If FEBRUARY made you shiver, it’s likely because of real world events that touched almost all of our lives. We had the biggest television event of the year, but most local radio could not call it by its true name. Mask mandates were on the wane, while gasoline prices were on the rise. Then, RUSSIA launched an inhumane and horrific war on UKRAINE. That all happened within the survey parameters of FEBRUARY 3rd through MARCH 2nd. This is where we step in. The primary function of The .
As the new year unfolds, we are left with a dystopian audio landscape laid bare by the scorched earth policy of BRENDA LEE and her evil spawn. Those stragglers who were forced to flee their usual haunts in search of seasonal greetings begin their long, slow journey home. The JANUARY survey ran from JANUARY 6th through FEBRUARY 2nd. The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the usual suspects from XTRENDS – are your intrepid reporters here to provide a .
Continuing with our “on the third book of CHRISTMAS” theme, did you know that of all the birds being given – we’re looking at you partridge, turtledove, swans, and geese – only the pesky French hen is a purely domesticated animal? (We have no idea what a calling bird is, though.) Armed with this vital bit of useless information, The Ratings Experts from RESEARCH DIRECTOR, INC. – along with the bird watchers from XTRENDS – will immerse ourselves in the .