here at colesville road. sun coming up, will start factoring in sun. right now, everybody is up to speed from 95 over to georgia avenue. checking out our travel times, everything looks good. 66 eastbound is on-time. starting to slow down though there. toll road, no problems and then the inner loop from 395 all the way up toward the -- sorry, inner loop from 395 all the way up to the toll road looks good. no problem there. i'm going to have you look at the bw parkway at 6:12. mike, over to you. >> thank you, kris. let's get a check on the stories happening today. secretary of state hillary clinton heads to turkey, first stop on a 12-day around the world diplomatic tour. she'll meet with leaders of other nato nations to talk about the operations in libya. >> today, the d.c. city council will take up emergency legislation to rename several roads martin luther king drive. the honorary name would connect m.l.k. avenue in southeast, the 11th street bridge, the freeway and independence avenue. the emergency will allow the name to be in place in time for the dedication of the dr. king memorial next month. the stars of the show on the fx channel rescue me will be at smithsonian's american history museum, donating props from the shows connected to the new york city firefighters post- 9-11. it happens today at 2:00 p.m. also today, another round of meetings for congressional leaders at the white house. >> the clock is ticking down to a possible default on the government debt and the talks wednesday ended abruptly with plenty of drama. >> jessica doyle is live on capitol hill to tell us what happened and what's next, jessica? >> well, good morning to both of you. good morning, everybody. in terms of the talks endening abruptly yesterday, let's call this contentious. now, what seems to have ended over an exchange between the president and house majority leader eric kantor, republicans have been pressing the president to accept a short- term solution to raising the debt ceiling, just three weeks ago before the nation defaults on its debt. the president thus far has refused to do so. in the meantime, words getting very heated on both sides of the aisle. congressman joe walsh has. >> youtube video on his web site that's getting a lot of attention. on it, he talks about the nation's abilities to pay its debts. >> president obama, quit lying. you know darn well that if august 2nd comes and goes, there's plenty of noun pay off our debt and -- money to pay off our debt and cover our obligations and you know that you and only you have the discretion to make those payments. i believe that the united states will pay its bills and we will honor the full faith and credit of our country. i salute president obama for putting forth a grand bargain. >> reporter: both sides go back to the white house again today to try to hammer out a compromise. the stumbling blocks remain the same. republicans are not willing to accept tax hikes. democrats are not willing to accept cuts in social services but this much is clear. the time line is three weeks from now, we will default on our nation's debt. if we do not have some sort of agreement on the debt ceiling in place and at that point, it becomes a debate over who gets paid and who does not. andrea, back to you. jessica, the congressman said the president was lying. he knows there's money even if the deadline passes to cover social security. and then senator mitch mcconnell came up with a proposal to let the president have the opportunity to raise the debt ceiling. what happened with that? >> reporter: well, the president has said for many days now, in fact, weeks now, he doesn't want to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling. he wants this now in the terms of washington to be a grand bargain where both sides come together to cut $4 trillion in spending as part of this process. he does not want it to just solely be a command from the white house to capitol hill behind me saying this ceiling gets raised. >> jessica doyle, thank you. again, jessica will have more on this in a couple of minutes. the son of d.c. councilman marion barry says he'll speak publicly after his next court appearance. >> christopher barry is charged with drug possession. the charges stem from a domestic complaint back in may. the 31-year-old was allegedly found near a table with five bags of marijuana and a vial of pcp on it. police say barry jumped out a window and tried to run away. he was taken into custody a short time later. bruce johnson caught up with marion barry wednesday trying to get a comment. >> as a parent, talk to me about it. tell me something. >> how are you doing? >> i'm not going to talk about it. >> is he ok? >> i'm not talking about it. >> should we talk to press? >> no, don't talk to him about it. >> christopher barry, the son is due back in court july 27th. the obama administration is speaking out against congressional efforts to restrict certain funding in the district. yesterday, the white house released a statement opposing a bill that pulls funding for the city's needle exchange program and paying for abortions for poor women. the administration says if