Miseducation, but also just fear that we have right now in our community to come out and make ourselves be counted. Damian yeah, well, talk about veggielution, and who you are, and about why this collaboration makes sense. Jazmin yeah, sure; veggielution is a Community Urban farm. And we connect individuals from the community through food and farming, and were part of the si se puede collective, which is five east san josebased Nonprofit Organizations. And were here together to talk about the census and why it is so important for our community to make themselves count. Damian so, because of both of your connections, you are able to not only go on to story and king, but get into mcginness and get into sunset, get into those pockets, those corners where maybe people might be i dont want to say hiding, but might be hiding. Talk about that benefit and that advantage that you guys have by having those connections to be able to go into these deep pockets. Jazmin yes, of course, we have the advantage of having also Community Members being leaders, so that gives us an easy way to connect with our Community Members that are in those streets that are a little more hidden. And it is very important for them to make themselves count no matter how many members of the family live in the home because it is very important so we get all the resources that we need. Damien and is somos mayfair kind of the umbrella and everybody kind of comes in and helps out . Victor yeah, for this project, were helping lead the collaborative with mexicanamerican heritage plaza. Were working with grail Family Resource center and also, you know, with all of ourand grail. And the reason why we want to do this is because we all have Community Centers and spaces where people already come, and we want to be able to talk to them and remind them that if a child is born before april 1, 2020, they still count. If youre notif youre living with someone else in the household or youre not the primary landlord, thats okay, you still count and nothing will be used against you. What matters that we get everybody counted because we want to make sure that resources and funding go back to our community. Damian you know, and no disrespect to our community, but if somebody knocks on our door and is dressed like this, theyre not going to open the door. If theyre dressed like you, theyre not going to open the door. Do we need toat what point do we need to kind of dress down, if you will, and so that we can see them for who we are . cause this is my uniform, this is what i wear to work every day. But to make that face to face interaction for them to be able to trust somebody not in a suit, but somebody who kind of they could relate to. Victor yeah, so like what youre going to see is people coming in more towards the end of march and april. Theyre going to come in, yes, theyre going to have their official census gear. And what we want to let people know is, like, its not a time to fear. Theyre not here to, like, do anything negative, they just want to make sure that we get the resources that we need for our community. And what we have an advantage is that when we go in the community, were always there. And so, people always get to see us, they get to see us with our tshirts from veggielution, from somos mayfair. And were going to be knocking on doors with Community Members that have long relationships already in the community established. Damian are you yourselves doing the counting, or youre kind of doing the prep work to make sure theyre ready to be counted . Jazmin so, we are doing some prep work, but were also recruiting Community Members to be trained and go and help people sign up for the census. So, like victor is saying, were part of the community as well. We have verya lot of similarities with our community. You know, were mothers, we struggle with rent and with expenses like that. So, it is very important for them to feel familiar with us. So, they know that were all together in this and that it is all about power, not fear. Damian its important to them, why is it important to you . Jazmin its important to me because before working for Nonprofit Organization or before being exposed to such great organizations like somos mayfair, amigos de guadalupe, i had no idea that i could sign up for the census. I didnt know and i was scared. My familys still scared. So, it is important for me to pass the knowledge that i have acquired through my work with our community so our Community Knows that we have a voice and that we can make ourselves be counted. Damian i mean, i think it makes a difference, even americanborn citizens are sometimes afraid [speaking in foreign language] why do they want it . I know a lot of people who feel that way. More information, this is a collaboration with somos mayfair. Theres the somos website on the screen. Make sure that you get yourself counted. Well talk more about the us census when we continue, stay with us. And you cant do this alone, right . You needyou still need volunteers to come and help you out. Victor yeah, i think the way that we break fear for anybody is through getting involved and being part of a community. So, were inviting everybody thats interested in learning on how to help us get the word out to come and join our organizations. And lets build something together cause were not going to do it alone. We need community, we need everybody to help out not just for the census, but also as we get ready for the elections in 2020. Damian thirty percent, you mentioned that earlier. Thathow are we going to change that . Because that is, as you said, very drastically low. Victor well, i think part of it is visibility, being out there knocking on doors, talking to people, building those relationships. And also showing people what the benefit is and whats at stake for our community. But most importantly for children. I think we lose a lot of social services, we lose a lot of funding for schools, and those are the things that really matter to our community. Damian no, lets talk about that because the way the census works is if youre not counted, youre going to get fewer funds for hospitals, fewer funds for schools, less funds foror less representation in the us house of representatives. I mean, everythese people say [speaking in foreign language] it doesnt impact me, but it really impacts every Single Person in this community. Victor yeah, so when i think about it, cause we do a lot of