Pharmaceutical Companies get closer to a Coronavirus Vaccine, rollout, a panel of cdc officials will meet tuesday to determine the Priority List for distribution. Meantime, pfizer is the only drug maker so far to formally request Emergency Use Authorization of a vaccine. Here to talk about it is the dean of Brown Universitys school of public health, dr. Aashish jha. Always happy to have you with is, especially on a sunday. We dont want to get ahead of the cdc. If you were to advise on a pry orderlies t, whats your suggested order . I think its broad consistent senses sus that what consensus that we want to start with Frontline Workers and make sure were vaccinating high risk people, older people, people with chronic diseases and essential workers. Those are the three groups of folks. Which order among those three, i think there will be debate and discussion. But probably leading with Healthcare Workers and first responders, actually, as the first group, i think theres broad consensus. Arthel how can you assure thaws the first batch of vaccines will be safe . Yeah, so thats a very good question and thats the review thats going on right now. The vaccine trials, the pfizer submitted its application more than a week ago, we still have 10 days before a decision is made. But data is being reviewed. I think the data will become public and my best guess is that the data will show the vaccine is safe but we shouldnt be guessing. We have to look at the data. I think the data as it becomes more public will offer you assurance to the american people. Arthel when you look at a timeline, lets talk about when. When will the fda approve the initial rounds of vaccines, which manufacturing will get the green light and how soon do you think vaccines will be available to use . Im expecting on December 10th that the fda will issue an Emergency Use Authorization for the Pfizer Biontech vaccine. I suspect the one from moderna will happen sometime soon thereafter. And as soon as its authorized, the vaccinations can begin. And so i would not be surprised if the First American who gets vaccinated outsit outside of a l trial gets vaccinated on December 11th. We should be able to get going right away. We have a limited number of doses. It will take a while for it to get out of to the broader public. Arthel when will we be closer to the normal we once knew, closer to that normal . I dont think well actually get there. And how many of us must get vaccinated to get us there . Yeah, so we really need to get 65, 70 of the American Population vaccinated if we want to be confident about really bringing this pandemic under full control. Now, even before that, things will start Getting Better. What im hoping is that if the vaccine if it gets sent out and people get vaccinated quickly, by february, march things will start turning around and Getting Better and by april, may, a good majority of americans should be able to get vaccinated and that will really make a huge difference. Certainly by next summer i expect things to be much better, hopefully before then. Arthel all right. Were pulling for you and all the scientists and we thank you for your help during this unprecedented, very scary time that were living through. Doctor, thank you very much. Thank you. Arthel eric. Eric arthel, it may be scary but a lot of people traveled for this holiday and they set a pandemic era record, despite the calls for americans to stay home of for thanksgiving. The number of passengers passing through you the airports this weekend reaching the highest level since midmarch and that raises new concerns about a potential explosion of new cases two or three weeks from now. Alex hogan live at penn station where the trains have been running in New York City. Reporter were starting to see some people return from thanksgiving trips and around the country it is expected to be a busy travel day. Today last year it was the busiest Air Travel Day in tsas 18year history, 2. 8 Million People flew home the sunday after thanksgiving. This year, the tsa screened more than 1 million travelers on friday and sunday before the holiday, it was the busiest air travel weekend since the pandemic began. The numbers are dramatically down from last year. For reference, today were expecting about 20,000 people to go through our security checkpoints. To board flights. Last year on this day, that number was over 80,000. So were down about 75 compared to this time last year. Reporter according to triple a, this holiday, 95 of travelers, 47 Million People, would drive. Thats despite the cdc Urging Americans not to travel for the holiday. Today begins the long rush of returning home to states with different reentry restrictions because of the pandemic. The number of hospitalizations around the country rising this Holiday Weekend, yesterday 14 states hit their own record for the month with the incubation period ranging between 2 to 14 days, dr. Anthony fauci today predicting a surge in cases super imposed on the cases that we are already seeing here and of course around the country. So as people hit the roads to head home today there, will be some difficult weather that some people will see, especially right now in states like texas through Luc Louisiana where thes a heavy amount of rain. Eric thanks so much. Arthel. Arthel congress and the president in a lame duck session, so could the leaders in the house and senate get anything important done before midjanuary . Ahead, where we stand on the effort to pass a Stimulus Bill that millions of americans are hoping for. We made usaa insurance for veterans like martin. 