by the attorney. it s almost all done by the judges almos, the federal federt judicial system. my guesion is thas is that t will be loosened up a bit in this particular case . k it s but also, i would like to say that i think it s a little pessimist to have to say we re going to rely on one juror t to in jury nullification, because i think the president has some reae prel defensible issues here. this is a winnable case. i m not saying he would definitely win it or it s a slam duns butk him. but there are some real issues here and i don t think he s going to have to relyo hav on jury nullification necessarily. i m going to get back to that in a momentet bac. david, i want to play a moment from obama s s.g. earlier todayr . he s not president anymore. get to you know, when you leave the president home, documents as a, take souvm this is the people s information. ruat s whyatio have such a robut set of criminal rules to protect againstrotect mishang
and people who were fleeing from liberal lala lands fromm new york , from california, new jersey and illinois. the decline of blue lockdownt n states is most apparent, though ,in their cities. the lockdown s plus the remote work option offered by s.g.esg- 11 companies. it los killing commercial reh estate. the analysis by the wall street journal thurg. lin the u.s. office e vacancy rate reached a milestone in the first quarter when it rose to twelve point nine percent, exceeding the peak vacancy rate during the 2008 financial crisis. depressed building values couldt hurt cities, which depend on property tax revenuh e and weigh on bank balance sheets, leading to less lendingb throughout the economy. hom staying at home to improve b your work life balance. now, that may be good for the core power yoga studios nearby, but there are bigt th ripple effectser. new york times columnist maureen dowd, a liberal stalwart, she wrote , as i
just fell off. e up to me all the time to ask me doesn t really work. and all i have to say is here i am. it works . . my advice for everyone is to go with the go, though itne pur will releasepo your fat and ite. will release you . s.g. is love. everybody is here for this one purpose. and it s to cure these kids. it means that more time with my daughter. i love this place. but you change my life. the white house correspondents give your small business one tech solution that checks all the boxes. it s all here with the comcast business complete connectivity solution. peace of mind with cyberthreat security. the power of the largest, fastest reliable network. plus, save up to 75% a year with comcast business mobile. the complete connectivity solution. from the company powered by the next generation 10g network. get started for just $49 a month. and ask about an $800 prepaid card.
men are created equal. yet i institutionalize this bias, the idea that alle thou minorities think one way or that allgh nine non minorities are privileged and possess implicit biases. and by falling into the trap, just like the s.g. trap, america also risks precipitous decline. dr adrian wooldridge, speaking to jordan peterson, recently noted that countries that values talent will end up economically, trouncing those that don t, and further that this will have terrible consequences for the uniteds states s geopolitical standing. the biggestolitical and mosts challenge to western dominance that we ve see westernn ever, wh is coming from china, chin ae le is becoming more like singapore and taking meritocracy sin much more seriously, both in terms of its educational system, in terms of its university system, which is highly selective and growinsly withg in the way s
eastern time. that s when sentencing will begin. eatime.laura and austin, what ae expecting to hear fromxp e team?ens so the defense team did walkm out court today. fox got a quick comment froms. them. they were brief with their words. they sai said thatd that they re obviously disappointed in today s results. but we expect to hear frombut wo hear f precisely an hour after the sentencing happens tomorrow morning. all right, austin, thank you so much. now,: thank democrats are in a precarious position because they can t sell the american public on any of their policiesp working. and weolicies. know they re not. so they have to push this idea of scarcity is going to actually be good for you. and what they re seeing as they try to argue that is guess what? the losses are piling up.inflat inflation has shown noio signs e abating despite the white house talking points. the senate controllee talkind, s democrats included, just killed biden s. s.g. investment rule and ad the stunning rebu