work with our schools, we arewere going to lose also things for like breakfast for kids. Those kinds of programs, cal fresh, cal works, all those things that weare social services to our community that matter, thats whats impacted when somebody says, i decide not to be counted. Or when somebody says, im going to make the conscious choice to count everybody to make myself be known and to trust this process that were doing with community. Damian are you doorknocking yet, jazmin . Jazmin not yet; right now, were in the training process and getting everyone on the same page with common language so everybody, you know, gets the same answers. And not yet, but we will. And we will make ourselves available to the community to ask any questions they have, and also to come and be part of our programs and participate in Building Community together. Damian when can we see the foot soldiers going out and knocking on doors if need be . Jazmin like victor was saying, thats going to start probably later in march. And were going tolike right now, were working on strategies and, again, working together as a collective, the si se puede collective. So, were very prepared to answer any questions as a community when we go out there. Damian it makes a big difference, victor, if somebody shows up and says, hi, im with santa clara county. Victor yes. Damian instead of saying, im with the si se puede collaborative, or whatever. I mean, its a big difference whether im going to answer the door or not. Jazmin thats right, and we want to start with our own spaces, right . We want to make sure that every first saturday, any workshop that we have, were going to be educating our members and our Community Members, so they also help us pass the word. And it does make a huge difference when you see somebody with the community thats been there, theyre going to be there after april 1 thatyou know, being there and continuing this effort. Damian and were just talking about san jose here, but i mean, communities in richmond are going through this, communities in napa are going through this. Were talking about oakland, san francisco. So, everything that you all are doing, theyre doing in those communities over there. How important is it to get the message out to not only the sunsets and the mcguinnesses, but you know, broadway in oakland, whatnot. Jazmin yes. Damian pretty vital. Jazmin yes, this is very important. Very, very important. Victor i mean, this is a community effort. And like anybody that wants to collaborate, i think that were open for that. Like, we would like to first organize ourselves in san jose. I think in the next couple weeks, we want to convene all of our staff, 100 members, and educate them on that, get them on the ground. And then after that, convene, like, all our local organizations, school districts, and see what we can do. Because i think the east side has a lot to gain from this effort, but most importantly were going to be able to lose our fear and come out really strong. cause this year is the year that we need tolike jazmin said, we need to lose our fear and build our power. Damian this is the big challenge. Jazmin, its a lot of work. Jazmin it is. Damian but you seem very giddy and very excited about what youre doing. Tell us about that. Jazmin like i said, i have my own history of not beof not connecting with the community or not knowing about all of the resources that we canthat we have access to. And one of my dreams coming into work for a Nonprofit Organization is something ive always said, is any knowledge that i gained, i want to share it with other people. And i want to make sure that those little lights that go into your head and, you know, you sayyou realize things, i want to be able to share that with the community so they can have moments of realization, and also know that we have rights and that we have to be counted and that we are powerful. Damian this is their only shot, victor, cause it happens again in ten years, so this is when it counts. Got to get it right. Victor were going to do it together. Damian yeah, all right; well, if youd like more information on the us census, again, this is a collaboration with somos mayfair. Log onto the website, find out how maybe you can volunteer and maybe get your comadres in your little neighborhood around and have them spread the word as well. Any final thoughts before we let you all go . Jazmin you go first. Victor get counted, count all your kids, and together we could do it, si se puede. Jazmin yeah, for me, i would say dont be afraid, and be counted, and also come and visit east san jose. It is a beautiful place and theres everything for anyone, yeah. Damian all right. Well, thank you, good luck. Lets bring you back before you start walking so we can get the word out again. Thank you guys, good luck. Both thank you. Damian right, and up next, the legendary mia perez, stay with us. Next time ill go to jack,n at least then ill get fed. Head to jack in the box and experience the joy of missing out with my 5. 99 white cheddar cheeseburger combo. Only at jack in the box to deal with the problem. Icians but they wouldnt. So we took it to the voters and forced big tobacco to pay its share of healthcare costs. We fought Oil Companies for new clean air laws and closed a billion dollar Corporate Tax loophole to fund public schools. By going directly to the people we got results. Thats not something you see a lot of from washington these days. Im tom steyer and i approve this message. Lets make change happen. Nev wish i was at jack, right their burgers are great. Head to jack in the box and experience the joy of missing out with my 5. 