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And, your uniquelyyou health needs . 1 in 400 trillion. Roughly. Thats why walgreens created something new. With personalized, Realtime Health alerts. Cash rewards on. Everything. And pickup in as little as 30 minutes. Introducing mywalgreens. A whole new way to wellness. Arthel some sad news to report as we learn of the death of david prowse who played Darth Vader In The Original star wars trilogy. He was a british actor as well as a body builder and Weight Lifting champion. His 66 giving start had veigh deer and impose giving darth vader and imposing presence on screen. He was 85 years old. Eric what an iconic movie role that is. As hundreds of thousands of americans continue to claim unemployment benefits, Congress Remains at a standstill over the next Coronavirus Relief bill. And you know, yet again, another potential government showdown, thats looming on December 11th. Kevin cork live at the white house on whether or not this can be avoided. Hey, kevin. Reporter good to be with you. Youre right, negotiations on another covid19 relief bill are at a standstill. But heres the good news. That actually may be about to change and certainly were hoping that will happen because i think all americans and i certainly speak for my family and im sure yours too would love to see the people who need the help get the help they need. There are measures that may be attached to a Spending Bill that must pass by December 11th to avert a Government Shutdown that actually may involve some possible relief. But as federal Health Officials meet this week to make crucial decisions about who theyll give to the the green light to as far as getting the Coronavirus Vaccine out there first, pressure is again mounting on congressional lawmakers to step up and strike a deal. Ill tell you what would really make a difference here. A big federal stimulus sooner than later, with a lifeline to small businesses, restaurants, folks who are unemployed, that would be a game changer. Not just in their lives, in their prospects. Lets be clear what capitol hill has been informed of. Theres trouble ahead. They need to act now. They cant wait until millions more americans fall into that casm and wont be able to get out. Reporter Peter Navarro speaking there. The president has repeatedly chastised creation as lawmakers, im moring them to get something done. Nancy pelosi turned down a 1. 8 trillion offer by the gop and the white house but hope remains that relief will soon be on the way, eric. Eric that as so many fellow americans so desperately need help as we all know. Thank you. Arthel thank you. History washes ashore. Ahead, the 140yearold discovery along a coastal town that has everyone there talking. Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Arthel we have information coming into the Fox News Channel here, New York City mayor Bill De Blasio saying Public Schools in the big apple are set to begin reopening on december 7th which is a week from tomorrow. Preschools and Elementary Schools are on track to resume inperson learning on that day with middle and high schools to follow at a later date, yet to be determined. The Mayors Office adds the city is also moving towards full inperson learning five days a week. Thats up from just several days a week in previous months. Plus, the city is increasing testing at schools requiring 20 of students at each location to be tested every week. Public schools in New York City have been closed since November 19th when a Coronavirus Spike Hit the area. And the wreckage of a 140yearold cargo ship washed ashore at a Florida Beach last week. Researchers say what turned up near Crescent Beach is from the caroline eddie, a vessel torn apart by a hurricane in 1880. Experts believe parts of the ship have been buried under dunes and only recently began poking through due to erosion. A Research Team is currently seeking permission from the state to mark off the area to keep the wreckage from being disturbed. Eric an Iranian Nuclear scientist kit sits in his car wa motorcyclist pulls up, attaching a magnetic bomb to the side window, speeds away and it explodes, killing the scientist. Thats not james bond but real life, the preferred method of assassination until this past week when a group set off a car bomb. The stunning assassination was said to have been carried out by israeli commandos. What other ways can allies work to rein in the dictator ship. Joining us now, joel. Do you think the targeted assassination was timed now before a likely more docile on iran Biden Administration takes over. Yeah, eric, clearly this assassination was a warning shot being made by regional actor and its important to note that israel is being pointed at as the one who did the act. They have not confirmed or denied