von Daniel Espinosa - https://thegrayzone.com - https://cooptv.wordpress.com Trotz einer Welle antikommunistischer Propaganda und mysteriöser „terroristischer“ Massaker hat der linke Lehrer Pedro Castillo bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in Peru triumphiert. Doch sein rechter Rivale will die Ergebnisse nicht akzeptieren. Keiko Fujimori, die politische Erbin des inhaftierten peruanischen ehemaligen Diktators Alberto Fujimori, scheint ihre dritte Wahl in Folge verloren…
european union without paying. and since leaving the european union involves pain and no one s prepared to admit to that or compromise on that, you essentially now have this electoral contest between the undeliverable, which is a pain-free brexit, and unelectable, which is this marxist leader of the labor party. so it s probably not going to be an election that resolves the situation, much to everyone s frustration here. david, is the labor party going to be able to be resolutely the party that wants to stay in the european union? will it be able to present the public with that clear choice? i think that it s unlikely to be able to be wholly convincing in that. clearly, jeremy corbyn has his own history in respect to the european union. he voted against joining on fairly misbegotten grounds that it was a capitalist club. but also, he s acutely conscious that there are a number of labor voters who want to leave.
now denounced atheist and joung me the author of that book, the chairman of the religious freedom coalition, bill murray. great having you here. when i see some of the pictures i remember when your mother was sort of in her heyday and she was a reviled woman because she he offended the sensitivities and senseabilities of so many god firing americans. did you grow up feeling that hey, people hate my mother and hate me. did you wear it as a badge of courage at the time? our family was definitely dinner. mike: that s putting it mildly. and we did, we were different. i mean, as you said, my mother attempted to defect to the soviet union, she was a marxist leader in the community and our neighborhood was for the most part immigrants from many of those communist countries, from poland, from hungary, from
in schools. he has written a wonderful book called my life without god. joining me is the chairman of the religious freedom coalition william murray. when i see some of these pictures i remember all of this going on back when your mother was sort of in her heyday and she was a reviled woman because she offended the sensitivities and sensibilities of so many god fearing americans. did you growing up feel like, gee, people hate my mother and therefore hate me. did that upset you or did you wear it as a badge of courage at the time? our family was definitely different. that is putting it mildly. we did. we were different. as you said my mother attempted to detefect to the soviet union. she was a marxist leader in the community. our neighborhood was for the most part immigrants from many of those communist countries from poland, hung gary east