99 white cheddar cheeseburger combo. Only at jack in the box its spearheaded by mia perez. Mia is my guest here on comunidad del valle. She was on our show about ten years ago maybe, a while back. But shes back here to talk about this great project. You have a book here, talk about what viva is and what youre trying to do. Mia perez yes, well, viva started about two and a half years ago. And its an organization, soon to be a nonprofit. And our goal more than anything is to inspire women to live their lives with what the acronym of viva is. A lot of people think viva is in spanish, no. So, viva is we inspire women to live their lives with vision, means to dream, dare to dream again if they lost their vision, you know, their dream along the way. cause life hits us. And inspiration, to find their voice and be a voice for other women. And to live their life with acceptance of themselves and accepting other women. So, thats what our organization is about. We have events, and thats how we really bring the women in. And through that, we try to build a community of sisterhood where its a safe space for women, where they can be vulnerable. And you know, when life hits them, sometimes its not the easiest thing to go to your friends or family for fear of judgment or shame. But when you find a place where you see, wow, i can connect with other women. Theyve been through something and theyve overcome, now you have hope. And thats what our goal is. Damian we do have video we want to show, its just of the womens march, marches from last year because i think its a powerful image. Talk about the power you see here in these images of the women saying, you know, aqui estamos y no nos vamos. Were here and were taking over. Mia i think its a beautiful thing. I think its something beautiful to see how now were actually recognizing our voice, and were really stepping up and using it. I thank god that we have things like this now that encourage us to really get out there because before if you know some years back, it wasnt the thing to do. And Women Empowerment has become something big. Were really recognizing our voice, were seeing the bigger vision behind it, how we can impact. Not we can, we do, we impact our communities, we impact our household, our kids. And when we realize that voice and we start using it, then Amazing Things can happen. Damian and in your peer group sessions, when one of your peers is down for whatever reason in life or whatnot, how difficult is it to pick yourself back up and to get yourself back to normal . Mia having been there damian i dont know if being latina makes a difference or just women in general or mia you know, women in general. Im going to tell you a lot of people, when i started the organization, they thought, oh, its amazing that youre doing something for latinas. But at the end of the day, its all women. We all go throughwe all struggle, human beings. And the thing about our community that we try to build, its from late teens up into their 50s, all ethnicities, all backgrounds, all walks of life. Because life is a journey, and you know, it doesnt discriminate. Hardships come and obstacles come. And the more importantly, when they find a space where they can come to, we need to be ready. And so, weve partnered with organizations such as next Door Solutions to domestic violence, love never fails, which rescues women from human sex trafficking. We global live, which help women economically dream that bigger dream. And just, you know, were partnering with those people so that when women reach out to us, then they feel safe now to actuallysome of them, the funny this is they wont reach out automatically. They wont pick up the phone and reach out, but theyll reach out to us, and they trust us, and they say, you know what . Im going through this, or so and so is going through this. Who can i go to . And thats when we just take their hand and then we lead them to the right resource. Damian well, there might be some folks out there who might be experiencing something. Your advice to them . Mia my advice to them is dont feel shame. And speak up, but be careful who you speak up to. So, find the right people and the right organizations. If you need to reach out to us, whether its through my facebook page, our organizations page, but definitely were here to help. Theres always hope and theres always someone who will help you. Damian so, youre helping other women through viva. Talk about how viva maybe has helped you. Because it reciprocates sometimes. Youre out toyoure in an effort to help others, but at the same time while youre helping others spiritually, mentally, psychologically youre helping yourselves as well. Mia you know, the reason why viva was started was because when i was in those dark places in my life, i didnt have a community to go to, i didnt have that safe space. So, in my darkest moment, i actually did, and i speak i speak about that in my chapter here and lead with v. I. V. A. Of how it all got started. But in that darkest moments, because i didnt have that safe space, i made a promise to god and i said, you know what . I dont have that, but ill build it. If youll allow me to get out of this, i will build that place for women. So, i thought it was going to happen when i was done with all my, you know, all the obstacles in my life. But no, it was like right in the middle of it that i actually built viva. You know, weve known each other for a very long time. A lot of people didnt know, i mean, i literally i lost everything. I lost all my businesses, i went through a terrible divorce, i went through Court Battles that were a nightmare. I literally had to end up on social services myself to feed my daughter. People wouldve never known that because people saw me in the industry, people saw me behind a camera. But because of that, i stillthe one thing i ask god is dont ever let me forget this feeling. Always leave that feeling present so that i can empathize with other women. So, thats why viva was born. And from there, then thats when our organization, we actually Just Launched our book, lead with v. I. V. A. Damian lets talk about that in our next segment if you dont mind. Again, this is a great endeavor. Mia perez here is a local celebrity. You can find her on linkedin, facebook, just log on to mia perez viva is what i did today and everything popped up. Well be back with mia, stay with us. Here on comunidad del valle. Well, talk about the book. Tell us about what you have there. Mia yeah, im really excited. This is one thing that was already put on my heart a long time ago, and it was really to share the stories and strategies of women that lead their life with that, with vision, inspiration, voice, and acceptance. The events that we have, thats what i do. I bring in speakers of women that have overcome hardships in life, but that are now using that to empower other women. Thats what gives women hope. So, i thought to myself, well, they come to the event, but what do they walk away with . You know, so i thought the next step is to write a book. So, i invited a few friends of mine that are amazing ladies, amazing leaders that live their life in this way, and this is what we came up with. And, stories and strategies of leaders who lead