looks green which means no problems. we ll zoom in to 95 northbound in virginia. coming out of dumfries all the way to the mixing bowl. checking out the camera here. no problems. everything is nice and quiet. back to our maps, we zoom on over to 66. coming out of manassas and centreville all the way past route 50 to the beltway. no problems to report there. no delays. everything is incident-free. check iting our travel times, outer loop from maryland up to speed. 95 southbound, no problems and the inner loop from route 4 to the wilson bridge, everything is looking good. i ll take a trip down to gw parkway at 5:09. over to you. thank you, chris. let s see what happens today at the negotiating table after president obama abruptly ended yesterday s bipartisan talks about the debt ceiling. he rejected the latest republican proposal for a short-term solution. he wants a much longer one. jessica doyle is on capitol hill with more on what happened. boy, everybody was talking abo
here at colesville road. sun coming up, will start factoring in sun. right now, everybody is up to speed from 95 over to georgia avenue. checking out our travel times, everything looks good. 66 eastbound is on-time. starting to slow down though there. toll road, no problems and then the inner loop from 395 all the way up toward the sorry, inner loop from 395 all the way up to the toll road looks good. no problem there. i m going to have you look at the bw parkway at 6:12. mike, over to you. thank you, kris. let s get a check on the stories happening today. secretary of state hillary clinton heads to turkey, first stop on a 12-day around the world diplomatic tour. she ll meet with leaders of other nato nations to talk about the operations in libya. today, the d.c. city council will take up emergency legislation to rename several roads martin luther king drive. the honorary name would connect m.l.k. avenue in southeast, the 11th street bridge, the freeway and independence
fredericksburg, 66 degrees. we ll continuously follow temperatures. dew points, this is why it feels really nice. in the 50s versus the 60s and 70s. 56 in downtown. 59 in winchester. 54 in frederick. thank goodness for the cold front and the canadian air. we re getting really nice relief today. highs today, look at the numbers. 85 in downtown. 84 in winchester. 86 in culpepper. keep in mind we should be in the upper 80s this time of year. we ll take the below average temps today. our next three days looking just great. storm-free today. friday, 85. even saturday, storm-free under partly cloudy conditions around 87 degrees. so, this is some fantastic stuff. enjoy it. here s a look at your traffic with kris. good morning, anny. we re starting out with a green light. nice and quiet out there. we do have construction to watch out for. start off with cameras, 95 northbound in virginia. dumfries past lorton. all the way to the mixing bowl looking good. moving over to 395 northb
really on. triple digit, 100 degrees. i would not be surprised if a heat advisory will be issued for tuesday because the heat index numberings will be feeling like 105. on wednesday, lower 90s but still hot. here s chris with your traffic. good morning, kris. good morning, anny. i wish i had better news to start the day. we ll start with a yellow light. we have an overnight accident that happened around 12:00 involving a pedestrian. germantown road between aircraft road and crystal rock drive. closed in both directions right now. being told that it will probably reopen around 5:00, 5:30. we ll go to our cameras, outer loop between 95 and 270, lanes are wide open there. no problems going into virginia. inner loop and outer loop between the american legion bridge and the wilson bridge is up to speed. 395 northbound, everything looks good up to the 14th street bridge. we do have construction that takes away the right center lane. 95 in virginia clear from dumfries, lorton and
the way to the beltway. things are looking good. no incidents to report. back to our maps, we ll zoom on in down to 95. things are looking great between the prince william parkway to lauren where we take the live look here. starting to see a little bit of volume pick up around lauren up toward 7100. you clear up toward the mixing bowl. no problems there. travel times, southbound 95 from 216 down to the beltway, things are looking good. inner loop in maryland from route 4 past the wilson bridge. no problems. d.c. 295 northbound, starting to pick up a little bit as you can see the arrows pointing up. no incidents or delays to report. mike, i ll have a look at the inner loop in virginia coming up at 6:12. at the top of the hour, let s get to the stories happening today. prince george s county police will announce an arrest in the murder of richard chang. the storeowner was killed in a fire in bladensburg back in april. he lived in mitchellville. today, you can make reserva