Ghazal started her professional life with a modest earning. She earned a paltry income of Rs 1200/day as a weekend corporate trainer. She said in an X post that she’d used the money to take her mom shopping and sharing a memorable dinner.
The Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) brand offers a wide range of beauty and personal care products and is valued at over $1 billion. The company was founded by the husband-wife duo of Varun and Ghazal Alagh in 2016.
Mamaearth Ipo: Our third brand, Aqualogica, is at a 150 crore ARR already. Our acquisitions with Dr Sheth and Bblunt continue to grow very-very strongly. So there is a huge headroom for growth that we see.
“Among FMCG stocks, Marico, Nestle and Godrej Consumer are very well poised to gain more market share. We see a slight easing in commodities. Their margins should be much better given that volumes are expanding. And we are at the best part of the season now for the next six months.”
Our third brand, Aqualogica, is at a 150 crore ARR already. Our acquisitions with Dr Sheth and Bblunt continue to grow very-very strongly. So there is a huge headroom for growth that we see.