it passed, the legislation would undermine the city's home rule. such funding isn't allowed in other cities. >> after all of the money and time spent by the government and all of the hassles we the flyers have endured, as many as 25,000 breaches of airport security have been reported since the 9-11 attacks. during a congressional hearing wednesday, it was revealed many breaches happened by distracted travelers wandering into restricted areas. many also left bags behind at checkpoints. the tsa says that number is just a fraction of 1% of the number of people who fly. unfortunately, we have to be right all the time. terrorists only have to get lucky once. >> it takes a little time to get better at something new like this. many, many years, we flew without thinking about it. >> the tsa says each of the nation's 450 plus airports undergoes screening assessments each year. we have watching your money. a lot of you don't want to spend more of it when it comes to netflix. there is an online movement against the company's price hike plan. netflix is going to raise prices by up to 60%. thousands of people have actually taken to facebook and twitter protesting vowing to cancel their accounts. netflix says it expected a backlash like this. well, -- ♪ >> adele. who knew. that woman, she is leading the digital music revolution. her album 21 has sold more than 1,010,000 digital copies that makes it the most downloaded album of all-time surpassing eminem. 32% of albums sold so far this year are digital downloads which is up 19% from the same time last year. where do you use your ipad? the survey of ipad owners finds the most popular place, the couch or an easy chair. 50% said they like that but 17% say it is the bedroom and the dinner table, that would never happen in my house is the third most popular. >> concentrate. >> there will be a little bit of cargo moving today for the crew of the space shuttle. >> atlantis got a wakeup call around 2:00 this morning courtesy of michael stipe. >> if you believe they put a man on the moon, man on the moon. ♪ >> that's r.e.m.'s man on the moon. the atlantis crew will get a little r & r. astronauts will do a few television interviews and their mission is scheduled to end at this time again, one week from today. >> here's a look at what's still ahead within the next hour of 9news now. >> in four minutes, we celebrate bastille day with french cuisine. we'll go into the kitchen with a chef. >> metro gives an alert to riders to expect plenty of weekend delays as they start to make repairs to the rails. >> anny has our thursday forecast. good morning, everyone. time now 6:12 on your thursday morning. hey, it is gorgeous outside today. i don't think it gets better than this for july day. low humidity. mostly sunny and storm-free. here is a look at your traffic with kris. good morning. >> good morning. we're taking a fly of the bw parkway. no problems here from 32 down past 198 toward the greenbelt and the beltway. everything is looking good. i'm going to have a look at virginia roads coming up at 6:18. mike and andrea, over to you. investigators in yaibd say they have no leads in three deadly bombings that left 17 people dead in mumbai. >> that's one of the stories making news now at 6:12. indian authorities are calling this a coordinated terror attack. they say there were no warnings about a potential attack and they're not sure if these were suicide bombings or explosive devices left behind. 131 people were also injured. funeral is set for today in michigan for former first lady petty ford. her bodcy arrived there yesterday. mrs. ford died last friday. she will be laid to rest next to her late husband, former president gerald ford. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani is heading to new hampshire today. it is believed he's exploring the potential run for the republican presidential nomination once again. he has five appearances in the granite state. today is july 14th which is the french holiday bastille day. >> so, have a croissant for breakfast and maybe a latte as you learn a little bit about the holiday. it was on july 11, 1789 the people of paris stormed the armor at the bastille for ammunition. >> on july 14th ngs 1790, the french had a huge feast to celebrate what was seen as the end of the french revolution. it became an official holiday 90 years later. >> today, the french mark the day with parades, music, fireworks and food. speaking of food, let's go to anny hong in the kitchen. >> good morning, guys. i've got executive chef joining us. he's the executive chef at napoleon bistro. one of my favorite restaurants around the area. i lived in pair fies year. i love it. he's joining us. to show us how to make crepes for your breakfast. what do you have going on here? >> well, i have over here, some crepes. and basically, crepes are very, very wonderful thing. small, thin pancake. it can be sweet. you can use it for chicken or bov, whatever. >> let's put it together. how do you do this? >> well, what you do is you get the crepes -- which is made of flour, eggs and milk. >> ok. >> you're going to put that in there now. >> go ahead and put it