3 Beginner tips
Give yourself permission to make mistakes. Anything that comes up while you practice isn’t wrong it’s information.
Aim for progress, not perfection. Simply being willing to try helps you become more embodied.
Build body awareness incrementally. The ultimate goal of yoga asana is to develop a deeper, more mindful and attuned relationship with yourself which takes time and practice. Photo: Ian Spanier
1. Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge)
From Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward–Facing Dog Pose), step your right foot forward, outside of your right hand. Keep your torso and both arms inside of your front leg. Bend your elbows and bring your forearms to the floor. Scoop your tailbone toward your ribs, lengthen your spine, and lift your abdomen. Press your left heel back. To decrease the left hip flexor stretch, release your back knee to the floor. Hold for 5–8 breaths. Repeat on the other side.