The war in the Ukraine will be short, not long. Contrary to what today´s Western casino politicians and MSM talking heads tell us to expect, come 2023 or even before - Europeans will no longer withstand the tremendous burden that their ´Russian.
Editor’s Note:
Amid the still ongoing Russia-Ukraine military conflict, NATO, which has been adding fuel to the conflict, held a three-day summit in Madrid, Spain, from June 28 to 30. The NATO alliance has been working to increase pressure on Russia over its conflict with Ukraine while underscoring their continued concerns about China. For the first time in history, Japanese and South Korean leaders were invited to attend the NATO Summit. The militant group which has already been a source of trouble for Europe is now trying to create its own Asia-Pacific chapter to interfere in Asia. How did the organization come about? How was it born from the Cold War mentality and gradually became an obstructor of world peace? Why is this military alliance extending its
On July 1 at the White House, US President Joe Biden made a startling disclosure that "the idea we're going to be able to click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline, is not likely in the near term." American gas exporters have positioned.