in. >> yes. >> it is basically chicken with diced chicken breast. >> what's the secret to getting it like really thin? that's the tough part for a lot of people. for me, too. >> it is -- everything depends on the batter. the batter. make sure that it is very thin. >> we've got a minute left. we want to put that on there. you want to do one more, you say? >> the wild mushroom crepes. >> wild mushroom. >> ok. >> which is also a light appetizer. a black truffle. on top of that. >> that's this one here. >> ok. >> we've got 30 seconds left. we're going to dry. the web sites are we'll have the recipes on later today. >> of course, of course. we do this -- we're known for our french crepes. and you can stop by. we have desserts. you can also do that with some -- >> i love it. >> if you love nutella chocolate, you'll love these because what we do is we take the nutella, spread it and have some strawberries or banana and roll it in there. >> i think we're going to try it. you guys are going to get it. >> yes. >> i'll try some later. >> this is basically one of my favorite right here. >> oh, really? >> yes. >> thank you so much for joining us. i'll let you guys do some taste testing. save a little bite for me. i'm going to talk about our forecast. segue into our forecast. if you got crepes this morning and a croissant, eat outside if you can because we've got lots of sunshine. the dew points are low so the humidity is out of here. here is your day planner forecast. a bit breezy this morning. temperatures in the low 80s by this afternoon. near mid-80s around 3:00 and 5:00. we're looking storm-free. no need for the umbrellas today. we did need the umbrella yesterday. here's a look at the satellite radar picture. we saw storms go through with that cold front. then behind that front, it left behind some cooler air and drier air. right now, it is in the lower 60s for andrews air force base. 69 in d.c. 63 in winchester. i like seeing 60s now. we've been seeing 70s and 80s. dew points in the 50s. that's why it feels so much better out there. you can actually breathe. sunny morning commute to bring the shades. a bit breezy this morning. less humid. open your windows later tonight. i think you can give the ac break. friday still looking fantastic. highs today around mid 80s for downtown. 82 annapolis for the -- toward the water. fredericksburg, you're only up to 84 degrees. winchester 84. luray in the lower 80s. we should be in the upper 80s for this time of year. we'll take these below average temperatures for today. here's a look at your next three days. you like today's weather. guess what. tomorrow is a repeat. another great day. the weekend, even looking just as fantastic. 87 degrees for saturday. under partly cloudy conditions. we've got high pressure in control. which is why we're not worried about any storms or rain. here is a look at your seven- day forecast. sunday, we heat things up around upper 80s close to 90 degrees. on monday, lower 90s. clouds moving in tuesday, wednesday, could be unsettled for some folks. maybe some scattered showers and thunderstorms but we're going to be hot. temperatures in the mid-90s by tuesday and wednesday. but get outside today. and this weekend. you must be outside. here's a look at your traffic with kris. good morning, kris. >> good morning, anny. everything is looking good. we'll start off with the green light. we are starting to see some yellow and red pick up on our map here. let's zoom on in to 95. red and yellow past route 1. let's take a live look. we're slow from the prince william parkway. start to back down from route one all the way up to 7100 and the mixing bowl. going back to our maps, we'll zoom in toward 66 now. we've got a little bit of yellow around route 50. let's go live. sun glare showing drivers down from 50 to 123 adding to that day. that's about an extra ten minutes. all right. travel times for drivers, 95 southbound looks good up, up to speed. inner loop from route 4 across the wilson bridge. d.c. 295 from the beltway up to the 11th street bridge, not seeing any problems there. i'll have a look at 395 coming up at 6:25. andrea and mike, over to you. thank you very much, kris. before we go to break, we're tasting -- somebody is trying to get in on this here. >> that's fantastic. >> ok. >> all right. >> we do our our question of the day. >> question of the morning, the average woman, almost 26 when she does this for the first time. is it a, get married. b, go on a blind date or c, get her own apartment. >> latoya says a, i got my first apartment at 21. i got married two weeks after turning 26 while erica agrees with a saying because until then, girls just wanna have fun. >> join the conversation. log on to our facebook page and leave your comments and guesses and we'll reveal them in the next half hour. we were just devouring the crepes. we were loving it. a gorge day outside. it is going to be beautiful. lots of sunshine. step outside, you're going to notice the difference in the humidity. here's a look at your forecast. by 9:00, 74. breezy at times out there. by noon, lots of sun and the lower 80s. by 5:00, 84 degrees. it is really good