The following article was written and submitted to me by pro-life leaders Judie Brown and Julie Grimstad. –––––––––––––––
LIFE IS A GIFT: Protect Yours!
By Judie Brown and Julie Grimstad
Every time you enter a healthcare facility, you will be informed of your “right” to sign some sort of Living Will or POLST form. These documents are types of healthcare advance directives which allegedly enhance a person’s power to refuse or accept medical interventions. They are not as “beneficial” as they may be described to you.
It’s extremely disappointing to the see the Los Angeles Dodgers honoring a group that celebrates the mocking of Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular – under the guise of LGBTQ activism.
I recently received the following email (lightly edited by me) from Father Christopher Senk of Fort Myers, Florida:
I have not been allowed to function as a priest since October 28, 2016. My accusations were largely brought by the relatives of a parishioner with whom my bishop colluded for more than two years without my knowledge. A civil investigation exonerated (‘not guilty’) me of any crime involving the taking advantage of a vulnerable adult.
An eerie coincidence – or perhaps Godincidence – I came to realize in recent months: My father, Geoffrey J. Abbott, passed away last year. April 15, 2022, to be exact. He was born March 4, 1945. See his obituary here. (Please pray for the repose of his soul.)