This seminar hosted by the Malaria Centre will highlight some of the threats and challenges that the malaria community face with regard to controlling and eventually eliminating malaria.
World Malaria Day: Invest, innovate, implement Maternal Immunisation: Prevent, protect, immunise Vaccinating women in pregnancy has emerged as a promising tool to protect women against infectious diseases and tackle infant morbidity and mortality worldwide. LSHTM Vaccine Centre World Immunisation Week activities will showcase the development of new maternal vaccines and provide the opportunity to discuss other vaccines with potential positive health outcomes.
Today, the World Health Organization (WHO) released their annual report chronicling the latest statistics in the global fight against malaria. Thanks to the incredible work of governments and implementing organisations, the estimated number of malaria deaths has fallen from 625,000 in 2020 to 619,000 in 2021.
In June 2022, WHO published the consolidated guidelines for malaria; a package of new and updated recommendations across a number of technical areas – from malaria chemoprevention and mass drug administration to elimination. The guidelines encourage countries to tailor the recommendations to local disease settings for maximum impact.