stuff out there temperaturewise. currently, 69 degrees, partly cloudy. andrea and mike, over to you guys. >> this is also tres mois. it would be the first women's title for the u.s. soccer team since 1949. >> it was the last time. >> advance over france. tied at 1. abbey wambach scores. u.s.a. wins 3-1. we'll play japan sunday for the world cup title. the british open is underway today across the pond and all eyes are on u.s. open champ rory mcelroy. the favorite going into the tournament. his biggest competitor though may be the weather. it is expected to be extremely windy over the next two days. a lot of people were complaining that he hasn't done anything since the open here and so will he be rusty? >> good luck to rory. >> still to come, how one airline is helping commuters avoid traffic. all within one city. >> a montgomery county community rocked by a crime. >> kris sneed in for angie. >> checking out 395 northbound, we're slowing down here from edsel all the way up to seminary. drivers should expect a bigger slowdown as the morning progresses on. i'll have a look at d.c. roads and anny will have your forecast when 9news now returns after the break. this is always the place to get your weather first. here is a live look at the u.s. botanical gardens in southwest washington. a sunny morning to visit a garden anywhere and get this... 69 degrees right now! lower humidity. it is going to be a gorgeous day! >> sure beats the 83, 84 we had a couple of mornings this week. >> yesterday, it was 83. >> thanks for starting your day with us. i'm mike hydeck. >> i'm andrea roane. howard bernstein is off this week. anny is enjoying the weather terrace. >> divine forecast for you on this thursday. temperatures in the 60s. we've cooled down quite nicely. highs will be warming up into the 80s around downtown. 86 in culpepper. 84 in winchester. lower 80s in annapolis. the dew points will be in the 50s. here's how your next three days are looking. mid-80s not only today but tomorrow as well. saturday, 87 degrees. so, you must, you must get outside before the heat and humidity returns for next week. as of now, we're storm-free. enjoy it. here is a look at your traffic with kris. good morning. >> good morning, anny. our first problem of the morning, you have a yellow light to start. we'll go to our graphics here. northbound bw parkway at 495, report of an accident there to watch out for. if you're coming up from the district using 295, taking the bw parkway, watch out for that. going to our overview, we'll zoom into the district right now. and do a little camera tour in northeast at bladensburg. a little bit of sunshine out there. slowing drivers down from the times building over to bladensburg. northwest connecticut avenue at calvert street, no major problems there right now. going into constitution avenue and 23rd, it is coming out 66 and the roosevelt bridge there. everything is moving well as you head into the district that way. taking a look at trains, metro, vre and mark are all an time. not reporting any delays on the trains. i'm going to have a look around the area at 6:46. mike and andrea? >> thanks, kris. >> tensions are running high between democrats and republicans as they get closer to the debt ceiling deadline. >> 19 days to go. wall street is telling lawmakers to get a deal done. >> jessica doyle is following the cret dealing debate. she's with us live from capitol hill. good morning, jess. >> good morning to both of you. good morning, everybody. that's right. they'll be back at it today at the white house. both sides sitting down yet again to try to hammer out a deal on the debt ceiling. after meeting yesterday, what happened exactly, that really depends on who you ask. republicans, house majority eric kantor was speaking with the president, pressing for a short-term deal on the debt ceiling when the president threw down the gauntlet and said that's not going to happen and essentially stormed out. democrats say the president gave kantor a stern warning. now, whatever happens, we only have three weeks to get a deal done and federal reserve chief ben bernanke was on the hill talking to house members and making a case for short-term deal on the debt ceiling and a long-term deal on our nation's spending problem. >> we need both. it increases the debt limit which will prevent us from defaulting on obligations which we've already incurred which will create tremendous problems for our economy. but we also need, of course, to take a serious attack on the unsustainability of our fiscal position. both of those things could be accomplished. >> now, it is not just ben bernanke putting lawmakers on notice. it is also wall street. moody's moving a step closer to downgrading debt. putting a review in place prompted by "the possibility that the debt limit will not be raised in time" to prevent a missed payment on interest or principal on outstanding bonds and notes. following in the footsteps of standard & poors which puts the u.s. on notice back in april, moving us to a negative outlook. now, they don't have to wait for the u.s. to default on debt. these rating agencies can downgrade our debt