The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with our partners in data from XTRENDS – are back to analyze and comment on the Sturm und Drang of the MARCH survey. We bring you the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat – all in less than 3,000 words. What a deal! This particular survey ran from MARCH 2ND through MARCH 29TH. As previously noted, but worth repeating, this book featured the time change many mispronounce, the beginning of the season of renewal, a .
Cleaning up our mess from the previous two editions of this column, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the numbers nerds from XTRENDS – want to be clear on our meaning. We in no way wanted to imply that zombies had anything to do with the holiday season. Nor was it our intention to compare tidings of comfort and joy with the hellscape of the apocalypse. Quite the contrary. To quote the immortal Hans Gruber, “It’s CHRISTMAS, a time of .