see more regularly. how about you come to new york, do one audience show a week so people, you know, can say hi and shake it up and they don t give me a standing. i got a standing ovation. we ll get the same drunk people who are at your event to just slide over to my fantasy. and appreciate that we re really short handed. we ll throw awesome. might be fun. yeah, exactly. all right. thank you so much. i am laura ingraham. this is ingram angle. thank you for spending time with us tonight. the biden protection racket. oh yeah. that s the focus of tonight s angle. they couldn t even trust biden to announce he s running for reelection. live on camera. now, why is that? that never gets old. i don t know why. that s just adorable. now, who said you need a pandemic as an excuse to hide a presidential candidate from the usual scrutiny that comes along with a campaign? all by needs, though, is a willing press corps. and then they were able to help shield him just like they did in
the will likely face thahat guy, the guy that does not know today s monday. he s eighty two years ol years d and all we know is he likes ice cream and he can t speak very well anyway. , jojoe biden, your cognitively struggling democratic president, is now to planning to announce his reelection bid tomorrow night. tomo veryintere getss reelec interesting.g. even though almost no one ineveo america wantugh alams him to see a second term, we re not evene sure he can get through the first term. now, that s true. tulsi gabbard, will weigh inghte tonight right here in studio with us. withalso, west virginia democrat joe manchin will join rem us tonight. now, remember, he made a deal with chuck schumer and joe biden on the critical issue to his state. it s called energy, right? we need to be energyt. independent, energy dominant. it looks lik like the they have. their promise to him. joe manchin is notn is not happt it. he is rightly criticizing that,r criticiziniticizg runaway spen
how the lab leak theory is picking up steam. reporter: another covid report, 300 pages. the big take away is this statement. the preponderance of information affirms the possibility of a research related incident that was likely unintentional resulting from failures of biosafety containment during vaccine related research. relies on that scientists that have yet to discover any sort of naturally occurring viruses that are similar in composition to covid-19. furthermore, the report argues researchers in china started on at least two covid vaccines in november of 2019 before the pandemic. and that there are also safety concerns at that very lab. this is how the senator of kansas released the report interprets the fighting. i want to emphasize i think this leak was unintentional. they had no reason that they wanted to release this virus. i would hope for the best. we have to assume the worst. reporter: fbi director wray christopher wray said the virus most likely came fro