at any time and they may actually have a case to be made to do so since they received so much heat during the financial crisis for not sounding the alarm bells early enough. this time around, they're definitely being much more aggressive on the nation's financial situation. mike, back to you in the studio. >> thank you, jessica live not far from treasury this morning. lawyers for baseball legend roger clemens are raising questions about the authority of congress. his legal teams doubts the legitimacy into whether or not he used steroids. he testified to lawmakers three years ago he never used the drugs. the statements led to his perjury trial. prosecutors maintain that congress has legitimate interest in regulating performance-enhancing drugs because it relates to the u.s. drug policy they say. tonight, residents of the anacostia neighborhoods will get a first look at plans to redevelop st. elizabeth's campus. 170 acres of the former mental office will be turned into homes, offices, parks and shops. city lawmakers say it will bring more jobs and opportunities. the meeting begins at the imagine southeast charter school. an elderly korean man is behind bars accused of assaulting two women who need the his help. 72-year-old chuk lee attacked unemployed women who came to him to find work. he made his victims watch pornography in a locked room before attacking them at his employment agency. >> if you're not familiar, for example with this country or with the types of practices that go on at an employment agency, then you might be very confused and very concerned when you watch a video like this. >> police are encouraging anyone who was victimized to come forward regardless of their immigration status. >> people in one montgomery county neighborhood are asking why. why would someone vandalize nearly 20 vehicles by slashing tires and leaving hateful graph graffiti on them. it happened along winbreaux street in the clover leaf section of silver spring. montgomery police are calling it a hate crime. >> i was furious. i was like really? >> reporter: it is bad enough that overnight vandals slashed two of patrick's tires but they also scrolled this gay slur across the side of his white pickup. >> i don't even know what it means. i'm nowhere near whatever it is. >> a block away, matt's car got similar treatment. >> just the tires. i didn't get the spray paint. >> but his neighbor did. >> hard to tell because of the bad artwork. there was a swastika. >> then there was this van. we've blurred out the racial slur. >> nothing but slashed tires and spray paint. >> this is one of 20 cars hit overnight. the big question now is, of course, who did this and why? >> i really have no idea. i think young kids come through late at night unsupervised and do stupid things. >> montgomery county police believe it is all connected. they're investigating it as a hate crime. briana isn't willing to wait for closure to this case. she spent the morning cleaning up her street. >> i didn't like it. i'm sure since it was a nazi sign and -- i'm pretty sure a lot of people that -- jews or gay people wouldn't like that very much. i didn't want anybody to see that and be offended. >> if the vandals try to do it again -- >> if it wasn't illegal, i would put a bat to their heads. >> look out! if you have any clues on who is behind the vandalism, give montgomery county crime solvers a call. 1-866-411-tips. the people behind this could face up to ten years in prison and a $10,000 fine. at 6:37, a commuter alert. metro is giving you plenty of warning on this one. it has released its track work calendar from now through june 2012. and there will be work just about every weekend between now and then and it will close stations and cause some delays. metro says the work is needed to make important repairs and safety upgrades. here's what you need to know for this weekend. the orange line will be split in two with no service between east falls church and west falls church. it starts friday night and goes through sunday. free shuttles will get you around the gaps but add 30 minutes to your trip. >> on the red line, trains will single track between dupont circle and judiciary square. that begins tomorrow night at 10:00. tack on an additional 30 minutes for that commute. on the blue and yellow lines, trains will share a track. you'll need an extra 20 minutes for that trip. >> well, when you think of los angeles, you probably think of palm trees and movie stars and of course, the traffic. >> this week, they're bracing for some of the worst congestion ever. they've nicknamed it carmageddon. >> here is a live look at what they call the 405. it is busiest in the world. 400,000 cars pass on it every day. ten miles will be closed for this weekend for construction projects. four miles of the southbound side will also close and the local government is doing all it can to convince drivers they will survive. things will be ok. >> if we keep telling you the stories -- >> jetblue is providing a unique way around the nightmare offering $1 flights from long beach to burbank. the 40 mile flight will take about 40 minutes, most on the taxiway. >> not a bad deal. >> right now, our time is 6:39. today is going to be a lovely one weatherwise. sunny with highs in the 80s. up next, anny hong tells us how long this spell will last. >> here's a live look at traffic here at home. southbound 270, not too shabby so far. our next timesaver traffic, a few minutes away. >> here's what's on channel 9 tonight... 