Miseducation, but also just fear that we have right now in our community to come out and make ourselves be counted. Damian yeah, well, talk about veggielution, and who you are, and about why this collaboration makes sense. Jazmin yeah, sure; veggielution is a Community Urban farm. And we connect individuals from the community through food and farming, and were part of the si se puede collective, which is five east san josebased Nonprofit Organizations. And were here together to talk about the census and why it is so important for our community to make themselves count. Damian so, because of both of your connections, you are able to not only go on to story and king, but get into mcginness and get into sunset, get into those pockets, those corners where maybe people might be i dont want to say hiding, but might be hiding. Talk about that benefit and that advantage that you guys have by having those connections to be able to go into these deep pockets. Jazmin yes, of course, we have the a
Good morning, everyone. You may have noticed a spate of new emails over the new year from websites you use informing you they are changing their privacy policies. I like this one. You have the right to ask that we not sell your personal information, company does not sell, in the traditional sense of the word, or rent personal information to third parties for money. We do, however, share your personal information to make this Service Available to you. I really feel there is some pretty big loopholes in that one. We dont sell your information for money. At any rate, the reason you are seeing a lot of these notifications is probably a New California law called the Consumer Privacy act. It was supposed to be the toughest in the country. The bottom line is it gives you the right to Tell Companies not to sell your private data for money or otherwise. Now, companies are still trying to figure out what it all means. Indeed, the attorney general of california is still trying to figure out what
This week, while both the House and Senate are back in their states and districts for the Presidents Day recess, America’s Credit Unions continues to push
Karim Alshurafa lost seven family members in the first week of fighting in Gaza. He lost two more the next week. Then, eight more died the week after that. “The number keeps rising,” the Palestinian-American said Wednesday afternoon at a rally outside the Downtown Pittsburgh offices of Pennsylvania’s two U.S.