Central Investigation Bureau of Nepal Police, ending almost two months of investigation into the Lalita Niwas land grab scam, submitted its report to Kathmandu District Government Attorney’s Office, indicting 238 people as defendants, including four former minister who had recommended transfer of government land to private ownership, to the government.
KATHMANDU, Aug 23: The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of Nepal Police submitted the probe report to the Office of the District Government Attorney (ODGA), Kathmandu, on Tuesday, assessing the loss of around Rs 18 billion in the case of embezzlement of government land inside Lalita Niwas in Baluwatar. The report recommended making 238 people defendants and claiming Rs 18 billion in compensation from them.
The government had earlier refused to order a high-level probe into the case of seizure of 100 kg gold on July 19 after it was cleared by the Customs. The seizure was made just about 1 km from the international airport.