6:44 on this thursday morning. anny hong is here with our weather and it is a good one. >> it is gorgeous outside. must, you must make plans to be outside the next few days as we're looking at some really great conditions. it is not going to be that hot and the humidity really -- this is as low as they get for this time of year. here is a look at your day planner for this thursday. i keep wanting to say friday. it is pre-friday. we're getting there. by this morning, we'll have some breezy conditions. at noon, temperatures in the lower 80s. winds will be out of the northeast bringing in cooler and drier air. by 5:00, mostly sunny, 84 degrees. great for happy hour. your satellite and radar picture, we did pick up an inch at reagan national since yesterday. so, finally, the grass and the lawns getting some much-needed water. currently, it is 69 degrees in downtown. lower 70s in annapolis. orange, 64 degrees. culpepper, 63. leesburg around 64 degrees. dew points are in the 50s. 53 in downtown. 57 in winchester. go a little farther south around the 60s. a little sticky the farther south you go. around the d.c. metro area, it looks great and it feels great. sunny morning commute. so, bring out the shades. no need for the umbrella. breezy to start out and less humid. now, open your windows tonight because i think you can give your ac a break here and friday is still fantastic. so, your highs for today, around mid-80s. we should be upper 80s. a little bit below the average high. 86 in culpepper. fredericksburg, near mid-80s. annapolis in the lower 80s. winchester around 84 degrees. cumberland to the lower 80s. thanks to the canadian high pressure and that northeasterly breeze, it is going to be a very, very comfortable day. we're finally getting relief. we promised, we're delivering today. gorgeous day today. friday is a repeat of more great weather. saturday looks great, too. you have to plan to get outside if you can. take the kids out. go on the hike and the jog. the weekend looking just fantastic. now, sunday, we dial up the heat and the humidity a little bit. temperatures near 90 for sunday or upper 80s. on monday, we're in the low 90s. tuesday, wednesday, 95 degrees and a chance for scattered showers and thunderstorms. more so tuesday than wednesday. here's a look at your morning commute. with timesaver traffic with kris. >> good morning, anny. things have definitely picked up out there. we had the yellow light. 66 eastbound, we're slow from 234 to route 29 with an accident out there to the shoulder. from 50 to 123 with an accident. you can see sun glare becoming a factor. 95 southbound, an accident at 234. jammed up northbound from route one toward the mixing bowl and on route one, an accident to watch out for at longview drive there at woodbridge. 295 northbound, jammed up from 495 up to king street. that's about 25 minutes there. northbound bw parkway at 495 to watch out for. slowing drivers down. the slict, outer loop in maryland. we are slow from 95 over to georgia avenue. you can see it is a slow commute right now. jammed up and sun becoming a factor for drivers there. moving over to 270, we're slow from falls road all the way down toward the split. we had earlier police activity off to the shoulder. that's gone. i'll have a look at all of our problems at 6:58. >> thank you, kris. >> harry potter fans across the country are gearing up for tonight's big premiere. >> you can hear them stampeding toward the movie theatres now. >> at midnight, the movie comes out. some lucky fans have already seen it. >> they attended the film's local premiere at amc's theatre. the story line has been with some of them since childhood. >> i still can't believe that the sourcer's stone came out when i was about 10 or 11 and i'm 19 and going to see harry potter. it has been -- from -- into early adulthood. >> harry potter and the deathly hallows part two is the eighth movie in the series! are you going to a potter premiere? we want to see your photo. snap a few shots outside the theatre, not inside while the movie is going on. upload them to our facebook page at and we will share them tomorrow morning right here on 9news now. it is 6:48. 