it. But it clearly is a warning shot to irans leadership and its top military and Nuclear Experts that there are potential danger spots and they can be tracked down. So i think this points the United States and our role in this conflict which is that this region is on a tinder box. It always is. And certainly now in this time period of this transition, its even more so where regional actors may start to make moves and take actions that are very risky and could have longterm impacts on American National security and are certainly things we need to watch very closely. Eric what type of impact do you think this will have . Well, i think what were talking about right now in many respects regarding iran is the diplomatic process and what would that look like. President elect biden has made a pledge to get back in the nuclear deal. He wants to see iran get back in and well in full and try to figure out multiple other layers of negotiation and engagement with iran related to its Ballistic Missile activities, domestic repression, regional dangerous, destabilizing activities across the region. That means diplomacy and hard negotiation. What were watching right now in this titfortat potentially is a move to try to maybe set the tables and create different conditions so that when then future President Biden gets in office hell have different conditions to assess than he did currently. Eric and in talking about diplomatic measures, theres also the sanctions that the u. S. Has imposed on tehran. Do you think other nations could start sanctioning them, especially the gulf neighbors . Take a look at this, this is reportedly a uae official talking about how important iranian trade is to the united arab emirates. [speaking in a foreign language] eric take a look at the stats. They do 21 billion all told of trade with iran. Should some of these gulf nations, should the boycott be dropped on qatar, should some of the gulf nations say hey, were going to follow what the Trump Administration does and start ratcheting back our business . Yeah, i mean, the Trump Administration has enacted very punishing sanctions. We havent seen the followup where theres been a diplomatic process as a result of the sanctions, so many in the region are under pressure as well, the uae, qatar, they have trade that, allow for overflight into iran, they have relationships there and now europe, europe hasnt wanted to pile on in the sanctions related to the nuclear deal because europe still is in the new you clear deal and were nuclear deal and were not. Theres a lot of different issues at stake, a lot of different pressure currently on but the diplomatic path has to get that together. I think the challenge for the biden team is going to be engaging europe as much as the gulf states and youre pointing out correctly, even within the gulf states, there are fissures. For the United States, we have Allies Ayou Cross the region across the region, in qatar, uae, saudi arabia and israel. We need to get everybody on the same page if were going to see a Diplomatic Program work and i think thats what his signals with this assassination, how risky, how hard and challenging it is to get coordinated activity and certainly in the end of this administration theres less coordinated activity on a diplomatic path than their ever has been. Eric thats the challenge from former Deputy Assistant secretarSecretary Of State, joe, get everybody on the same page in the gulf, in europe and in washington. Joel, thank you. Well be right back. Dont worry, julie. Coughings not new. This woman coughs. And that guy does, too. People cough in the country, at sea, and downtown. But dont worry, julie. Robitussin shuts coughs down. Weve always done things our own way. Charted our own paths. I wasnt going to just back down from moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis wasnt going to change who i am. 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Arthel well, its not only people who flock to florida in cold weather. 40 sea turtles were flown to the florida keys from cape cod yesterday after suffering whats known as cold stunning after they were exposed to frum squid water for frigid water for too long. A group of private pilots called turtles fly too donated their time, aircraft and fuel to help the coldblooded creatures recoffer. The turtles will be returned to the ocean in time for mating season. Thats a nice, good story. Eric . Eric thats just wonderful. Theyre like the Turtle Version of those snow birds who go from the northeast down to florida in the winter. Good for them. Eric were back at 4 ian. 4 ian. You just take a look at just about every state that were talking about, every swing state that were talking about, and they did these massive dumps of votes. And All Of A Sudden, i went from winning by a lot to losing by a little. This election was rigged. This election was a total fraud. Leland President Trump speaking exclusively on Sunday Morning futures today for his first interview since the election. Marine one landing, the president and his grandkids walking off to the white house after spending the thanksgiving weekend at camp david

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