with vision, inspiration, voice, and acceptance. And it is a bestseller, so were excited. Damian and you find that those who read it get what at the end . What do theywhat kind of warmth i guess do they get out of it . Mia i think they see themselves through the stories. You may not feel identified with every one of the women there, but i know theres things that you can look at in different stories and be like, you know what . I felt that way or ive been through that. And what we want more than anything is people to walk away with hope. Because at the end of the day, you know, life is just so tough already as it is. And you know, you look at certain things and its so negative, and you can look at your circumstance and thats negative. And then people look at you and then theyre negative about you. But you know, when you can find other people that like, wow, they went through that, and look at what theyre doing with their life right now, thats amazing. That inspires hope. And that gives the people the tools to move forward. Damian you paused your acting career for a while. Youre still a member of the screen actors guild. Mia correct. Damian when are we going to get back on the horse and start riding . Mia actually, 2020, thats been my goal. I did stop it for about two years. And i went through some struggles where i literally had to sit out. I explained that in the book as well. Its just a very sad thing to have to step away from when thats like your passion, and you know that your gifts and your talents sit there. But unfortunately, things happened with the court system that i had to sit out just to keep things at peace as much as possible. But the one thing is that, you know, i didnt let it stop me. And thats in those moment sis when i actually grew viva. Instead, i just redirected my passion and my attention to grow viva. But im excited, 2020 i started with my working out cause im going to go take new headshots and go back to my agents, and im ready to go, yeah. Damian well, and you have a daughter. How much of this is to make her proud, to know what mama is doing and mamas on the right course here . Mia oh, you touch my heart when you say that. You know, my daughters everything. Being a fulltime single mother, sole provider for her, its very important for me. I thank god that she actually saw the struggles herself and that she sees what weve built with it. And i say we because she was my inspiration. I couldnti couldnt stay down because of her, i knew she was watching. And i think thats whats important too for a lot of single women to know. I mean, i went through therapy, i went through group therapies. I went through so much and i saw so many women, and my heart would go out to them because, you know, you can easily get lost. You can easily get lost in a life of drugs or whatever, or end up in an abusive relationship again. But the one thing i kept thinking was i need my daughter to see that no matter what hits you in life and you can get knocked down, you have to get back up, and you can get back up, and you can make something amazing out of it. So, i want to leave a legacy more than anything for her. I want her at the end of the day, you know, she can grow up and theres no way she could say like, oh mommy, i cant do that. Oh no, no, you can, you can. And she knows that, so yes. Damian talk about thehow maybe warming it feels when somebody maybe has read the book, attended one of the sessions, and feels reinspired, reenergized, a new person because of what youve been able to help them get through. Mia it feelsit feels like im walking in my purpose. And you know what, it makes up for the two years ive had to sit out from what my passion has been because you cantim not going to lie, it hurts a little bit to not be doing what i love to do. But at the same time, when i have women that, like you say, have read the book or theyve come to an event, and actually two of the women are part of my committee now, and their life has completely changed around. And to know that they still come too and theyre like, mia, like before i met you, you remember me before i met you, and look at what my life is now, that in itself is just my feel to keep going. Because theres so many of us out there, and thats the important thing, like i said, we dont forget. So, those women that get to a better place now help the next women. And thats what its about, you know . Like in anything in life, you know, hey, you reach a certain obstacle, you overcome it, well then let the next person know how to do it. Give them the tools and resources. Damian all right, well, its a pleasure to have you here. More information, you can again find mia perez on linkedin, on facebook. She does a lot of social media chats with some tips and advice and whatnot, so make sure mia and my podcast is out now. Damian the podcast is out. Well, well talk about that in the next time you come back. Thank you so much. Good luck to you, thank you for coming. Mia thank you so much. Damian now, heres whats happening in your comunidad on que pasa. Damian and our saludos to those celebrating a special day, felicidades. Damien heres our contact information. You can follow me on twitter, my address there is newsdamian. On instagram, its newsdamiantrujillo. Also pick up a copy of El Observador newspaper and support your bilingual weeklies all across the bay area. Well, comunidad del valle is back once again on both nbc and telemundo. Make sure you watch us every sunday usually around this time, check your local listings. Thank you once again for tuning in, well see you again next week. Buenos dias. Television that is educational and informational. re watching the more you know on nbc. Narrator today on a new leaf, lauren and derrick have been able to give their kids a real connection to derricks family history, but when it comes to laurens side, things arent so clear. Lauren im always a question because im a mix of everything from what i know. Narrator now lauren will get the chance to unravel some family mysteries. Lauren i had no idea, so thats really amazing. Narrator . Including the truth about her great grandfather. Daisy so do you see a resemblance . Lauren yes, absolutely. Narrator and shell bring everything shes learned to a big family reunion. Lauren they took my dna and my dads dna and were able to use that to help find his father and mother. Richard what . [laughter]

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