69 degrees here in northwest washington. we have a check on the news before you go up next. >> first, the answer to our question of the morning. the average woman is almost 26 when she does this for the first time. is it a, get married. b, go on a blind date or c, get her observe apartment. >> the answer is a, get married. while women get married for the first time at age 26, for men, the average age is 28. here is your united airlines travel cast. right now, dulles international, 61 degrees. a cool start. lots of sun and the winds are calm. we'll first stop at chicago o'hare international. lots of sunshine there. temperatures warming up into the lower 80s. denver, bring your umbrellas there warming up into the low 90s. showers with thunderstorms are in the forecast. las vegas is 100 degrees today. a hot one there. los angeles, pleasant at 73. mostly sunny at l.a.x. in seattle, 68 degrees with showers and rain. good morning. time now, 6:52 on your thursday morning. hey, bring out the sunglasses for today, the sunscreen. >> no need for the umbrella. temperatures around 74 by 9:00. it will be breezy this morning at times. at noon, lower 80s. at 5:00, 84 degrees. the humidity is outta here. currently, it is 69 degrees on your mostly sunny conditions. here's mike and andrea. >> good morning. today is thursday, july 14th. here is a check on the news before you go. the son of councilman marion barry will be back in court later this month. it was revealed yesterday that christopher barry is facing drug possession charges from an arrest in may. no comment from either barry. the fund-raising numbers are out for the virginia senate race. in the second quarter, democrats tim kaine raised $2.2 million. both men are trying to replace jim webb who is not running for re-election. work should wrap up by lunchtime on repairs to this water maybe break. it flooded the hampton park area of capitol heights, maryland yesterday. the crews had been working through the night to get things fixed. "the early show" begins in just about six minutes. >> right now, chris wragge tell us what's coming it up toe top of the hour. >> just ahead on "the early show," anger comes to the table in debt talks. emotions run high as the deadline looms. talks appear at a standstill. we'll have a report from capitol hill and the white house on a tough night of discussions. >> plus, rupert murdoch may have to appear before parliament to answer he can't questions about the hacking scandal. they've arrested another person in their investigation. >> one win away from the world cup. u.s.a. wins in dramatic fashion. they'll face japan in the world cup finals. we'll have highlights from their waibd talk with two of soccer's hottest stars coming up here on "the early show." mike, andrea, back to you. one more traffic and weather check when 9news now returns. at progressive, you can bundle your home and auto policies and save. don't worry, tiny people. flo is a gentle giant. bundle home and auto at >> naming an official drink for the district of klum is what jack evans wants to do. he's from ward two. he said the ricky needs to be that drink. >> we're going to make the official proclamation. it will be the nation's capital, the birthplace of this classic cocktail called the ricky. and we have the recipe for the ricky and there it is. two ounces of bourbon, rye whiskey or begin, your choice. half of a lime squeezed in the glass and add sparkling water and then just say cheers! what is interesting about this is that it was started at the shoemaker bar at 1331e street, the site of the current jw marriott hotel. from the willard hotel to 13th street in the old days was known as rum row. where politicians, lobbyists and journalists hung out a lot. >> probably not going to get away with that. >> not anymore. anny? >> seven-day forecast, temperatures are going to feel really nice today. low humidity. by late this afternoon. 85 degrees. friday, also the same deal. then the weekend looking nice as well. sunday getting a little warm. temperatures in the upper 80s close to 90. tuesday, wednesday, maybe some scattered showers and thunderstorms. the next three, four days, you gotta get inside and make plans -- you gotta get outside and make plans and enjoy it. >> northbound route 1, at east longview drive in woodbridge, the left lane is blocked there due to an accident involving a pedestrian. there are slowdowns at the scene. i'll keep you updated on this throughout the morning. to route 29, we're slow. 50 over toward nutley street. moving over to 395, northbound, we're jammed from the beltway to king. then eastbound on mcduffy southwest freeway, we have an accident to watch out for there. andrea? >> thank you. "the early show" is next. of course, anny will be back in 25 minutes with an update and we will be back tomorrow morning at 4:25. have a great day!

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Dupont Circle ,District Of Columbia ,United States ,New York ,Germantown ,Maryland ,Canada ,Japan ,Fredericksburg ,Ontario ,New Hampshire ,Longview ,Turkey ,Willard Hotel ,Capitol Heights ,Virginia ,Anacostia ,Michigan ,Washington ,Denver ,Colorado ,East Falls Church ,United Kingdom ,Urbana ,Mumbai ,Maharashtra ,India ,Leesburg ,Hampton Park ,Illinois ,West Falls Church ,Libya ,Capitol Hill ,France ,Paris ,Rhôalpes ,Chicago ,Montgomery County ,Canadian ,French ,British ,Jack Evans ,Rory Mcelroy ,Tim Kaine ,Martin Luther King ,Los Angeles ,Jim Webb ,Kris Sneed ,Ben Bernanke ,Gerald Ford ,Andrea Roane ,Bruce Johnson ,Eric Kantor ,Las Vegas ,Christopher Barry ,Marion Barry ,Jessica Doyle ,Howard Bernstein ,Mitch Mcconnell ,Joe Walsh ,Harry Potter ,Rudy Giuliani ,Roger Clemens ,Hillary Clinton ,Michael Stipe ,

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