In this series of videos, Denver7 Chief Meteorologist Mike Nelson breaks down Colorado’s weather patterns, how various types of weather develop and move into Colorado, and the threat across the state from the gamut of severe weather we face.
Congressmen Carlos Curbelo and
Francis Rooney, have put forward serious, conservative solutions to the climate crisis. Neither is still in office, leaving a climate leadership vacuum in the Florida delegation, to whom I ask
who among you will lead this country toward an equitable carbon pricing system, one that relies heavily market-based solutions to the climate crisis?“
Chamber endorses market-based climate action:
legislation, has issued
The group’s climate statement reads:
“We believe that there is much common ground on which all sides of this discussion could come together to address climate change with policies that are practical, flexible, predictable, and durable. We believe in a policy approach that acknowledges the costs of action and inaction and the competitiveness of the U.S. economy.”
Today I’m pleased to share with you my interview with one of the co-authors of the World’s Littlest Book on Climate Change, 10 Facts in 10 minutes about CO2. By Chelsea Henderson EcoRight News/ RepublicEN Mike Nelson, our guest, is an award-winning meteorologist from Denver, Colorado. Mike has won 18 Emmy awards for Outstanding Weather Anchor. (Side note: […]
How to Help Boulder Victims Families
People from across the country are looking for ways to help families of the 10 people killed at a King Soopers in Boulder on March 22.
We ve compiled a list of area groups that are collecting contributions in the aftermath of the shooting. In July, we published this statement in recognition of the work we needed to begin at CPR to confront issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in our newsroom and organization as a whole. We know this work is urgent, and we are dedicated to doing it thoroughly and connecting it with our vision and mission to reach all and serve everyone in Colorado.