Congress general secretary KC Venugopal posted on X that the infiltration in the Lok Sabha is a troubling thing, especially on the anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attacks. - Lok Sabha Security Breach: Opposition Demands Investigation Over Security Failure On Terrorist Attack Anniversary
India News: NEW DELHI: In a massive security scare on the 22nd anniversary of the 2001 Parliament attack, two intruders jumped into the Lok Sabha chamber during t.
Parliament Lok Sabha Security Breach News: Who did it? Who jumped into Lok Sabha chambers? Who was behind this security breach? There are a lot of questions being raised on the recent security breach in the temple of democracy. The security breach took place on the day when the unfortunate incident of the 2001 Parliament Attack took place. Is it a coincidence or a planned move? Does it have some connection with separatist Gurpatwant Singh Pannu s threat that he issued against India? Again big questions.
West Bengal minister Sashi Panja says Simha has put Parliament and over 500 lawmakers at risk by issuing passes to miscreants who later breached security.