speak to a north carolina preschool being called out for a showing in flash cards of a pregnant man. featuring lgbqt themes being used to teach colors. the principal says she was not aware of the cards and they ll school officials are taking action referring the cards to human resources and the district superintendent. the state of north carolina looking at legislation that would let parents opt out of age inappropriate material. todd: we have to stop at this. this isn t real, unicorns, it isn t a thing. ashley: age-appropriate. todd: where are all the conservatives? the crimson fighting 4% of graduates wing conservatives while 2.4% lean very conservative. these results as conservatives on elite campuses across the country scorn for speaking out
As we pre-game for every ratings foray, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – with a strong but silent nod from the numbers crunchers at XTRENDS – tend to spend a little too much time on the mundane. Case in point: Did you know that APRIL is one of only three months that could also be a person’s first name? I mean, no one’s going to name their kid FEBRUARY, right? Perhaps we pre-game just a bit too much. This survey began on MARCH 31st and ended on APRIL .
of identity. and in the united states, you send a five or 6-year-old to kindergarten you want them to be learning concepts and gender identity concepts. absolutely not. we want to send our kids to learn about abcs and out the birds and the bees. this is a strong stiff arm to the liberal left. i think it is necessary because they are trying to push this agenda, and we will not have it. carley: representative schmidt, this bill is receiving backlash. look at this, ditch batch said, are a few lgbqt kids would be forced to closet with lawmakers. don t say gay copy or gay bill but a copycat except discriminatory excuse to cut public funding education system. what is your reaction to all of
the president s granddaughter naomi went for a white house wedding reception in november, carley and todd. carley: all right, brooke swingman live for us. you do have a venue. the two lucky attendees, lucky guest. thanks, brooke. the newly parental rights in education bill. here is jen psaki s response to a post by peter doocy on monday, watch this. what about this new law in florida? what age does the white house that students should be taught about sexual orientation and gender identity? i think this is a politically charged, harsh law that is putting parents and lgbqt plus kids in a very difficult, heartbreaking circumstance. carley: jen psaki leader to provide a straight answer when pressed on what age president biden believed children should start learning about these issues. the florida bill are discussing
California court invalidated law requiring that boards of directors of public companies based in California include members from under-represented groups, including persons of several races and ethnic groups and those who identify as LGBQT, filed by Judicial Watch