The project, titled “She Codes for Peace – Girl Empowerment through Coding,” used computer coding to connect young women, in Angola and beyond, so they can learn what is possible.
The project, titled, “She Codes for Peace – Girl Empowerment through Coding” is about using computer coding to connect young women, in Angola and beyond, so they can learn what is possible.
For your information
Fall 2021 Updates: Our goal is to advance to Phase 6 (in-person learning) of our re-opening plan in time for the Fall semester. Read More Four Students Prepare for Davis Peace Projects
May 14, 2021
Jazmin Nunez Scolari and Mia Maldonado will work with indigenous members of the Chaco region of Paraguay to create a brighter future. Diane Toussaint Mbahoze will lead a community awareness campaign centered around sex education and reproductive health in Rwanda. Welile Simelane will work with communities in Eswatini to provide hygiene kits and solar-powered lamps.
Three current students, one recent graduate. Three Davis Projects for Peace. Countless people impacted on two different continents.