the united states expensive and then make us dependent on china. iv an it once you say it that way, you realize that they don t have arguments. they only have force. and that s why they have to call. you would deny or suggesting you re immoral and crazy because they don t have anythingg to say to say to thatu as you know, because you live it. michael shellenberger, as always, a voice of i appreciate it. good to be with you. so the s.g. global warming agenda is part of the reason eco our economy is tanking. the othenotanking.r part is ukr. are pushing, in fact, engaging in a hot war with russia at this moment, which is upended energy priceshe around the world and is getting worse. the u.s. congress is somehow earmarked more than 90 billion dollars to ukraine, just thiis b year. that s double what wlee spend annually in afghanistan. that snistan, far more than rus entire annual military budget. but it s still not enough for the president of ukraine. zelenskyy he doesn t as
investment risk is code for fink and the clinton global initiative to cash in.di so where all this money comed from?th wellisoney come fr, watch this m one of the un s s.g. tsas who ss going to come up g with all the money that will first recognize it s a crisis and just how weak fund is it, 14 or 17 trillion for it? er the money must be there somewhere. oh, that s a very sophisticated analysis from her, isn t it? gee, now, this isn t about this isn t about sa planet. this is about the sustainability of their own bank accounts. thisthe sustbecause while they f this scheme, you re going toche, joininue to get poorer. joining us now is one of the leading voices warning us about this woke capital , das david sokol, chairman and ceo of time capital and author ofl. america in perspective defending the american dream for the next generation.
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