Rao, also known as KCR, said the social security pension, which currently stands at Rs 2,016, will be increased to Rs 5,000 per month gradually over the next five years.
Chairing the 173rd meeting of the Board of Directors of Himachal Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Limited here on Saturday evening, Sukhu said eligible beneficiaries have already started receiving the benefits under the scheme that was launched on September 16, a statement issued here said.
Cost of fuel, which accounts for 14% and 8% of the total cost of vegetarian and non-vegetarian thalis, respectively, declined 18% on month in September as the cost of a 14.2kg LPG cylinder fell to Rs 903 from Rs 1,103. Prices of chillies also provided some relief by cooling off 31% on month.
The latest hike in prices of commercial LPG cylinders also comes just over a month after the Centre had cut prices of domestic LPG cylinders by Rs 200 for all connection holders across the country, in August.