as kingman coped with the tragedy in its midst, the smallest victims in the vashti and brett seacat story endured what horrors we cannot imagine. kathleen left her home in oklahoma to help care for vashti s young sons shortly after her sister died. and perhaps more than anyone, she was learning what violent death could do to a family. we held those babies all night. they would wake up. they were traumatized by the fire. so, to rock the little 2 1/2-year-old, begging you, please ask jesus, please, bring my mommy back. i ll be good. i need a mommy. that breaks your heart. and this went on for a long time at night, sobbing for hours. those poor kids. i mean, you re trying to process
he said, he needed a few more days to get out. could she please come home and let him tell his voice goodbye and just talk. i begged her to not go. as she said, kathleen, my only way out is to try to reason with him. she said, i m not a monster. i m not a monster. he has nowhere else. rich talk to vashti that friday about dinnertime. the whole conversation was, paces, how are things going in light of the situation. everything she said was, well, brett it s having a really hard time with this. brett brett is really struggling with this. it hurt her that he was sore torn up. in less than 12 hours later, vashti was dead. kathleen rich told investigators that s the truth, as they saw it. they were certain brett killed vashti, made it look like suicide and because he was a
kathleen, vashti was miserable again. she was feeling depressed then. so she and brett start facing a therapist, together, and alone. but things didn t get any better. so in the spring of 2011, vashti filed for divorce. this was an a spontaneous, oh elf think i ll just get divorce. and i know she had thought eight through well enough. she had had enough of it and told kathleen so. she said, he s a grandiose narcissist and is not going to get better. it s not going to change. but was vashti depressed as brett was saying? not anymore said kathleen and rich. they talk to her all the time they said. and though she was sad about the divorce, she was looking forward finally to a happier life. she felt liberated, they said. was excited about her job. was losing weight, starting new friendships. i m planning a vacation with