to so called no regret messages which to so called no regret messages which you to so called no regret messages which you are pretty sure we ll be good which you are pretty sure we ll be good things and generally do no harm almost good things and generally do no harm almost for good things and generally do no harm almost for sure. so hand washing became almost for sure. so hand washing became very rapidly, even by the time became very rapidly, even by the time we became very rapidly, even by the time we were engaged, highlighted as an obvious time we were engaged, highlighted as an obvious thing to try and slow transmission. so yes, that would be an example transmission. so yes, that would be an example of a no regret. it is hard an example of a no regret. it is hard to an example of a no regret. it is hard to think of examples of washing your hands hard to think of examples of washing your hands doing much harm. no,| your hands doing much harm. no, i c
couldn t really comment on that. but overall, is couldn t really comment on that. but overall, is this fair, you may not use those words, you perhaps might not have so much to do with lord sedwill as he is now, but the general theme of lack of leadership and chaos, if you like, is one that you agree with? and chaos, if you like, is one that you agree with? yes. let s move on. i want to ask you agree with? yes. let s move on. i want to ask you you agree with? yes. let s move on. i want to ask you about the discussions around the first lockdown decision, and if we could start by going to page eight of your witness statement. we see there the heading, and then did strategy, nationwide lockdown. that is the description, isn t it, of the change from the mitigation strategy to the lockdown, suppression strategy that we have heard a great deal about in the last few weeks. and we ve also heard from other witnesses, and we will hear from others, about that series of meetings that
for an academy award? hello and welcome. the biggest member states of the european union have now joined the list of nations questioning the performance of the oxford astrazeneca vaccine. germany, france, spain and italy are all taking the precautionary measure of suspending use of the vaccine because of fears about possible side effects, including blood clots. the world health organisation, along with the eu s very own medicines regulator, says there is no justification for the temporary ban. our medical editor fergus walsh has the latest. a public display of confidence in the oxford astrazeneca vaccine from northern ireland s chief medical officer today. by contrast, you cannot have the jab in the irish republic, in france, germany and is a growing list of eu countries which have temporarily suspended its use. this is a safe, effective vaccine as recommended by mhra. let s remember, this virus kills people, kills people my age, younger people and older people and the benefi
for an academy award? welcome to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. the world health organisation says vaccination programmes should not be halted after a growing list of eu countries decided to suspend the use of the oxford astrazeneca jab over safety concerns. germany, france, spain and italy are all taking the precautionary measure of suspending use of the vaccine because of fears about possible side effects, including blood clots. our medical editor fergus walsh has the latest a public display of confidence in the oxford astrazeneca vaccine from northern ireland s chief medical officer today. by contrast, you cannot have the jab in the irish republic, in france, germany and is a growing list of eu countries which have temporarily suspended its use. this is a safe, effective vaccine as recommended by mhra. let s remember, this virus kills people, kills people my age, younger people and older people and the benefits are strongly in favour of people ge