<p><span>Standard Disclaimer</span></p>
<p><span>Thank you to the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (“ISDA”) for inviting me to speak at a forum on climate risk, environmental, social, and governance (“ESG”) issues, the role that derivatives play in these markets, and the market and regulatory environment.</span></p>
Agriculture departments from several states in the Mountain West are asking the USDA to consider relief programs for livestock producers hit hard by winter weather.
<p><span>Thank you to FIA and SIFMA. It is a daunting task to give a keynote on a Friday that is the last day of a conference—particularly a conference that has had engaging substantive heavy content. It’s been such heavy content that some of you plunged yourselves into the freezing cold ocean after yesterday’s panels.</span><span> Please don’t do that after my speech, where I am going to talk about cyber risk and climate risk— two topics that I will admit can feel daunting.</span></p>
problem head on and i m gonna take action. which is based on my background and i m a former federal agent and cia officer. you don t sit around and wait for people to tell you what to do. that s why i introduce the legislation, the lower food and fuel cost act. it s how we work to get it through the agriculture committee of jurisdiction and ultimately to the house floor where it pacified partisan support. as a compilation of multiple pieces of legislation aimed at lowering the cost of fuel at the pump. notably through year-round use of ethanol and biofuels. really important steps they are related to gas prices. i was proud to work with democrats and republicans on those provisions and hats off to cindy and angie greg, two of my colleagues who have been pushing for those proposals. i brought a proposals related to consolidation within the meat-packing industry as a member of the agriculture committee and a representative of many smaller livestock