Customs officials at the Indira Gandhi International Airport seized gold paste of around 1 kg worth Rs 41.35 lakh that had been hidden in the lavatory of an aircraft that arrived from Dubai, a senior officer said on Monday.
if you see or hear something unusual or suspicious, that might be linked to terrorism, even if it concerns a family member or close friend, then please, please report it to the police. your information mightjust prevent an attack and save lives. the metropolitan police after sentencing, the whole life sentence handed down and a statement on behalf of sir david amess family. the former conservative mp ann widdecombe was a good friend of sir david amess and she also spoke outside the court. that man now is not going to come out of prison. he s only 26, and the rest of his life he s going to spend dividing between a narrow cell with a lavatory in it, and an exercise yard. he s never going to be able to enjoy